Programme Board Sample Clauses
Programme Board. 16.1 The Joint Committee shall establish a Programme Board (“PB”) which shall report to the Joint Committee. The Programme Board shall have the terms of reference set out at Schedule 2.
Programme Board. The role of the Programme board is to monitor, review and develop the programme to which it relates. Membership comprises school and university based partners including student teachers. The Programme Board provides an opportunity for all partners to discuss issues in an open yet formal setting. Details relating to specific Programme Boards can be found in the relevant Programme Handbook. The Programme Board is ultimately responsible for making recommendations in relation to all major policy decisions and initiatives in respect of the programme.
Programme Board. The programme board is composed of the academic coordinators of each institution of the consortium.
Programme Board. 3.2.1 The Parties shall establish a joint Programme Board which shall: - be responsible for all managerial and financial aspects of the programme - set quotas for admission to the programme - (if applicable) decide on the distribution of scholarships - (if relevant) decide on the distribution of subsidies - be responsible for quality assurance of the programme - ensure that the programme meets academic and educational standards - be responsible for student evaluation and overall programme evaluation - propose recommendations for programme improvement
3.2.2 The composition of the Programme Board is determined by the internal regulations of MU, University A and University B. It is also composed of X persons from MU and X persons from University A and X persons from University B.
Programme Board. 3.1. The primary purposes of the Programme Board are to:
3.1.1. provide input into the Delivery Plan (to be prepared by the Head of Unit) - to ensure the maintenance and continued development of the Modern Slavery and Organised Immigration Crime Programme in line with the Strategy and the Responsibilities and Strategic Aims before submission for approval by the Chief Officers;
3.1.2. provide assurance to the Lead Chief Officer that the operational delivery of the Modern Slavery and Organised Immigration Crime Unit is in line with the Delivery Plan and the terms of the External Funding;
3.1.3. oversee the delivery of the Responsibilities and the Strategic Objectives with particular focus on supporting the Strategic Assurance Board to identify exit/continuation strategies prior to the expiry or termination of this Agreement;
3.1.4. consider and respond to any matters raised by the Chief Officers concerning the Delivery Plan or the operational performance of the Modern Slavery and Organised Immigration Crime Unit.
3.1.5. review interdependencies with wider strategic imperatives and national initiatives and to facilitate the development of exit strategies prior to the expiry or termination of this Agreement; and
3.1.6. provide a forum where the national performance of policing on Modern Slavery and Organised Immigration Crime can be reviewed and challenged.
3.2. In addition, the Programme Board shall:
3.2.1. provide an opportunity for key stakeholders to identify interdependencies between the Modern Slavery and Organised Immigration Crime Programme and their organisation, and / or provide feedback on the future planning and activity to be completed by the Modern Slavery and Organised Immigration Crime Programme;
3.2.2. facilitate ad hoc requests from senior stakeholders for briefings on specific elements linked to the Modern Slavery and Organised Immigration Crime Programme;
3.2.3. facilitate the development and approval of exit strategies for the Lead Policing Body prior to the expiry or termination of this Agreement; and
3.2.4. monitor the impact of the Modern Slavery and Organised Immigration Crime Programme on the safeguarding of victims through use of external and internal metrics.
3.3. To deliver the primary purposes the Programme Board shall:
3.3.1. review and advise on the current status of the Modern Slavery and Organised Immigration Crime Programme risk register;
3.3.2. provide a detailed update on the progress of Modern Slavery and Organised Immigra...
Programme Board. Establishment and structure of the Boards
Programme Board. 4.1 The Authorities will establish the Programme Board which, subject to paragraph 4.2 below, shall comprise one nominated officer representative of each Authority
4.2 The officer of each Authority nominated to serve on the Programme Board shall be a senior officer of that authority having responsibility at officer level for, or close senior level involvement in, e-Government
4.3 Each officer nominated under paragraph 4.1 shall be entitled to attend meetings of the Joint Committee but not to vote thereat
4.4 Each officer nominated under paragraph 4.1 shall have the delegated authority to act on behalf of their parent Authority and be entitled to attend meetings of the Programme Board and to vote thereat according to the mandate in appendix 4
4.5 The Secretary to the Joint Committee and the Treasurer to the Joint Committee or their respective nominees shall be able to attend meetings of the Joint Committee and the Programme Board in an advisory capacity
4.6 If the officer nominated under paragraph 4.1 is unable to attend a meeting of the Joint Committee or the Programme Board, the Authority which nominated him may nominate a substitute of comparable seniority to attend that meeting who shall have the like rights to vote as the officer for whom he is substitute. The nomination of such officer shall be made to the Secretary to the Joint Committee
4.7 The officer nominated under paragraph 4.1 may be accompanied by up to two other officer advisers at meetings of the Programme Board but such advisers shall have no power to vote
4.8 The Programme Board will report to and be accountable to the Joint Committee
4.9 The functions of the Programme Board will be
4.9.1 to recommend the strategic direction of the e-Government Vision to promote the Objectives of the Joint Committee and to develop policies for those purposes to make recommendations
4.9.2 to consider the recommendations proposed by the Programme Office and to make recommendations to the Joint Committee where the Programme Office’s proposals are outside the powers delegated to the Programme Board
4.9.3 to make recommendations to the Joint Committee about the programme of work and projects to be undertaken by the Joint Committee in the year in question
4.9.4 to make recommendations to the Joint Committee about the Joint Committee’s Budget, proposals for joint commissioning, joint ventures and the establishment of partnership agreements and service level agreements
4.9.5 to support in all practicable respects ...
Programme Board. The Programme Board will serve as the approval group for the recommendations made by the Steering Group following the Verification Stage. The Programme Board currently meets every month.
Programme Board. The timescale for resolving Disputes by commercial negotiations shall be as set out in the applicable section of the Dispute Resolution Timetable.
Programme Board. The Programme Board comprises one representative per full partner, two associate partner representatives and two student representatives. IMBRSea’s coordinator represents the coordination office on this board. A chair of this board is elected from one of the full partner representatives on a 3-year basis. The board oversees the general working of the master programme (financial decisions, approval of the selections, overall organisation), is in charge of curriculum review, the MSc Thesis topic evaluation and development and educational quality assurance. The board meets at least four times per year (end of August before the start of the academic year, early October, early February and physically during the annual symposium). The programme board is advised by the examination board, the selection committee, the student board and the external advisory committee. Decisions are where possible taken by consensus. In cases where a consensus cannot be achieved, decisions will be taken following the majority plus 1 rule.