Freedoms and Flexibilities. ▪ No additional freedoms and flexibilities are required. Shared Assumptions: ▪ The period of measurement is the financial year. Funding Streams: ▪ Delivery of this outcome will be supported through the Safer and Stronger Communities Fund. Notes: ▪ N/A * denotes new mandatory indicators that have been added to the Local Area Agreement through the 2006/07 Refresh process. ▪ N/A** denotes indicators that will no longer be measured after 2006/07 as they have been replaced by new mandatory indicators.
Freedoms and Flexibilities. 5.9.1 As this is not officially the LAA this has not been a focus of the SSCF and the current guidance is unclear on the position of non LAA areas on this. Nevertheless it is envisaged that we will be asking for some freedoms and flexibilities which have identified in the development of the SSCF: • flexibility to use money allocated to tackle drugs and the fear of drugs on tackling alcohol related crime and anti-social behaviour. • On the worklessness agenda there are a number of freedoms and flexibilities being sought by other LAA areas in the first two rounds which apply nationally particularly around benefits and hours allowed for volunteering or work experience.
Freedoms and Flexibilities. Currently most of the targeted funding received by social services would have an appropriate impact on the target group for this LPSA. Further discussions will be required with colleagues in Education to see if any specific grants or funding they currently have would require some flexibility in order to target more successfully at this group. Some flexibility to deal with end of year under / over spend would be advantageous.
Freedoms and Flexibilities. Essential that Government assists urban policy by not agreeing to any relaxation of the Green Belt policy and boundaries for next two decades.
5. Financials - How Pump-priming and Unsupported Credit will be used Target R2 (RESERVE) – To reduce overall levels of worklessness in the Borough
1. Rationale for Selection 6092 29800 20320
Freedoms and Flexibilities. In addition to the core freedoms and flexibilities outlined in the ODPM Guidance the following specific Freedoms and Flexibilities are sought for the Leicestershire LAA. More detail is contained in Appendix 6. In summary, the freedoms and flexibilities initially being sought are: Older People To be developed further. Data sharing between health, social care and pensions service Flexibility on procurement restrictions re vending machines and catering Flexibility on pricing policies in leisure centres and access for hard to reach groups Flexibility to direct Mental Health Support Grant to Health Promotion Activities Flexibility to direct Learning Disability Development Fund to Health Promotion Activities (Further discussion taking place to clarify requirements and to test need for them) Young People Flexibility in use of Carers Grant (from only providing carer “breaks”) and Children’s Fund ( ability to carry forward funding) Relaxing of the ring fencing of drugs treatment budgets Relaxation of the capital/revenue split Cleaner & Greener Flexibility to be able to sue core funding from Business Link, UKTI and LSC to work within the LAA priority sectors Freedom from emda performance management arrangements
Freedoms and Flexibilities. In support of target 9 SCHEDULE 3: PUMP PRIMING GRANT IN SUPPORT OF INVEST TO SAVE OR INVEST TO IMPROVE PROJECTS SCHEDULE 4: PERFORMANCE REWARD GRANT The total potential grant The reward for achievement on a target Payment of the grant
Freedoms and Flexibilities. None
5. Financials - How Pump-priming and Unsupported Credit will be used Target 11 – Reduce crime and the fear of crime; improve performance overall, including by reducing the gap between the highest Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership areas and the best comparable areas and reduce domestic burglary by 25% from 1998-99 to 2005 and maintain that level
1. Rationale for Selection
Freedoms and Flexibilities. Request a significant reduction in the current bureaucracy methodology of the Home Office with reference to funding streams.
Freedoms and Flexibilities. Some freedoms and flexibilities identified that would help achieve the target are identified as: When responding to the government consultation paper “e-gov at local” (April 2002) about tackling obstacles to close joint working, we identified that clearer guidance is needed which enables information to be shared. This includes the development of unique reference numbers, which are common across partner organisations. The ability to share information and data effectively to mutual benefit will advance the case for joint provision immeasurably, and improve customer access to services. A further flexibility that is required is the need to be able to work closely with colleagues in the DWP and Job Centre Plus to organise, to some degree, joint visits or sharing of information from visits to clients homes.
Freedoms and Flexibilities. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) will establish arrangements which allow for receipts arising from Fixed Penalty Notices for dog fouling and street littering issued under the Dog Fouling - Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996 and the Environmental Protection Act, surrendered by Wirral Council to the Secretary of State, to be repaid to the Authority for use in relation to approved categories of initiatives to further improve street cleanliness in Wirral. The income derived could then be used to support litter prevention action.