Hours on Campus Sample Clauses

Hours on Campus. Professional Employees shall be required to be on campus for thirty-four (34) hours per week including class time, miscellaneous assignments, and regular posted office hours. If a Professional Employee's normal professional workload includes night or off-campus classes, a pro-rata reduction for travel time and classroom time will be made from the number of hours the Professional Employee is required to be on campus during the day.
Hours on Campus. 1. Instructional and non-instructional faculty members on pro- rata pay rates are to develop and submit to the designated administrator an appropriate schedule of hours on-campus and office hours. Faculty members will be available in their assigned faculty offices for a minimum of two (2) hours per day on days during which they have scheduled classes.
Hours on Campus. Full-time Professional Employees with a Normal Professional Workload shall be required to be on-campus for a minimum of thirty-five (35) hours per week, including workload, miscellaneous assignments, office hours (minimum of fifteen (15) hours per week), and other student availability hours. Instructors required by their position or requested by the college to teach overload classes will not be obligated to post additional weekly on-campus hours beyond the meeting times required for the additional classes. Instructors who choose to offer additional overload classes will be required to add one additional office hour weekly per overload hour taught. Full-time professional employees shall be required to be on campus every day of a normal work week, except in instances where program instruction requires otherwise. Regular part-time Professional Employees shall be required to be on-campus weekly on a pro-rata basis of a full-time Professional Employee. If a Professional Employee's normal professional workload includes night or off-campus classes, a pro-rata reduction travel time will be made from the number of hours the Professional Employee is required to be on campus. Professional Employees teaching an on-line or hybrid course under FT contractual obligations will be approved for 2 hours per week of e-time during that semester. These hours may be used at the discretion of the instructor, reducing the number of on-campus office hours required to thirteen (13) and the total number of on-campus hours to thirty-three (33) per week, based on a normal workload.
Hours on Campus. Full-time Professional Employees shall dedicate a minimum of thirty-five (35) hours for college work week responsibilities. Outside of instructional time (for policy purposes equaling 15 hours per week), full-time instructors shall dedicate a minimum of twenty (20) hours per week to a combination of student time/available presence, service to the college, and professional time. Fifteen (15) hours per week of this time shall be for onsite (on- campus) presence; five (5) hours per week may be for either onsite (on-campus) presence or presence through appropriate electronic means. If a Professional Employee's normal workload includes off-campus classes (day or night), a pro-rata reduction for travel time and classroom time will be made from the number of hours the Professional Employee is required to be on campus. Overload and/or supplemental contacts will increase the number of hours required on campus proportionately.
Hours on CampusThe Parties agree that SROs shall be deemed to be “school officials” for the performance of the SRO’s duties on behalf of the District. SROs, therefore, may be on campus during regular school hours, during school related events, or when students are on campus. SROs may be on campus when students are not scheduled to be on site when there is a specific need to address a public safety concern.
Hours on Campus. Full-time Professional Employees shall dedicate a minimum of thirty-five (35) hours for college work week responsibilities. Outside of instructional time (for policy purposes equaling 15 hours per week), full-time instructors shall dedicate a minimum of twenty (20) hours per week to a combination of student time/available presence, service to the college, and professional time. Fifteen (15) hours per week of this time shall be for onsite (on- campus) presence; five (5) hours per week may be for either onsite (on-campus) presence or presence through appropriate electronic means. If a Professional Employee's normal workload includes off-campus classes (day or night), a pro-rata reduction for travel time and classroom time will be made from the number of hours the Professional Employee is required to be on campus. Overload and/or supplemental contacts will increase the number of hours required on campus proportionately. Two (2) days at the beginning of each semester shall be designated as preparation days for faculty. Preparation days are for faculty to work individually in their offices to prepare for the upcoming semester. The only externally scheduled meetings during those days are for departmental meetings. Four (4) in-service days will be available during the academic year (2 each semester). Neither of these statements is meant to limit the number of meetings that may be called by the administration during other contract days during regular work hours. Maximum class sizes will be determined by the Vice President for Academic Affairs after consultation with the appropriate Xxxx and appropriate Professional Employees.
Hours on Campus. 1. Conference Hours - Instructors Each instructor will schedule ten (10) hours per week for consultation with students with the schedule being approved by the department chairperson and xxxx. Each instructor shall schedule, maintain, and post conference hours in a manner convenient for students' information. At least 5 conference hours must be traditional face to face and on campus, while up to 5 of them may be “virtual” or on-line hours. In the event that a faculty member is teaching an amount greater than 50% on-line, then the virtual office hours may be adjusted to equal the ratio of on-line to face-to-face classes. (i.e. if 60% of the LHE is on-line, then 60% of the office hours may be virtual. Ratio numbers shall be rounded 0-4 down, 5-9 up.) All 10 hours must be scheduled and published. Full time faculty are no longer required to be “on-campus” 5 days a week but must be contactable by students and the Administration 5 days a week during scheduled and published conference hours. Faculty members should maintain face to face conference hours on days of on campus instruction. Faculty will schedule a minimum of 1 conference hour on teaching days; exceptions shall be granted for teaching schedules that are 6 hours or greater in a single day. Weekend conference hours may be appropriate only if classes are taught on Saturdays or Sundays. Acknowledging that the Board/Administration has the right to determine the schedule of classes and can limit the number of online classes which are offered in the schedule; there is no 60/40 online restriction in the Summer term. Therefore, subject to standard approvals of course assignments on the form 17, an individual instructor can teach 100% on-line courses during the Summer term. The 60/40 limitation and its extension as set forth in section Article III Section A. 2.b.3 et seq, remains in effect for Fall and Spring assignments. It is understood that the instructor commonly devotes many additional hours on and off campus for class preparation and grading of work and/or other professional activities.
Hours on Campus 

Related to Hours on Campus

  • Hours Worked For the purpose of computing the number of hours worked, all time during which an employee is in paid status shall be construed as hours worked.

