Promotions/Demotions. 18.01 The Employer and the Union agree that in the case of promotions (other than promotions to positions outside the bargaining unit) and demotions and in all cases of increase or decrease of forces, the following factors shall be considered:
(a) qualifications, experience, ability & skill;
(b) seniority;
(c) however, having regard to the fact that the employees are assisting in the operating of the Nursing Home, the Union agrees that the qualifications in factor (a) must govern and only where all such qualifications of the employees involved are relatively equal will factor (b) govern.
Promotions/Demotions. In the case of promotions and demotions with the classifications covered by this Agreement, the first consideration shall be the qualifications of the person for the job, taking into account ability and efficiency. The second consideration shall be classification seniority.
Promotions/Demotions. An employee who assumes or is awarded a position shall have a sixty (60) working day trial period. During the trial period, the employer may fill the vacated position with a substitute employee. If the employee is deemed unsatisfactory by the employer any time during the trial period, notice and reasons shall be submitted to the employee, in writing, by the Board of Education or its representative. In consultation with the Union, the trial period may be extended for up to an additional sixty (60) day period. When an employee reverts back to or is returned to their former position within the sixty (60) working day trial period, the next-in-line qualified employee who originally bid on the position will be awarded it. No additional posting will take place.
Promotions/Demotions. §1. In filling vacancies by promotion, in accordance with applicable State laws or transfer of an applicant to a higher classification covered by this Agreement, or which may be added to this Agreement, where the following qualifications are adequate, seniority shall govern:
a. Ability to do the job as safely as it can be done under the circumstances;
b. Knowledge of the job which is being filled;
c. Experience in types of work related to the job being filled;
d. Ability to instruct employees properly;
e. Availability to perform the required work as needed; and
f. Ability to advance within a job classification.
§2. The City shall notify the Union in writing of the selection made. It is agreed that in case an employee is by-passed, he/she shall have the right to submit a grievance through the Union. However, the arbitration provisions of this Agreement shall not apply.
§3. Normal progression through Operation and Sr. Lineworker (Troubleshooter) shall be by way of the relief position.
§4. In the event it becomes necessary to reduce in rank an employee from a supervisory position, the employee will return to the bargaining unit with only the seniority he/she had accumulated prior to going into supervision, i.e. he/she does not accumulate any seniority in his/her supervisory position. The employee may not return to the bargaining unit with a higher classification than that of a Journeyman within the Division from which he/she was promoted. For the purposes of defining Journeyman, the following classifications shall apply: Distribution: Lineworker or Equivalent Generation: Relief Operator of the Classification which he/she held Senior Maintenance Repairer This section is subject to Federal and State regulations.
Promotions/Demotions. When promotions or demotions are made, or vacancies occur within the staff covered by this Agreement, seniority, skill, competence, and reliability shall be the determining factors. Where skill, competence, and reliability are equal, seniority shall be the governing factor.
Promotions/Demotions. Employees in a covered title that are promoted, demoted, or otherwise appointed to another covered title will remain covered by this alternate Holiday Accrual.
Promotions/Demotions. TRANSFERS The Employer will not consider applications from employees who have been in their position less than six
Promotions/Demotions. TRANSFERS
Promotions/Demotions. An employee who assumes or is awarded a position shall have a sixty (60) working day trial period. During the trial period, the employer may fill the vacated position with a substitute employee. If the employee is deemed unsatisfactory by the employer any time during the trial period, notice and reasons shall be submitted to the employee, in writing, by the Board of Education or its representative. In consultation with the Union, the trial period may be extended for up to an additional sixty (60) day period. Promotion - Only an employee receiving a promotion will be able to revert to his former position within the sixty (60) working day period. During the sixty (60) working day trial period, after assuming a promotion, the employee shall have the opportunity to revert back to their former job and location whereupon the employee shall sign a statement to acknowledge their ineligibility for the next similar promotion and their eligibility for the second similar position. This procedure will be repetitive. When an employee reverts back to or is returned to their former position within the sixty
Promotions/Demotions. The Employer and the Union agree that in the case of promotions (other than promotions to positions outside the bargaining unit) and demotions and in all cases of increase or decrease of forces, the following factors shall be considered: