Class Size and Teaching Conditions Sample Clauses
Class Size and Teaching Conditions. A. The parties recognize that optimum school facilities for both student and employee are desirable to ensure the high quality of education that is the goal of both the union and the employer. It is also acknowledged that the primary duty and responsibility of the teacher is to teach.
B. Because pupil-teacher ratio is an important aspect of an effective educational program, the parties agree that the class size should be lowered whenever possible to meet the following maximum standards but in no event shall it exceed he following maximum standards except in traditional large group instruction or experimental classes and where the administration meets with the Association and the affected employee (s) to explore all avenues of alleviating the excessive class size. If a secondary teacher is assigned more than one (1) preparation during the same class period, the total number of students in the combined class period shall adhere to the same class size limits as a single prep class. Academic/Specials classes Kindergarten 27 Specials classes shall consist of one classroom unit per session plus any appropriately mainstreamed students. In specials classes using lab stations or equipment, the number of students assigned to the class will not exceed the number of stations or amount of equipment available. Academic Classes Grade 6 30 Academic Classes Grades 7-12 35 Art Classes Grades 7-12 00 Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxx Grades 6-8 00 Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxx Grades 9-12 25 Vocational Classes Grades 9-12 Maximum State Requirement Physical Education Grades 7-12 If One Class in Gym (One Teacher) 45 If Two Classes in Gym (Two Teachers) 70
C. Should it be necessary to increase the maximum class size as stated in Section A above, the teacher will be compensated an additional .02% (two hundredths of a percent) of the Master’s Maximum salary per additional student on a daily basis until such time that the class size is lowered to the maximum size. The number of overload students in any elementary grade level or secondary course shall not collectively on average exceed two (2). Compensation for co-taught classes with overloads will be shared between the two teachers. We agree that under no circumstances shall the daily compensation be over 1.0 FTE.
D. The administration will ask for volunteers to take a student overload beyond the number of two. In the event there are no volunteers, the administration may assign the overload student(s) in excess of two (2). In no event will a teacher have more th...
Class Size and Teaching Conditions. A. The parties recognize that the availability of optimum school facilities for both student and teacher is desirable to insure the high quality of education that is the goal of both teacher and the Board. It is also acknowledged that the primary duty and responsibility of the teacher is to teach and that the organization of the school and the school day should be directed at insuring that the energy of the teacher is primarily utilized to this end.
B. Keys to the building entrance doors shall be made available to employees for the building in which they teach when such keys are requested from the building principal. The building principal has the right to regulate the use of keys of school personnel.
C. Every effort will be made to hold class sizes in split classes to thirty (30)
Class Size and Teaching Conditions. A. The parties recognize that optimum school facilities for both student and employee are desirable to insure the high quality of education that is the goal of both the union and the employer. It is also acknowledged that the primary duty and responsibility of the teacher is to teach, and that the organization of the school and the school day should be directed toward ensuring that the energy of the teacher is primarily utilized to this end.
B. Because the pupil-teacher ratio is an important aspect of an effective educational program, the parties agree that the class size should be lowered wherever possible to meet the following maximum standards but in no event shall it exceed the following maximum standards except in traditional large group instruction or experimental classes and where the administration meets with the Association and the affected employee (s) to explore all avenues of alleviating the excessive class size. Elementary Schools: Academic classes K-3 28 4-6 30 Secondary Schools: Academic classes 7-12 35 Typing 7-12 45 Art classes 7-12 00 Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxx 6- 8 00 Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxx 9-12 25 Vocational classes 9-12 Maximum State Requirement Physical Education 7-12 If one class in Gym (One Teacher) 45 If two classes are in Gym (Two Teachers) 70 Swimming State Guidelines Elementary Art, Physical Education and Music classes shall consist of one classroom unit per session.
C. Should it be necessary to increase the maximum class size as stated in Section B above, the teacher will be compensated an additional .02% (two hundredths of a percent) of the Master’s Maximum salary per additional student on a daily basis until such time that the class size is lowered to the maximum size. The number of overload students in any elementary grade level or secondary course shall not collectively on average exceed two (2).
