Rating Factors and Weights Sample Clauses

Rating Factors and Weights. All examinations shall be impartial and shall relate to those matters which will test the candidate’s ability to discharge the duties of the position to be filled. The placement of employees on the preliminary promotion lists shall be based on the points achieved by the employee on promotion examinations consisting of the following four (4) components weighted as specified: 1. Written Examinations % Weight 60
Rating Factors and Weights. All examinations shall be impartial and related to those matters which test the candidatesability to discharge the duties of the position being filled. The placement of employees on promotional eligibility registers shall be based on the points achieved by the employee on the promotional examinations consisting of the following components and weights as specified, provided that final scores will be calculated and rounded out to the hundredths decimal place (two decimal places): 1. Seniority Weight 20% This shall be accomplished by awarding .42 points per each full month from years 11- 30 for a maximum of 100 points. The date of the written exam shall be used as the cutoff date for purposes of determining the number of complete months. 2. Ascertained Merit Weight 15% This shall be accomplished by awarding 20 points for each of the following certifications or degrees for a maximum of 100 points: a. Fire Officer I b. Fire Officer II c. Fire Science or Fire Service Officer Associates Degree
Rating Factors and Weights. All examinations shall be impartial and shall relate to those matters which will test the candidate’s ability to discharge the duties of the position to be filled. The placement of employees on the promotional list shall be based on the points achieved by the employee on promotional examinations consisting of the following three (3) components weighted as specified, followed by seniority points and military preference credit as described in subsequent paragraphs of this Article: Written Examination. 40% Department Merit Review. 20% Assessment Center. 40% The order of the administration of the test shall be department merit review, written examination and assessment center. The written test shall not be administered until the Department Merit Review is posted.
Rating Factors and Weights. The placement of employees on promotional lists shall be based on the points achieved by each employee on the promotional examinations consisting of the following four (4) components weighted as specified: 1. Written Examination 35% 2. Assessment Center 40% 3. Oral Exam 5%
Rating Factors and Weights. Candidates for promotion to the rank of 1. Written examination/practical 50points
Rating Factors and Weights. Promotional tests initiated before ratification of the May 1, 2023, bargaining agreement shall be administered pursuant to the rating factors and weights in effect at the start of the exam. For promotional tests initiated after ratification of the May 1, 2023, bargaining agreement, all examinations shall be impartial and shall relate to those matters which will test the candidate’s ability to discharge the duties of the position to be filled. The placement of employees on promotional lists shall be based on the points achieved by the employee on promotional examinations consisting of the following five (5) components weighted as specified: 1. Written Examination 45% 2. Seniority 5%
Rating Factors and Weights. 799 All examinations shall be impartial and shall relate to those matters which will test the 800 candidate’s ability to discharge the duties of the position to be filled. The placement of 801 employees on promotional lists shall be based on the points achieved by the employee on 802 promotional examinations consisting of the following components in the following order 803 (Sec. 35 paragraph A of The Act) weighted as specified: 804 Component Percentage Weighting Seniority 7% Fire Chief’s Points 3% Ascertained Merit 20% Promotional Potential Rating 5% BPFC Oral Interview 15% Assessment Center 15% Written Examination 35% 805 806 If a candidate wishes to withdraw from the promotional process before the completion of all 807 the components of the promotional process, the candidate shall so advise the Fire Chief in 808 writing. 809 810 D. Test Components 812 1. 813 814 2. 815 816 817 818 819 820 3. 821 822 823 824 Seniority points shall be computed as of the date of the written examination. Points shall be awarded on the following basis: one-half a point (.5) for each year of service in a sworn position on the Wheaton Fire Department up to a maximum of twenty –five (25) years. A maximum of ten (10) points can be earned (e.g., 10 points = 100) for ascertained merit which shall be earned based on the professional achievements listed below: Bachelor’s Degree – Fire, EMS or Public Administration Related 3 Bachelor’s Degree – Any field of study 2 Associates Degree – Fire, EMS or Public Administration Related 2 Associates Degree – Any field of study 1 Minimum of 30 hours of college credit but no degree .5 Fire Officer II class attendance (For Lt Only) .5 points per class; maximum of 2.5 points Attendance at any course work at National Fire Academy in Emmetsburg, Maryland (minimum of 24 hour course) 1 point per class; maximum of 2 points University of Illinois FSI course (or equivalent) – 40 or more hour class (Does not include courses resulting in an OSFM certification covered elsewhere in this document). .5 points per class; maximum of 5 points University of Illinois FSI course (or equivalent) – classes of 17-39 hours (Does not include courses resulting in an OSFM certification covered elsewhere in this document). .25 points per class; maximum of 2.5 points University of Illinois FSI course (or equivalent) – classes of 8-16 hours (Does not include courses resulting in an OSFM certification covered elsewhere in this document). .125 points per class; maximum of 1.25 p...

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