Health Risk Assessment (HRA) Sample Clauses

Health Risk Assessment (HRA). The CONTRACTOR shall conduct the HSD standardized Health Risk Assessment (HRA) on all Members who are: (i) newly enrolled in Centennial Care; and (ii) who are not in CCL2 or CCL3 and who have a change in health condition that requires a higher level of care, per HSD guidelines and processes. The HRA is conducted for the purpose of: (i) introducing the CONTRACTOR to the Member; (ii) obtaining basic health and demographic information about the Member; and (iii) confirming the need for a CNA. The HSD standardized HRA may be conducted by telephone or in-person; HRA information must be obtained from the Member or representative and must be documented in the Member’s file. The MCO shall ensure its staff, or vendor(s) conducting the HSD standardized HRA is adequately trained to effectively conduct the HSD standardized HRA. The HRA shall be completed with every new Member within thirty (30) Calendar Days of notification to the CONTRACTOR of the Member’s enrollment in the CONTRACTOR’S MCO. The HRA and the CNA may be performed concurrently. The CONTRACTOR shall use the HSD standardized HRA as well as utilization and Claims data to identify a Member’s current and emergent needs related to Care Coordination. The CONTRACTOR may add questions to the HSD standardized HRA only with HSD approval. The CONTRACTOR shall make reasonable efforts to contact new Members to conduct an HRA and provide information about Care Coordination. Such efforts shall include, but shall not be limited to, engaging community supports such as Community Health Workers, CSAs and Centers for Independent Living. The CONTRACTOR shall document at least three (3) attempts to contact a Member which includes at least one (1) attempt to contact the Member at the phone number most recently reported by the Member and using the Member’s last reported residential address. The three (3) attempts shall be followed by a letter sent to the Member's most recently reported address that provides information about Care Coordination and how to obtain an HRA. Documentation of the three
Health Risk Assessment (HRA). A comprehensive assessment of an Enrollee’s medical, psychosocial, cognitive, and functional status in order to determine their medical, behavioral health, LTSS, and social needs.
Health Risk Assessment (HRA). The Contractor shall have programs and processes in place to address the preventive and chronic physical and behavioral health care needs of its population. The Contractor shall implement processes to assess, monitor, and evaluate services to all subpopulations, including but not limited to, the on-going special conditions that require a course of treatment or regular care monitoring, Medicaid eligibility category, type of disability or chronic conditions, race, ethnicity, gender and age. The Contractor shall conduct initial health screening assessments, including mental health and substance use disorders screenings, of new Members who have not been enrolled with the Contractor in the prior twelve (12) month period for the purpose, of accessing the Members’ health care needs within ninety (90) days of Enrollment. If the Contractor has a reasonable belief a Member is pregnant, the Member shall be screened within thirty (30) days of Enrollment, and if pregnant, referred for appropriate prenatal care. The Contractor agrees to make all reasonable efforts to contact new Members in person, by telephone, or by mail to have Members complete the initial health screening questionnaire which includes the survey instrument for both substance use and mental disorders. Reasonable effort is defined as at least three attempts to contact the Member with at least one of those attempts by phone. The three attempts by the Contractor may not be within the same day. Information to be collected shall include demographic information, current health and behavioral health status to determine the Member’s need for care management, disease management, behavioral health services and/or any other health or community services. The Contractor shall use appropriate health care professionals in the assessment process. Members shall be offered assistance in arranging an initial visit to their PCP for a baseline medical assessment and other preventive services, including an assessment or screening of the Members potential risk, if any, for specific diseases or conditions including substance use and mental health disorders. The Contractor shall submit a quarterly report on the number of new Member assessments; number of assessments completed; number of assessments not completed after reasonable effort; and number of refusals. The Contractor shall, upon request, share with the Department or another MCO, if the Member is assigned to the MCO, the result of any identification and assessment of th...
Health Risk Assessment (HRA). The CONTRACTOR shall conduct the HSD standardized Health Risk Assessment (HRA) on all Members who are (1) newly enrolled in Centennial Care and (2) who are not in CCL2 or CCL3 and who have a change in health condition that requires a higher level of care coordination, per HSD guidelines and processes, the HRA is conducted for the purpose of (i) introducing the CONTRACTOR to the Member,
Health Risk Assessment (HRA). The Contractor shall have programs and processes in place to address the preventive and chronic physical and behavioral health care needs of its
Health Risk Assessment (HRA). A. Coordinate and conduct an annual Health Risk Assessment campaign designed to identify existing and emerging health issues, and to provide a baseline for establishing a health improvement/maintenance plan. B. The questionnaire should contain sufficiently plain language so as to be able to be completed by participants without assistance from a medical professional. C. Provide convenient access to the HRA, including but not limited to, on-line HRA, telephonic assistance completing the HRA and paper HRA forms (as approved and requested by the County). D. HRA technical support will be provided live by Contractor’s in-house representatives. Representatives will help participants with questions about passwords and logging in, security and confidentiality, HRA completion, incentives, and offer guidance on HRA results, intervention support and provide referrals to other County program components. X. XXX will be written at a 6th – 7th grade reading level. Any changes to the reading level must be approved, in writing and in advance, by the County. F. Online HRA results will be available immediately after the participant has submitted their online assessment. 1. A paper HRA can be requested through HelpLine and will be mailed to participants’ home address that is on file and will include business reply envelope for the HRA to be returned. Paper results will be home-mailed within five business days of receiving a correctly completed paper HRA. Mailing of materials will be done by Contractor. County will be responsible for cost of mailing at actual U.S. Postal rates.