  • HOURS AND OVERTIME 3:1 A workweek is defined as seven (7) consecutive calendar days, from Saturday midnight to Saturday midnight. The basic workweek shall consist of five (5) workdays of eight (8) hours each and shall begin Monday and run through Friday, except when a job other than for a public utility is to be done on Saturday, then the Company may assign another day as a non-workday and Saturdays becomes a workday in the basic workweek. An extended workweek shall begin at starting time Monday and continue until the next Monday starting time. The regular hours of work for all employees shall be from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. with an unpaid meal period of thirty (30) minutes which normally will be from 12:00 noon to 12:30 p.m. provided, however, that the regular lunch period may be advance or delayed an hour or less when work must necessarily be performed during the regular lunch period. Such a change in the lunch period shall not be deemed to require the payment of overtime. The regular hours of work may be changed by the Company at the request or direction of the public utility or governmental authorities, and by mutual agreement between the Company and the Union. The Company may change the start times by 30 minutes in either direction of the regular start time to meet the operational need without union approval. Such a change in the regular hours of work shall not be deemed to require the payment of overtime. 3:2 Employees shall report to work at pre-determined assembly points and shall return thereto at the conclusion of the day’s work; and the time spent in traveling between such assembly points and the job site shall be considered as time worked.

  • HOURS OF WORK & OVERTIME Section 15.1 This Article is intended to define the normal hours of work per day or per week in effect at the time of execution of this Agreement. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as preventing the Employer from restructuring the normal workday or workweek as necessary to promote efficiency or improve services, or from establishing the work schedules of employees. However, nothing in this Section shall relieve the Employer of its duty to bargain the affects of such decisions on employee wages, hours, terms and other conditions of employment. This Article shall be used as the basis for computing overtime for employees who are not exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and shall not be construed as a guarantee of hours of work per day or per week. Section 15.2 Employees may take one paid fifteen (15) minute break for every four (4) hour block worked. Employees may combine breaks to take up to one (1) sixty (60) minute paid break. Employees may not leave campus on their paid breaks. Section 15.3 Bargaining unit employees who are not exempt from the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act will be paid one and one-half times their normal hourly rate for all hours actually worked in excess of forty (40) hours per work week. All overtime shall have prior supervisory approval, except when it is necessary for a nurse to remain on duty to protect patient safety. Only hours actually worked are counted for the purpose of computing an employee's eligibility for overtime pay. There shall be no pyramiding of hours or pay. Section 15.4 The Board serves individuals 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. To meet this need for service to our individuals evening and weekend hours may be required of any bargaining unit employee. The Employer will establish the standard work day as beginning at 6:00 a.m. and ending at 5:59 a.m. and starting and ending times for each shift in each department. Supervisors will establish daily workschedules. Section 15.5 Absent an emergency situation, management will notify the Union in the event management intends to institute a long-term change in the present shift times for nurses. Following notification and upon request by the Union, management will meet with the Union to discuss the reason for the change and possible alternatives.

  • HOURS OF WORK i) Where employees are now working a longer daily tour, the provisions set out in this Article governing the regular hours of work on a daily tour shall be adjusted accordingly. ii) The normal daily extended tour shall be 11.25 consecutive hours in any 24-hour period, exclusive of a total of forty-five (45) minutes of unpaid meal time. For hybrid schedules, there will be scheduled normal daily tours of seven and one-half (7½) hours and 11.25 consecutive hours per day. iii) Employees working an extended tour shall be entitled, subject to the exigencies of resident care, to paid relief periods during the tour of a total of forty-five (45) minutes. For hybrid schedules, there will also be shifts that provide for relief periods in accordance with Article 15.02. iv) Scheduling issues will be resolved at the local level. v) Where the union and the employer have agreed to or agree to an extended daily tour or hybrid schedule that differs from the normal daily extended tour, the proportion of unpaid time to hours of work shall maintain the same ratio as set out in paragraph ii) and iii) of this Article.

  • WAGE AND HOURS PROVISIONS If this is a public work contract covered by Article 8 of the Labor Law or a building service contract covered by Article 9 thereof, neither Contractor's employees nor the employees of its subcontractors may be required or permitted to work more than the number of hours or days stated in said statutes, except as otherwise provided in the Labor Law and as set forth in prevailing wage and supplement schedules issued by the State Labor Department. Furthermore, Contractor and its subcontractors must pay at least the prevailing wage rate and pay or provide the prevailing supplements, including the premium rates for overtime pay, as determined by the State Labor Department in accordance with the Labor Law. Additionally, effective April 28, 2008, if this is a public work contract covered by Article 8 of the Labor Law, the Contractor understands and agrees that the filing of payrolls in a manner consistent with Subdivision 3-a of Section 220 of the Labor Law shall be a condition precedent to payment by the State of any State approved sums due and owing for work done upon the project.