Interim Evaluation Sample Clauses
Interim Evaluation. 1. If the Commission considers as appropriate, in the third year following the year of adoption of the first Decision of the conferral of management of aid of the IPARD Programme, the on-going evaluation shall take the form of a separate interim evaluation.
2. The interim evaluation shall propose measures to improve the quality of the IPARD Programme and its implementation. In particular the [Candidate Country] shall ensure that the interim evaluation examines the initial results of the IPARD Programme, their consistency with the ex-ante appraisal, the relevance of the targets and objectives and the extent to which they have been attained. It shall also assess the quality of Programme monitoring and implementation and the experience gained in setting up the system for implementation of the IPARD Programme.
3. The interim evaluation shall be submitted to the IPARD Monitoring Committee, and to the Commission by 31 December of the year referred to in the paragraph 1 of this Article.
4. In addition to the assessment referred to in Article 63(8), the IPARD Monitoring Committee, the Managing Authority and the Commission shall consider the implications of the evaluation with a view to reviewing the IPARD Programme.
5. The Managing Authority shall inform the Commission about the follow-up to the recommendations in the evaluation report.
6. If the [Candidate Country] fails to submit the interim evaluation report by the date referred to in paragraph 3 the provisions of Article 39(4) shall apply.
Interim Evaluation. The Superintendent can request in November of each year an Interim Evaluation. If requested, the School Board shall provide an interim evaluation in December.
Interim Evaluation. 1. During the period of implementation the Beneficiary shall carry out evaluations linked to the monitoring of the programme, in particular where this monitoring reveals a significant departure from the goals initially set or where proposals are made for the revision of the programme. At least one interim evaluation shall be carried out during the period of implementation of the programme. The results of the evaluation shall be sent to the Sectoral Monitoring Committee and to the Commission.
2. Evaluations shall be carried out by internal or external experts or bodies, functionally independent of the authorities referred to in Article 21 of the IPA Implementing Regulation. The results shall be published according to the applicable rules on access to documents.
Interim Evaluation. (1) If the Commission considers as appropriate, in the third year following the year of adoption of the first entrustment of budget implementation tasks for the IPARD II programme, an interim evaluation shall be performed.
(2) The interim evaluation shall propose measures to improve the quality of the IPARD II programme and its implementation, where appropriate. In particular Albania shall ensure that the interim evaluation examines the initial results of the IPARD II programme, their consistency with the ex-ante appraisal, the relevance of the targets and objectives and the extent to which they have been attained. It shall also assess the quality of Programme monitoring and implementation and the experience gained in setting up the system for implementation of the IPARD II programme.
(3) The interim evaluation shall be submitted to the IPARD II monitoring committee, and to the Commission by 31 December of the year referred to in paragraph (1).
(4) In addition to the assessment referred to in Article 54(7), the IPARD II monitoring committee, the Managing Authority and the Commission shall consider the implications of the evaluation with a view to reviewing the IPARD II programme.
(5) The Managing Authority shall inform the Commission about the follow-up to the recommendations in the evaluation report. If Albania fails to submit the interim evaluation report by the date referred to in paragraph (3), Article 37(5) shall apply.
Interim Evaluation a. Effective the 2014-15 school year, if an interim evaluation is necessary, an Interim Evaluation Conference must be held no later than the 25th of January. .
b. If a Bargaining Unit Member is deemed at risk of receiving an unsatisfactory evaluation, the following process is as follows:
(i) Standards that are deemed as potentially unsatisfactory must be identified in writing and discussed.
(ii) A written Improvement Plan with a timeline shall be developed, including identification of support tools. The evaluator and the evaluatee shall mutually agree upon the plan. However, absent agreement, final approval of a reasonable plan shall be the responsibility of the evaluator. Any reasonably necessary and available resources shall be provided to the bargaining unit member by the district.
(iii) All documentation at the Interim Conference shall be kept on site and is only sent to the personnel file if the teacher receives a final unsatisfactory evaluation.
(iv) Bargaining Unit Members at risk of receiving an unsatisfactory final evaluation shall be observed at least twice more between the Interim Evaluation and the Final Evaluation.
Interim Evaluation. For Temporary, Probationary 1 and Unit Members Partially Meeting Standards and Unit Members Who Do Not Meet Standards An interim evaluation report and conference for Temporary and Probationary I employees and a unit member whose “Composite Evaluation” was “Partially Meets Standards” or “Does Not Meet Standards” for the previous year, or equivalent language from the prior year shall be completed by the end of the 16th week of school. The interim evaluation report shall be completed and submitted to the unit member at least one (1) day prior to the conference.
Interim Evaluation. 1. The observation summaries, conferences and Interim Evaluation Report shall be based upon the evaluatee’s area(s) of focus as defined in Section I (Glossary) paragraph 8, the criteria for assessment (see Appendix E) and other area(s) of evaluation set forth in this procedure as previously identified to the evaluatee using the appropriate forms found in Appendix D.1-D.7.
Interim Evaluation. Those areas to be re-evaluated shall be enumerated in writing and given to the unit member. Interim evaluations shall be called for when:
a. The regular evaluation was deemed unsatisfactory by the principal/director/designee, or
b. The unit member requests an interim evaluation.
Interim Evaluation. (a) The Recipient shall, on or about eighteen months after the Effectiveness of the Grant, cause an interim evaluation of the Project to be carried out by an independent group, under terms of reference satisfactory to the Association, and will form the basis of the review between the Association and the Recipient. Such evaluation shall assess, inter alia, the performance of the PMU and other key implementation agencies or entities, including PSAs and civil society organizations and the operation of Project processes, requirements, and other implementation arrangements.
Interim Evaluation. 1. During the period of implementation the Beneficiary shall carry out evaluations linked to the monitoring of the programme, in particular where this monitoring reveals a significant departure from the goals initially set or where proposals are made for the re- vision of the programme. At least one interim evaluation shall be carried out during the period of implementation of the programme. The results of the evaluation shall be sent to the Sectoral Monitoring Committee and to the Commission. The results of evaluation shall be taken into account in the programming and implementation cycle.
2. Evaluations shall be carried out by internal or external experts or bodies, functionally independent of the authorities referred to in Article 21 of the IPA Implementing Regulation. The results shall be published according to the applicable rules on access to documents.