Health Risk Assessment (HRA). A. Coordinate and conduct an annual Health Risk Assessment campaign designed to identify existing and emerging health issues, and to provide a baseline for establishing a health improvement/maintenance plan. B. The questionnaire should contain sufficiently plain language so as to be able to be completed by participants without assistance from a medical professional. C. HRA technical support will be provided live by Contractor’s in-house representatives. Representatives will help participants with questions about passwords and logging in, security and confidentiality, HRA completion, incentives, and offer guidance on HRA results, intervention support and provide referrals to other County program components. D. HRA will be written at a 6th – 7th grade reading level. Any changes to the reading level must be approved, in writing and in advance, by the County. E. Online HRA results will be available immediately after the participant has submitted their online assessment.
Health Risk Assessment (HRA). Employee participation in the City’s Health Risk Assessment (HRA) program is voluntary. To receive the preferred premium contribution rate, the employee must participate in the HRA. Participation by the employee’s spouse in the HRA is encouraged but not required. Participation in the follow-up coaching program is recommended and is offered on a voluntary basis. The City reserves the right to offer an HRA and select the HRA administrator in its sole discretion. The City shall pay for the costs to provide the HRA. In the event the City elects to discontinue the HRA program, employees shall contribute the preferred employee health insurance rates. The City shall not be entitled to nor shall it receive individual participant HRA reports or information. The information received by the City concerning the HRA or participants shall be limited to an aggregate summary report which does not include individually identifiable information.
Health Risk Assessment (HRA). Participation in the City’s Health Risk Assessment (HRA) program is voluntary. To receive the preferred premium contribution rate, the employee and covered spouse must participate in the HRA process. The City reserves the right to offer an HRA and select the HRA administrator in its sole discretion. The City shall pay for the costs to provide the HRA. In the event the City elects to discontinue the HRA program, employees shall contribute the preferred employee health insurance rates. The City shall not be entitled to nor shall it receive individual participant HRA reports or information. The information received by the City concerning the HRA or participants shall be limited to an aggregate summary report which does not include individually identifiable information.
Health Risk Assessment (HRA). The CONTRACTOR shall conduct a Health Risk Assessment (HRA), per HSD guidelines and processes, for the purpose of (i) introducing the CONTRACTOR to the Member, (ii) obtaining basic health and demographic information about the Member, (iii) assisting the CONTRACTOR in determining the level of care coordination needed by the Member, and (iv) determining the need for a nursing facility level of care (NF LOC) assessment. The HRA may be conducted by telephone or in-person. During Steady State, the HRA shall be completed with each Member within thirty (30) Calendar Days of the Member’s enrollment in the CONTRACTOR’s MCO. During the Transition Period, the HRA shall be completed as follows: For all Members who become eligible for New Mexico Medicaid on January 1, 2014 or later, the CONTRACTOR shall conduct the HRA within thirty (30) Calendar Days of the Member’s enrollment. For all other Members, the CONTRACTOR shall conduct the HRA and, if required, a comprehensive needs assessment and a CCP (further described below) within one-hundred eighty (180) Calendar Days following the Member’s enrollment. The CONTRACTOR shall send the Member written notification within ten (10) Calendar Days of receiving the Member’s enrollment file that explains how the Member can reach the care coordination unit for assistance with concerns or questions pending the HRA and comprehensive needs assessment process. The CONTRACTOR shall use an HRA approved by HSD as well as any available utilization and Claims data to identify a Member’s current and emergency needs related to care coordination. At a minimum, the following must be performed as part of the HRA: Verify name, address, telephone number and Medicaid number; Request current or past physical and Behavioral Health conditions or diagnoses; Identify any pending physical or Behavioral Health procedures; Obtain date of most recent physical examination, medical appointment or emergency room visit; Request information about the Member’s interest in receiving care coordination; Request information about the Member’s medications; Request information about Member’s interest in and need for Long-Term Care services; and Request information about language preference and translation needs. The CONTRACTOR shall provide the following information to every Member during his or her HRA: Informat...