D. The administration will as for volunteers to take a student overload beyond the number of two. In the event there are no volunteers, the administration may assign the overload student (s) in excess of two (2). In no event will a teacher have more than two (2) overload students in excess of the maximum class size for more than two
Class Size and Teaching Conditions. A. For maximum learning, class size shall not exceed the limits of existing facilities.
B. Every attempt will be made to hire Art and Music substitutes.
Class Size and Teaching Conditions. A. Inasmuch as the teacher-pupil classroom ratio may be an important aspect of an effective educational program, it is agreed that the following limits on class sizes represent desired objectives within financial constraints. 3-12 25 pupils Exceptions to the above ratio include classes in physical education, typing, band, vocal music, study hall, and other large group instruction. (Large group instruction could include leveled reading, math, etc.)
B. If, after November 1 first semester and February 1 second semester, the above mentioned ratios are exceeded by more than two (2) students, the affected teacher(s) shall first meet with the building principal to inform him/her of the class size problem that requires a resolution, and will invoke the relief procedure. The relief procedure may also be utilized for other class composition problems.
Class Size and Teaching Conditions. A. The Board of Education and the Association agree that class size should be consistent with the standards of quality education.
B. The parties agree that the maximum number of students in grades 4-5 classrooms will not exceed twenty-seven (27) and the maximum number of students in each Pre-K-3 classroom will not exceed twenty-three (23) students.
1. In grades Pre-K through 5 Art, music and physical education will be subject to a class size limit of forty (40) students.
2. Pre-K-5 teachers who exceed the class size limit by one (1) student after January 1st shall be paid $45.00 per day or a pro-rated amount for the percentage of the day that an additional student is assigned to the teacher (Appendix F).
3. No more than 35% of students assigned to any general or co-taught class shall be comprised of students on 504 or IEP’s (not including students on IEP’s for speech only). During the school year this percentage can be exceeded due to a change brought about by one (1) student. This provision does not apply to Pre-K classes.
C. The parties agree that in grades 6-12 classes will be scheduled such that classroom teachers will not be assigned more than one hundred sixty-two (162) pupils in one (1) day for the purpose of instruction. Every reasonable effort shall be made to keep individual class sizes at no greater than thirty (30) students except where the teacher agrees to accept more than thirty (30) students. There shall be no reprisals against a grades 6-12 unit member who refuses to accept more than thirty (30) students.
1. Art and physical education will be subject to a class size limit of forty (40) students per teacher per class.
2. Music and other group activity classes will not be subject to a class size limit.
3. Classes may exceed the class size limit by agreement between the classroom teacher and the building principal. A SLEA representative may be included in the discussions between the classroom teacher and the building principal if requested by the unit member. 6-12 teachers who agree to exceed the individual class or daily pupil limit shall be paid $45.00 per day for 1-5 additional students. Unit members will not be paid more than $45.00 per day for exceeding both the individual class and daily pupil limits.
D. No more than 35% of students assigned to any general or co-taught class shall be comprised of students on 504 or IEP’s (not including students on IEP’s for speech only). During the school year this percentage can be exceeded due to a ch...
Class Size and Teaching Conditions. It is agreed that the maximum class pupil load per teacher per day on the secondary level or departmentalized basis not exceed 180 pupils. The parties recognize that optimum school facilities for both student and teacher are desirable to insure the high quality of education that is the goal of both the Association and the Board. It is also acknowledged that the primary duty and responsibility of the teacher is to teach and that the organization of the school and the school day should be directed toward insuring that the energy of the teacher is primarily utilized to this end. Because the pupil-teacher ratio is an important aspect of an effective educational program, the parties agree that class size should be lowered whenever possible. Grade Recommended Kindergarten 00 0xx - 0xx Xxxxx 00 0xx - 0xx Grade 25 6th - 12th Grade 30 Because most educators feel the pupil-teacher ratio is an important aspect of an effective educational program, the Board will make a continuing effort to reach the recommended standards as mentioned above. (Exceptions are traditional large group instruction). Anyone who has to teach an overload can make arrangements with the Superintendent for paraprofessional. When special education students are mainstreamed into the regular classroom, every possible effort will be made to equally distribute such students to all classrooms.
