Leave Replacement Employees. Leave replacement employees, who shall be defined as certificated employees and who are expected (based on the nature of the leave for the person the employee is replacing) to work at least one (1) semester or its equivalent (90 work days or more) in one specific assignment, shall be recognized as being in the bargaining unit.
Leave Replacement Employees. Substitute employees will be provided for each day of an employee’s absence due to any leave provided herein.
Leave Replacement Employees a. Definition: Leave replacement employees are those employees who were issued a 306 contract to fill a vacancy created when another employee was on leave for 25 or more 307 consecutive days and provided a start and stop date. The stop and start date must be 308 established in writing by the employee on leave.
Leave Replacement Employees. The District will provide substitute custodians to replace district custodians when absent from work. If a proper substitute can’t be found, the custodian supervisor will arrange for a senior building custodian to perform the work.
Leave Replacement Employees. The term "
Leave Replacement Employees. A. Long-term substitutes who replace an employee on Board approved leave of absence for ninety (90) days or more (either preplanned or comes to pass) shall be offered replacement contracts which are contingent upon the terms granted to the employee on leave of absence.
B. The following All provisions of this contract Agreement apply to long-term substitutes on a leave replacement contract. Salary and retirement shall be retroactive to the first day of employment. Insurance benefits and leave provisions shall become effective upon execution of the leave replacement contract and in accordance with Board Policy.
C. Insurance benefits under Article VIII X, Section 5 9 will be prorated based on percentage of full-time equivalent cy.
D. Leave provisions under Article VI IX become effective upon execution of the contract. All leaves will be prorated. One day of sick leave per month of continuous employment shall be earned, and shall only be used during the period of continuous employment in which it was earned.
E. Evaluations will be conducted by the site administrator using Appendix C forms and procedures and criteria set forth in Article V VI Section 3 except that none of the probation provisions shall apply. Dates of implementation of evaluation procedure will be modified, if necessary, contingent upon date of issuing of replacement contract to the substitute.
Leave Replacement Employees. Employees hired to replace such employees while on extended leave shall be released from employment pursuant to RCW 28A.67.900.
Leave Replacement Employees. Where a fixed term appointment is extended beyond two years, with the exception of applied learning positions, and the College changes the status of the position from fixed term to that of some other status (e.g. regular, seasonal) the College will follow the procedures outlined in Article 9.01 (Job Postings). Alternatively, in order to maintain the incumbent in the position, the College must first obtain the written approval of the Union through Labour Management Committee. Such approval shall not be unreasonably denied. It is agreed that written
Leave Replacement Employees. 12 When a leave of absence is scheduled to be greater than ninety (90) work days, the employee 13 hired to fill the position will be paid at Step 1 of the appropriate classification level of the 14 position being filled. Leave replacement employees shall be included within the bargaining 15 unit and subject to all the terms and conditions of this Agreement excluding Section 14.1 16 (Seniority) and Section 14.9 (Layoff). Employees hired to fill a leave of absence position will 17 only be employed for the period of the leave. These positions will terminate on or before the 18 end of the school year. These employees shall have no bumping rights.
Leave Replacement Employees