Non-Classroom Faculty Sample Clauses

Non-Classroom Faculty. 1. An evaluation of performance shall be conducted by the Individual Tenure Review Committee in accordance with the following: a. one observation per committee member will be conducted during the appropriate semesters as described below in sections 11.5 through 11.8 below ; b. the candidate shall be given a minimum of five (5) workdays notice regarding the date and time of each specific observation; and c. the candidate may request a pre-observation meeting with the evaluator(s) and/or provide an outline of the workshop or training session to the evaluator(s) prior to the observation. 2. An evaluation of performance by clients using a client evaluation form or the Evaluation of Non-Classroom Faculty by Clients (Form P), collected by the candidate or deposited in a locked drop box, or delivered to the academic area leader, as appropriate. 3. An evaluation of professional duties and responsibilities of the candidate conducted by the sitting academic area leader, regardless of that individual’s status on the Individual Tenure Review Committee, who shall evaluate the candidate’s performance on the professional duties criteria enumerated in section 11.2.2 above; 4. An evaluation of appropriate library records and documents; and 5. Any other information deemed by the Individual Tenure Review Committee to be relevant to its employment recommendation.
Non-Classroom FacultyThe evaluatee will provide the evaluation committee with materials demonstrating assignment preparation and adherence to assignment description. The materials may include assignment expectations, samples of work, program assignments, cataloging records, assignment handouts/materials, and any other documentation that the evaluatee considers relevant. Whenever possible, this packet of material will be made available to committee members at a central location within a week prior to the site visitation. d. A summary appraisal completed by the Evaluation Committee reported on Form C1. e. Completion of Student Evaluations Summary by the Xxxx. f. The Evaluation Committee shall meet in conference with the faculty member being evaluated to discuss the results of the evaluation process and Student Evaluation Summaries. The immediate supervisor or designee shall forward all forms to the appropriate college Vice President who, in turn, will forward them to the College President. The College President shall complete a Summary Evaluation Report on Form C3.
Non-Classroom Faculty. The normal work week shall consist of five (5) days, thirty (30) hours work per week.
Non-Classroom FacultyThe parties recognize that the professional commitment of Non-Classroom Faculty includes professional development, College service, and other such activities as are required to carry out their assignments. The following provisions shall apply to these activities as well as to hours scheduled for providing services directly to students.
Non-Classroom Faculty. Non-classroom faculty, including counselors and librarians, shall follow the same evaluation procedures as classroom faculty. Evaluation instruments that are developed by those departments may be used to supplement or replace inappropriate instruments with the approval of the Reappointment/Tenure and Promotions Committees.
Non-Classroom FacultyThe evaluatee will provide the evaluation committee with materials demonstrating assignment preparation and adherence to assignment description. The materials may include assignment expectations, samples of work, program assignments, assignment handouts, and any other documentation that the evaluatee considers relevant. Whenever possible, this packet of material will be made available to committee members at a central location within a week prior to the site visitation.
Non-Classroom FacultyIn accordance with section C.2.5, non-classroom faculty are required to work thirty (30) hours per week on campus. During the spring 2022 semester, at a faculty member’s request the appropriate xxxx may authorize non-classroom faculty to work up to fifteen (15) hours remotely from the thirty (30) hours on campus requirement. The hours approved to work remotely may consist of student contact and/or preparation hours. If student demand necessitates additional on campus hours for non-classroom faculty, the District will make every effort to assign the hours to faculty members (full-time or associate) who agree to accept additional on campus hours. The District maintains its right to assign non-classroom faculty based on the needs of students, the department, and best interests of the program, in all cases except as those agreed to in this MOU and other applicable contractual agreements.
Non-Classroom Faculty. Faculty employed as GAP Advisors or in the Library (-ies) will be compensated per clock hour, using the following method for compensation: the non-classroom faculty member’s step and column on the yearly Faculty Salary Schedule, divided by 1,260. Hourly compensation shall be no less than the hourly wage for part-time faculty support staff or greater than Step 16 on the full- time faculty member’s column on the salary schedule. APPENDIX C: Academic Extra-Pay Assignments and Student Activites Assignments Section C.1 Academic Extra-Pay Assignments Assignment Release Time Director of Bands 3 contact hours for Fall and 3 contact hours for Spring Director of Choirs/Ensembles 3 contact hours for Fall and 3 contact hours for Spring Directing a Play 3 contact hours per play Accompanist 1 contact hour per play Choreographer 1 contact hour per play Producer 0.5 contact hour per play Livestock Judging 3 contact hours for Fall and 3 contact hours for Spring Forensics* 3 contact hours for Fall and 3 contact hours for Spring* Occupational Coaches* Culinary Vocational Automotive 1 contact hour per student competition with a 3 contact- hour limit for Fall and a 3 contact-hour limit for Spring* A faculty member with an academic extra-pay assignment may choose to receive a stipend equal to the pay for the number of release hours instead of the release time.
Non-Classroom Faculty o Evaluation Cycle One - Each member of the TRC is scheduled to observe at least one (1) selected activity during the first fall semester of tenure review. No two members of the TRC should observe the same activity, unless extenuating circumstances exist and the tenure coordinator grants approval. During evaluation cycle one, at least one (1) observation must be made by the appropriate xxxx. o Evaluation Cycles Two through Four - Three (3) members of the TRC conduct an observation of an activity during each evaluation cycle. During evaluation cycle two, at least one (1) observation must be made by the appropriate xxxx. • Online Observations - Observation of online classes may take place if the classes are part of the candidate’s assigned contract load. To the extent practicable, if an online class will be observed, the candidate should be observed by a TRC member who has been certified to teach online. The observation length should be at least fifty (50) minutes and does not have to be consecutive in nature. o Classroom Faculty: An online observation will include at least one of the following two approaches below to be used during a week-long observation timeframe: ▪ The candidate must authorize student-level access to the evaluating TRC member. The TRC member may log into the online course and navigate the course. ▪ The candidate and evaluating TRC member may schedule a meeting when both parties can access the online course. During this meeting, the candidate may demonstrate and explain the online course to the evaluating TRC member. o Non-classroom Faculty: The candidate will consult their TRC regarding an appropriate activity to be observed. As appropriate to the selected activity, the candidate may need to obtain advance approval of a student for the evaluating TRC member to participate in the activity.
Non-Classroom Faculty. Faculty employed as GAP Advisors or in the Library (-ies) will be compensated per clock hour, using the following method for compensation: the non-classroom faculty member’s step and column on the yearly Faculty Salary Schedule, divided by 1,260. Hourly compensation shall be no less than the hourly wage for part-time faculty support staff or greater than Step 16 on the full- time faculty member’s column on the salary schedule.