Evidence Base. There is strong evidence to support the use of EHCs to support women with pregnancy choices, reducing teenage pregnancy across Barnsley.
Evidence Base. The service will apply and/or support evidence-based practice and will be informed by national and local drivers for change for example: • Current DoH policy and guidelines, delivery of national key targets & NSF & NICE guidelines • CQC registration requirements • Gold Standards Framework and Liverpool Care Pathway for people at the end of life • Essence of Care • Infection Control Standards e.g. hand hygiene audits • Locality commissioning plans and locally agreed care pathways • The Devon Joint Strategic Plan and subsidiary action and operational plans • The integration of health and social care delivery in Devon through the continuing development of localities and clusters The commissioning specification is supported by the joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2013–16.
Evidence Base. The Department of Health proposed the NHS Health Check programme, based on the evidence and cost benefit presented in the Impact Assessment2 document. Modelling work3 undertaken by the Department of Health (DH) found that offering an NHS Health Check to people between the ages of 40 and 74 and recalling them every five years was both clinically and cost effective. Cardiovascular Disease, which includes heart disease, stroke, diabetes and kidney disease are the biggest causes of death in the UK. The national Health Checks programme could on average: • Prevent 1,600 heart attacks and strokes • Prevent at least 650 premature deaths • Identify over 4,000 new cases of diabetes each year. • Detect at least 20,000 cases of diabetes or kidney disease earlier, allowing individuals to be better managed to improve their quality of life. NICE guidance is available for some of the components of the health check and on interventions in associated referral pathways following the health check e.g. physical activity and smoking cessation. Public Health England has produced a briefing outlining the evidence base supporting the mandated NHS Health Check programme4.
Evidence Base. The National Stroke Strategy; The Cochrane Review of ESD; Royal College of Physicians Clinical Guidelines for Stroke (fourth edition) 2012 The National Sentinel Stroke Audits; The National Service Framework for Older People Standard 5; The Accelerated Stroke Programme; Xxxxxx et al A consensus on stroke early supported discharge (2011) Stroke 42:1392-1397 Evaluation tool to assess the implementation and effectiveness of ESD in practice in rural and mixed settings developed by Collaborative Leadership and Research in Health Care (CLAHRC), for NDL; The East Midlands Public Health Observatory (EMPHO) previous and future demand modelling;
2. Scope 2.1 Aims and objectives of service To provide timely access to eligible patients, to an ESD service which will deliver the best possible outcomes for the patients and allow local NHS providers and commissioners to use resources effectively within the health economy. To ensure a whole system approach that raises standards across the whole stroke pathway by establishing a recommended model and limit point. To deliver stroke specialist ESD services in line with the evidence base, who will support stroke patients on discharge from acute care to their place of residence in order to fulfil identified achievable measureable and agreed rehabilitation goals, and offer support and guidance to their carers and families. In most instances this will occur in a time limited framework. The team will signpost, or transfer to relevant NHS including stroke specialist community rehabilitation, Social Service and voluntary sector services for ongoing support. To show a reduction in length of hospital stay, thereby increase the proportion of patients spending at least 90% of their time on a stroke unit. To ensure timely discharge of all eligible stroke patients e.g. where appropriate patients should be able to access services within 24 hours. To ensure equity of access to an ESD service. To reduce hospital re-admission rates. To reduce premature admission into long term care.
Evidence Base. There is strong evidence to support the use of EHCs to support women with pregnancy choices. Pharmacists must have the appropriate competency and have completed the self-declaration in order to deliver the EHC under the PGD. The must be familiar with and follow NICE, BASH and FSRH guidance relating to contraception and Sexual Health. BASH Home Page NICE Guidance on EHCs FSRH home page The service will be underpinned by the following A quality Standard for contraceptive services (FSRH, 2014) PH51 Contraceptive services with a focus on young people up to the age of 25 (NICE, 2014) A Framework for sexual Health Improvement in England (DH, 2013) Clinical governance in Sexual Health (DH, 2013) Service Standards for Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH 2013) British HIV Association Standards of Care for People Living with HIV (BHIVA 2013) Clinical Guidance – Emergency Contraception (FSRH 2011) UK National Guideline on Safer Sex Advice (BASHH & BHIVA 2012) National Chlamydia Screening Programme Standards (6th Edition 2012) Recommended Standards for Sexual Health Services (MEDFASH 2005) NICE guidelines on prescribing. UKMEC Clinical Guidance for delivery of EHC by the FSRH MHRA Guidance 1.3 General Overview Spectrum Community Health CIC has been awarded the contract to deliver an Integrated Sexual Health Service for Wakefield until April 2019. Spectrum is integrating the GUM and CASH elements of the service and is putting greater focus on prevention of STIs and unintended conceptions. To bring this into practice we are managing and leading a service transformation which requires a change in the model for sexual health provision in Wakefield . Spectrum is delivering an integrated sexual health service with an increase in both the capacity for, and the impact of, the prevention element of the service. Spectrum is investing in dual training of clinical staff to deliver integrated holistic sexual health services in multiple locations .Spectrum uses various methods to increase access to sexual health services for targeted high risk groups. Spectrum is investing in a programme of education and support in schools and other non-school settings, incorporating innovative delivery methods. The service model will promote pro- active outreach work and deliver a one-stop-shop model offering choice to reach all target groups. Spectrums 3 criteria for delivering the Pharmacies EHC element of the service; The service offer will be high quality, inte...
