Land Exchange Sample Clauses
Land Exchange. In order for the Applicant to construct the Connector Road, it will be necessary for the Applicant and the City to exchange certain real property. The Applicant will exchange an approximately 21.89-acre parcel within the Property, as described in Exhibit “E” attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the “Applicant Exchange Parcel”) and labeled “Land Swap” on the Conceptual Plan, with the City for the 100- foot-wide (minimum) right-of-way for the Connector Road within the City’s regional park site, which is approximately 21.3 acres, as described in Exhibit “F” attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the “City Exchange Parcel”), which is depicted on the Conceptual Plan. The Applicant’s parcel has a value greater than the City parcel, as required in Rule 62- 818.016, Florida Administrative Code, which regulates such land exchanges. The Applicant has prepared all deeds, legal descriptions and sketches of description for the parcel exchange, at its expense. Once the Applicant and the City exchange the Applicant Exchange Parcel and the City Exchange Parcel, the legal description of the Property will be as set forth in Exhibit “A-2” attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference.
Land Exchange. (1) In general
Land Exchange. CATS may consider releasing outer portions of the Transit Corridor that aren’t used or needed by CATS to the adjacent Property Owner, as long as the proposed adjacent development is transit supportive and in exchange for certain consideration as determined by CATS. The consideration routinely obtained by the City is listed below: • Deed underlying fee simple in the Transit Corridor to City, thus providing clear fee simple title to the portion of the Transit Corridor used or needed by CATS (this item is mandatory) • Construction and maintenance of the Rail Trail per the Zoning Ordinance or as negotiated with CATS (this item is mandatory) o The Rail Trail includes: landscaping/planting strips, minimum 12’ wide concrete pedestrian path, fencing, pedestrian lighting, , ballast curb (if needed) • Additional pedestrian and bicycle connectivity via easement to City • Drainage improvements • Public art • Cash • Other amenities or improvements as the City deems appropriate The CATS Transit Corridor Land Exchange Valuation Procedure describes the valuation methodology for the land exchange (Attachment A). The following is a list of Corridor Access Agreement documents needed to complete the land exchange and access or use the Transit Corridor: • Quitclaim Deed (City to Property Owner) o Grants fee simple title (releasing rights in the Transit Corridor) to the outer unused portion of the Transit Corridor • Quitclaim Deed (Property Owner to City) o Grants fee simple title to the inner used/needed portion of the Transit Corridor • CATS License & Indemnity Agreement o Gives Property Owner the right to enter the Transit Corridor to construct and maintain the Rail Trail and any other approved amenities or improvements located in the Transit Corridor o Among other things, the license agreement includes additional insurance coverage that must be provided to CATS while working adjacent to or within the Transit Corridor, safety requirements including training and flagging protection, and the required notifications and approval process to enter the Transit Corridor and begin work. • Notice of License Agreement o To be recorded with Mecklenburg County Register of Deeds • Any other documents deemed necessary by CATS
Land Exchange. (a) The Town is the owner of a certain tract of land comprising 1.441 acres located in the County of Wake, State of North Carolina, which is designated as PIN #0000-00-0000 by the Wake County Revenue Department, and is more particularly described in the deed recorded in Deed Book 16213, Page 1421, and as “Lot 5” as shown in “Recombination & Major Subdivision Final Plat Old Mill Village Lot 3 – Phase 1 for Apex First Development Co, LLC,” recorded in Book of Maps 2007, Page 2390-2391, Wake County Registry. The entire tract shall be known as the Town Tract.
(b) NC II is the owner of a certain tract of land comprising 1.722 acres located in the County of Wake, State of North Carolina, which is designated as PIN #0000-00-0000 by the Wake County Revenue Department, and is more particularly described in the deed recorded in Deed Book 12626, Page 0412 and as “Lot 7” as shown in “Major Subdivision Final Plat The Villages of Apex South Village – Phase 1 Lot 3 and Xxx 0, Xxx 0, Xxx 0 and Lot 7,” recorded in Book of Maps 2009, Page 05, Wake County Registry. The entire tract shall be known as the NC II Tract.
(c) Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, NC II agrees to exchange the NC II Tract for the Town Tract and the Town agrees to exchange the Town Tract for the NC II Tract (the “Exchange”). The consideration provided by each party to the other shall be the simultaneous conveyance of the NC II Tract by NC II to the Town and the conveyance of the Town Tract by the Town to NC II.
Land Exchange. Lessor may exchange title in all or any portion of the Leased Premises for other lands, public or private, as allowed by Idaho law, including pursuant to Title 47, Chapter 7, Idaho Code; Title 58, Chapter 1, Idaho Code; and other applicable Idaho laws, rules, or regulations, as amended.
Land Exchange. 3.1 Any Band whose Reserve lands are affected ("affected Band") shall be compensated by Manitoba granting to Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada, for the use and benefit of the affected Band, an area of land equal to not less than four (4) acres for every acre of affected lands (as herein defined), free and clear of any encumbrances except any such easements in favour of Hydro as are provided in Article 3.5.
