Key Personnel Staffing. 15.5.1 The Service Provider shall assign Key Personnel to the Project in accordance with its Staffing and Personnel Plan. Key Personnel shall include, in addition to the General Manager, personnel who perform work in accordance with the job functions as outlined in this section of the Contract. Personnel identified in this contract as key personnel should have a minimum of four (4) years of experience performing a similar job function in a similar transit environment before being assigned to this contract.
15.5.2 CMTA must approve the General Manager assigned to this contract, as well as other Key Personnel. Key Personnel includes: the General Manager and the most senior person in charge of the following functional areas: service operations, vehicle maintenance, technology, and safety and training. One individual key staff member may be responsible for more than one functional area. Key Personnel includes: The General Manager, Metro Access Operations Manager, Pickup Operations Manager, and the most senior person in
15.5.3 The Service Provider shall maintain the Key Personnel identified in its Staffing Plan throughout the Contract Term. All of the Service Provider’s Key Personnel work hours shall be 100 percent dedicated to providing services for CMTA under this Agreement, unless otherwise approved in writing by CMTA. CMTA shall have the authority to direct the removal of any Key Personnel if it is determined that such individual is not performing the Work in a proper or skillful manner or that such removal is otherwise in the best interests of CMTA.
15.5.4 The requirements of this section shall not be construed to (1) restrict Service Provider authority to determine that more than the minimum number of employees identified in subsection (a) are needed to perform the Work; (2) impose a mandatory staffing level throughout the Contract Term; (3) limit the Service Provider’s ability to manage the number of positions and size of workforce it determines to be necessary to perform the Work, consistent with its Staffing and Personnel Plan, as vacancies occur or as services are adjusted, during the Contract Term; or (4) restrict the Service Provider’s ability to dismiss employees for cause during the Contract Term.
15.5.5 The Service Provider will fill vacant Key Personnel positions with CMTA approved persons within sixty (60) calendar days of such a position becoming vacant. For each day the position remains vacant, CMTA shall be issued a rebate equal to the cost ...
Key Personnel Staffing