Evidence Base. 1.7.1. With the production of a Revised LDP, there will be a corresponding need to update or renew a number of studies/documents contained within the current LDP evidence base, which underpins the plan. In line with previous AMRs, all contextual, policy and legislative changes that have occurred since the adoption of the LDP will also need to be given due consideration, as part of the evidence base updates. The list below illustrates those evidence base documents that are likely to be required, as part of the LDP full revisions process: • Population Data and Housing Forecasts • Local Housing Market Assessment (LHMA) • Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessment • Urban Capacity Study • Settlement Boundary Review • Sustainable Settlement Hierarchy • Employment Land Review • Retail Study Update • Green Infrastructure Assessment • Assessment of Environmental Constraints • Public Open Space Assessment • Renewable Energy Assessment • Transport Assessment • Landscape
1.7.2. The list is not definitive nor exhaustive, as the need for additional evidence may present itself throughout the plan-making process.
1.7.3. Given that a number of local authorities within South East Wales are currently progressing Revised plans, the Council will endeavour to explore possibilities for the joint commissioning of evidence base documents.
Evidence Base. The MHD HRA analysis is built on the staffing analysis process underway in the division since shortly after its establishment began in late July 2013. This has continued as part of our Operational Plan 2014 objective of creating a funded workforce plan to bring greater clarity to essential staff replacements including consideration of the related areas of skill mix and staffing floors in certain parts of the service. This analysis is based on a database of individual level detail around our circa 9,000 staff and significant work completed in linking these staff to a service setting (acute unit, hostel, community team etc) and to unit capacity, population served etc. This coupled with the data gathering and analysis as part of preparation of this Q1 2014 update, including direct contact with each of the 16 service areas provides a robust basis for the information now provided.
Evidence Base. The evidence base for the advice, care and treatment provided by the Integrated Sexual Health Service consists of best practice and expertise as prescribed by current clinical training, guidance from appropriate professional bodies, relevant national strategies issued by the Department of Health and research evidence including: A Framework for Sexual Health Improvement 2013; National Chlamydia Screening Programme and relevant sexual health NICE guidance (2005; Feb 2007, Feb 2014); MEDfash Standards (2014); Faculty of Reproductive Healthcare clinical standards (2013); The provider must ensure that services provided as part of this specification comply with up to date key policies, best practice, standards and guidelines.
Evidence Base. As this is a new AmeriCorps program and we are developing a new intervention, this program falls into the pre-preliminary level of evidence. As designed, the program focused on two areas that have a strong historical evidence base in the AmeriCorps program: education and environmental stewardship [AmeriCorps, 2021]. While the City of Xxx Arbor's Office of Sustainability and Innovations has never had an AmeriCorps Members, the City does have significant anecdotal evidence of the impact educational activities have on action [Xxx Arbor, 2020; 2021]. For example, for two years the City has worked with residents in the Bryant neighborhood to make this the most sustainable low-income neighborhood in America. Through individual education and outreach, neighborhood events, and the leveraging of trusted institutions, we've been able to engage deeply with over 25% of all residents, assisted 10% with receiving a free A2ZERO Decarbonization Assessment, and helped four households implement actions that are improving indoor air quality, lowering energy bills, and improving comfort. And we've just secured a grant to help 20 more households make improvements identified in their customized A2ZERO Decarbonization Assessment. This work has only been possible through personalized education and outreach - the exact interventions proposed for the 10 AmeriCorps Members. As further justification for the proposed intervention, work by researchers like Xxxxxxxx et al., found that providing stakeholders with "sufficient climate change knowledge... positively influenced participants self-efficacy and willingness to act." [Xxxxxxxx et al., 2022]. And Xxxxxxx et al. found that sustained sustainability-focused education led to individuals taking more pro-environmental actions [Xxxxxxx et al., 2020]. Additionally, Xxxxxxx et al., found that social networks, especially those composed of individuals not assumed to be influential in sustainability fields, including neighbors and community organizations, were effective educators about climate change opportunities [Xxxxxxx et al., 2017]. We've reviewed and have leveraged these, and other, research findings to design our specific Member interventions, with a heavy focus on customized educational outreach techniques and content that directs people to programs that provide specific actions they can take to save money and address the climate crisis. Finally, in designing our application, we reviewed and designed our proposed interventions to mirr...
Evidence Base. 1. The Department of Health’s ‘Making it work: A guide to whole system commissioning for sexual health, reproductive health and HIV’ (revised March 2015) provides an insight into the financial impact of unintended pregnancy: In 2010 unintended pregnancies cost the NHS an estimated £193m in direct medical costs; and It has been estimated that £1 invested in contraception saves £11.09 in averted outcomes.
2. Indeed, a BMJ report (2014) found that the NHS spent almost £4 billion on pregnancy healthcare in 2011. Inclusion of child health costs during the first year of life brings the total NHS healthcare costs to £4.5