Project Working Hours. Because the Employee had one week with an unauthorised absence, they shall accrue forty (40) hours of PSL for that cycle, being four-fifths (4/5) of the available PSL entitlement.
Project Working Hours. The Company will advise Employees of their ordinary starting and finishing times at the commencement of employment and also advise if required to comply with the Project scheduled working hours, which may include a requirement to work overtime. MON TUES WED THURS FRI EQUIVALENT ORDINARY HOURS Working hours 8 8 8 8 8 40 Ordinary Hours 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 36 RDO Accrual per week 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 4
Project Working Hours. 16 HOURS OF WORK
(1) Ordinary Hours for an Employee comprise thirty-six (36) hours per week averaged over a defined work cycle and, except in the case of shift Employees, are to be worked Monday to Friday between 6.00am and 6.00pm as required by the Company. Such Ordinary Hours are the specified hours under each Employee’s terms of employment by reference to which annual leave and personal/carer’s leave accrue.
(2) Employees shall work standard Project Working Hours of seventy (70) hours per week, Monday to Sunday inclusive (subject to taking an RDO) over a three (3) week work cycle. The work cycle is made up of an on-duty period of twenty (20) consecutive calendar days, followed by an off- duty period of a maximum of 8 (eight) consecutive calendar days.
(3) Project Working Hours consists of Ordinary Hours, RDO accrual hours and Regular Scheduled Overtime. An Employee may be required to work reasonable Additional Overtime as required by the Company and as set out in clause 18-Working Additional Overtime of this Agreement.
(4) Except as provided in clause 19 -Withdrawal of Overtime of this Agreement, an Employee's Regular Scheduled Overtime shall be paid to them provided they are ready, willing and available to work the regular scheduled overtime.
(5) The meal break and rest period shall be scheduled each day so that Project Working Hours for each day are divided into three (3) approximately equal work periods.
(6) The Company may stagger the time of taking meal and rest breaks to meet operational requirements.
(7) The Company will determine the actual method of working Project Working Hours which best suits the operational requirements.
(8) Where the Company wishes to vary the method of working Project Working Hours, they shall seek the agreement of the Employees involved. Failing agreement, the Company shall give those Employees one (1) weeks’ notice of the change.
Project Working Hours. HOURS OF WORK
Project Working Hours. Because the Employee had one week with an unauthorised absence, they shall accrue twenty-four (24) hours of PVSL for that cycle, being three-quarters (3/4) of the available PVSL entitlement.
Project Working Hours. Employees will be on site for 10 and a half hours per day (Monday to Saturday inclusive) of which 9 hours and 30 minutes will be worked, 30 minutes will be taken as a paid rest break and half an hour taken as an unpaid meal break. Such breaks will be scheduled each day so the Project Working Hours for each day are divided into three approximately equal work periods. Although the company will endeavour to schedule breaks as aforementioned; breaks may be staggered amongst Employees to suit work continuity and production requirements. Standard Project Working Hours total sixty hours per week; consisting of Ordinary Hours, RDO accrual hours and Regular Scheduled Overtime. An Employee may be required to work reasonable Additional Overtime as required by the company.
Project Working Hours. The standard “scheduled working hours” shall be an average of fifty-three hours per week worked over a two-week cycle within the following ordinary hours (except in the case of shift Employees): Week 1 MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT EQUIVALENT ORDINARY HOURS Ordinary Hours 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 - 36 Overtime @ time and a half 2 2 2 2 2 2 18 Hours paid per week 62 RDO Accrual per week 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0 4 Week 2 MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT EQUIVALENT ORDINARY HOURS Working hours 10 10 10 10 10 0 50 Ordinary Hours 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 - 36 Overtime @ time and a half 2 2 2 2 2 0 15 Hours paid per week 51 RDO Accrual per week 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0 4
Project Working Hours. 16 Hours of Work Standard Rostered Working Hours
Project Working Hours. 17.1 An Employee may be required to work on a site or project which works to a 36-Ordinary Hour week.
17.2 If, in such a case, the Company elects to roster the Employee on a 36-hour week, then, for that Employee whilst so engaged, Ordinary Hours for all purposes of this Agreement will not exceed an average of 36 per week over a specified roster cycle.
Project Working Hours. 20.1 The Project Working Hours consists of Ordinary Hours, RDO accrual hours and Regular Scheduled Overtime.
20.2 It is the intention of the parties that weekend overtime is not routinely worked
20.3 To this end, the Project working hours will be 54 hours scheduled over a 5-day week, Monday to Friday consisting of not more than 11 hours per day, excluding unpaid meal breaks.
20.4 Working Hours shall commence and then conclude at a designated location. Such designated location may be altered to meet the operational requirements of the Project either following consultation with Employee(s) affected or where agreement exists between Employer and Employees.