Class Size and Teaching Conditions. A. It is acknowledged that the primary duty and responsibility of the teacher is to teach, and that the organization of the school and the school day should be directed toward insuring that the energy of the teacher is primarily utilized to this end.
B. Because the pupil-teacher ratio is an important aspect of an effective educational program, the parties agree that class size should be lowered whenever possible to meet the following goals: It is mutually ageeed that for effective teaching, class sizes should be kept small. Therefore, it is recommended twenty-five (25) elementary and thirty (30) in high school. A split/reduction shall occur at thirty-two (32) students. If a split is considered, it shall be an even split, 16 and 16, or as near as possible. If a reduction takes effect, the class under action as stated, shall be reduced to a maximum of 28 students. The reduction of another class may also be considered for a combination level classroom. No greater than 25 students shall be assigned to a combination level classroom.
C. The Board recognizes that appropriate texts, library reference facilities, maps and globes, laboratory equipment, audio-visual equipment, art supplies, athletic equipment, current periodicals, standard tests and questionnaires, and similar materials are the tools of the teaching profession. The parties will confer from time to time for the purpose of improving the selection and use of such educational tools and the Board shall take under advisement all joint decisions thereon made by its representative and the Association. The Board agrees at all times to keep the schools reasonably and properly equipped and maintained when finances permit.
D. The Board shall make available in each school, a restroom, and lavatory facilities for teacher use and at least one room which shall be reserved for use as a faculty lounge.
E. Telephone facilities shall be made available to teachers for their reasonable use. Personal toll calls shall be made at the teacher's own expense.
F. Parking facilities shall be provided for teacher use.
G. Teachers are expected to be at their duty stations on time and prepared to fulfill their contractual responsibilities.
Class Size and Teaching Conditions. A. It is recognized by the Board that class size is an important aspect of an effective educational program. The Board agrees to make a conscientious effort to keep class sizes at an acceptable number as dictated by the financial conditions of the District, the building facilities available, the availability of qualified teachers and the best interest of the District as deemed administratively feasible. The Board agrees to consider the recommendation of the teacher relative to class size and class composition.
B. An elementary teacher shall not have a split class which exceeds thirty (30) students. In the event this occurs, the district will reorganize the classroom structure within ten (10) school days.
C. K-6 teachers shall receive two (2) hours of instructional aide time each day. A coordinated schedule will be created by teachers and aides at the beginning of each school year and submitted to administration for approval.
D. Under no conditions shall a teacher be required to drive a school bus as part of his/her regular assignment.
E. All classroom teachers must have or provide a plan book which contains general plans for a week in advance and detailed lesson plans for at least one (1) day in advance. In cases of unexpected emergency, detailed lesson plans will not apply. Such a plan book must be available in the building at all times while school is in session.
Class Size and Teaching Conditions. A. It is acknowledged that the primary duty and responsibility of the teacher is to teach, and that the organization of the school and the school day should be directed toward insuring that the energy of the teacher is primarily utilized to this end.
B. Because the pupil-teacher ratio is an important aspect of an effective educational program, the parties agree that class size should be lowered whenever possible to meet the following goals: It is mutually ageeed that for effective teaching, class sizes should be kept small. Therefore, it is recommended twenty-five (25) elementary and thirty (30) in high school. A split/reduction shall occur at thirty-two (32) students in elementary K-5 classrooms. If a split is considered, it shall be an even split, 16 and 16, or as near as possible. If a reduction takes effect, the class under action as stated, shall be reduced to a maximum of 28 students. The reduction of another class may also be considered for a combination level classroom. No greater than 25 students shall be assigned to a combination level classroom.