Multiskilling Sample Clauses
Multiskilling. It is a condition of this agreement that all employees understand and accept that they may be required to undertake a variety of tasks, both skilled and semi-skilled (for example, welding brackets, painting brackets or carrying out some other task) which are not specifically within their trade provided the task is within the employee's competencies.
Multiskilling. The parties to this Agreement accept and will embrace the introduction of multi-skilling in the areas of packing, receipt, despatch, picking of product, stock control, warehouse administration, assembling, driving, delivery and pick up of products, and other tasks as required, the object being a fully mobile and flexible workforce. This flexibility is not linked to wage outcomes. Specifically, Warehouse employees will be trained in the areas of packing, receipt, despatch, picking, stock control and warehouse administration.
Multiskilling. 67.1 The parties are committed to allowing employees to be deployed in a way that will best address the needs of the worksite. Employees agree to carry out such duties as are within the limits of the Employee’s skills, competencies and training. This could include the allocation of specific duties and/or temporary deployment to other positions in the worksite.
67.2 The parties to this General Agreement will develop worksite multiskilling for employees and such development will include the following:
(a) objective(s) and guidelines for the multi-skilled position;
(b) boundaries of the position;
(c) rosters of work;
(d) lines of accountability; and
(e) adjustment, if any, to normal work.
67.3 The multiskilling proposal should not compromise any duty of care or occupational health and safety standards or requirements.
Multiskilling. (a) Providing skilled and semi-skilled carpentry services to allow for the construction of crates, frames, backing boards, exhibition furniture, etc;
(b) Allowing for routine condition reporting to a standard checklist at the time of receipt and unpacking of crates;
(c) Routinely ordering and maintaining stock;
(d) Routinely rostering staff resources to meet operational needs and program delivery; and
(e) The parties commit to provide skilled labour in support of other operations, saving on the use of contractors.
Multiskilling. The City recognises that Employees have participated in multiskilling opportunities contributing to the overall efficiency of the Workshop. Employees agree to continue to xxxxxx a co-operative and flexible relationship with the City to maintain the high levels of service achieved and minimise operating costs. Nothing shall prevent an employee and/or their representative, from progressing a grievance or concern with respect to this issue through the dispute settlement procedure as described in Clause 9 of this Agreement.
Multiskilling. (a) Employees agree that they will assist in the introduction of this policy on the following basis;
(i) Job Rotation
Multiskilling. It is recognised that Multiskilling is important to the efficiency of this business and all employees shall support the development of Multiskilling where possible.
Multiskilling. 31.4.1 The Council and its employees will continue to develop and agree upon multiskilling within Business Units through an effective training plan to enhance job opportunities and broaden career possibilities for employees and raise productivity within Council. It is recognised that staff will be paid in accordance with the appropriate Award for work requested by the Business Unit Manager to be undertaken at a higher level than prescribed in their position description.
Multiskilling. The organisation may direct an employee to carry out such duties as are within the limits of the employee’s skill, competence and training. Local Government Employees Enterprise Agreement 2010
Multiskilling. The Company may direct an employee to carry out such duties as are appropriate within the classification structure of this Agreement, in recognition of the employee's skill, competence and training. All employees will be encouraged not to be confined strictly to their classification but will involve work of other classifications with which they are competent or appropriately licenced to perform. When an Employee performs work in a higher grade/Classification, than that of their current grade/Classification, that employee will be paid the higher Grade/Classification for the entire Shift, and each additional day/week/Month that the higher function is performed. If the employee continues to work at the higher Grade/Classification for a period of 6 consecutive months, 80% of time, then the employee must be upgraded to the higher grade/Classification on a permanent basis.