3.2 The land granted in compensation shall be selected from unallocated, unencumbered and unoccupied land, owned by Her Majesty the Queen in right of the Province of Manitoba, in the area commonly used and enjoyed by the community in the exercise of its traditional pursuits, and the land selected shall not necessarily be contiguous with a Reserve. In the absence of agreement between the parties on any parcel proposed for selection, the provisions of Article 24 shall apply. In order to avoid the undue restriction of the lands from which selection may be made, land set aside as a "Water Power Reserve" shall not be deemed to be allocated, encumbered, occupied or required for public purposes by reason only of it being set aside as a "Water Power Reserve". Land in respect to which Manitoba has set aside, granted or assigned timber rights shall not be deemed to be allocated, encumbered, occupied or required for public purposes by reason only of it being so set aside, granted or assigned, but land which is being actively logged at the date of this Agreement and land occupied by or used in connection with active logging camps shall be deemed to be allocated, encumbered or occupied.
3.3 The Band Council shall be entitled to identify the parcel or parcels of land it is prepared to accept in exchange for the affected lands, and provided they are not required for public purposes, Manitoba shall transfer such lands so that the said lands will constitute a Reserve, with all the rights appurtenant to Reserves occupied by the Bands or any of them at the date of this Agreement, including without limitation, all mineral rights. Any area so selected shall be subject to the right of Manitoba to exclude therefrom within three months after receipt of identification of such area, any area required by reason of intended specific use for public purposes. Such exclusion shall be identified by Manitoba submitting to the Band Council a map showing the excluded portion and a letter stating the area of the excluded portion and the intended specific use.
3.4 The Band Council ma...
Land Exchange. In order to allow Eighth & T to continue operating its Parking Lot on City Parcel Three, Eighth & T offered to convey a larger portion of the Eighth & T Property (Enlarged Eighth & T Parcels) as more particularly described on Exhibit F attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference in exchange for City Parcel Three and an additional City Parcel designated as City Parcel Four. City Parcel Four is a vacated portion of vacated U Street as vacated by Ordinance No. 15591 and is legally described and shown on Exhibit G which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. The City is willing to accept Eighth & T's counteroffer. The Enlarged Eighth & T Parcels and City Parcel Three and City Parcel Four are sometimes referred to individually as the “Exchange Property” and when more than one as the “Exchange Properties.”
Land Exchange. 6.1 Prior to the transfer of the BC LNG Benefits parcel from BC to KFN under the BC LNG Benefits Agreement, KFN and RDKS will enter into an agreement to carry out a land exchange of the RDKS Community Use Lands contiguous with the Xxxxxxxxx Community Centre, for the Economic Parcel owned by RDKS contiguous with the KFN LNG lands. The Parties will bring their best efforts to reaching that agreement in a timely manner and will not hesitate to utilize alternative dispute resolution processes where that is seen as helpful in achieving that goal.
6.2 The cost of any surveys required for the land exchange in 6.1 will be borne by RDKS.
6.3 The Economic Parcel will remain as fee simple land, and not be covered by Section 5.3 of the Xxxxxxxxx Cooperation Agreement referring to conversion to Treaty Settlement Land, unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties.
6.4 For the purpose of achieving the goals of this agreement, the Parties acknowledge that the disposition of lands by the RDKS will follow the process and requirements as presented in the Disposing of Land and Improvement provisions of the Provincial Local Government Act including requirements to provide Notice of Proposed Disposition.
Land Exchange. If not already exchanged at the time of the execution of this Agreement, the City and Greenstone hereby agree to enter into one or more contracts concurrently with the execution of this Agreement necessary to implement an exchange of certain real property included in the TIF District as more specifically described in each such contract.
Land Exchange. 3.3.1. The parties recommend that the US Forest Service analyze and potentially implement, through NEPA and public process, the land exchange concept as shown on Attachment 2. Land transactions are subject to valuation, land, title, and boundary descriptions, and mitigations resulting from the NEPA process.
3.3.2. Approximate acreages for the proposed land exchange portion of the land preservation package are listed below: Alta Up to 603 acres Up to 160 acres in base area Snowbird Up to 1,107 acres Up to 43 acres in base area Up to 416 in American Fork canyon Brighton Up to 200 acres Up to 35 acres in base area 140 acre permit expansion in Hidden Canyon Solitude Up to 240 acres Up to 50 acres in base area 70 acre permit expansion in Silverfork TOTAL Up to 2,147 acres Up to 288 acres in base areas Up to 416 acres in American Fork canyon 210 acres of permit expansions
3.3.3. The land exchange proposal will likely be executed through four separate US Forest Service land exchanges and each will be on a value for value basis. For US Forest Lands transferred to private ownership, the US Forest Service must receive 100% of the value of the transferred federal lands. At least 75% of the value of the federal lands must be in the form of private land within the Mountain Accord study area or American Fork Canyon transferred into federal ownership. Up to 25% of the value of the federal lands may be in the form of monetary payments.