RECOGNITION AND DEFINITION. Section 1 The Board hereby recognizes the West Noble Classroom Teachers Association as the exclusive representative of all teachers in the School Corporation.
RECOGNITION AND DEFINITION. A. The Board recognizes the Association as the sole and exclusive bargaining representative for all elementary and secondary classroom teachers who are certified and regularly employed by the Board.
RECOGNITION AND DEFINITION. 2.01 The Board recognizes the Association as the exclusive bargaining agent for members covered by this agreement.
2.02 For the purpose of the Agreement:
RECOGNITION AND DEFINITION. The board recognizes the Association as the sole and exclusive bargaining representative for all Xxxxx School Bus Drivers regularly employed by the Board, it specifically being the intent of the parties hereto that membership in the Association shall not be a condition of employment nor used as a point of discrimination in the rights, benefits or obligations under this contract.
RECOGNITION AND DEFINITION. In accordance with IC 20-29, the Wa-Nee Community Schools hereby recognizes the Wa-Nee Education Association as the Exclusive Representative for purposes of collective bargaining and discussion. Such representation shall include all certified employees teaching under a regular teachers contract of the Wa-Nee Community Schools, except for the Superintendent, all Assistant Superintendents, all Business Managers, all Principals, Vice-Principals or Assistant Principals, High School Athletic Director, Director of Technology, Director of Transportation, substitute teachers, para-professionals, long-term substitutes, speech and language pathologists (SLPs) and individuals teaching under a temporary contract.
RECOGNITION AND DEFINITION. 2.01 The Board recognizes the Association as the exclusive bargaining agent for members covered by this agreement.
2.02 (a) "Member" means a person appointed in the service of the Halton Regional Police Service in a civilian capacity, save and except those members defined as Senior Officers according to the Police Services Act.
RECOGNITION AND DEFINITION. A. The Board of Education of Community High School District 94, West Chicago, Illinois, hereinafter referred to as the "Board," and the West Chicago High School Teachers Association, Incorporated, hereinafter referred to as the "Association"; which Association is hereby recognized by the Board as the exclusive and sole negotiating agent for all regularly-employed professional personnel (persons whose positions require a certificate issued under Article 21 of the Illinois School Code as now or hereafter amended) except those positions requiring administrative certification, excluding Assistant Division Heads as defined in Appendix C; Substitutes; Short-term Employees; and persons hired in positions created which are supervisory or managerial within the meaning of the Illinois Education Employee Labor Relations Act; do hereby enter into this Contractual Agreement.
B. The term "Member of the Bargaining Unit," when used hereinafter in this Agreement, shall refer to all employees represented by the Association in the bargaining unit defined in Section A., above.
RECOGNITION AND DEFINITION. The Board recognizes the Association as the sole and exclusive representative for all elementary and secondary classroom teachers who are certificated and regularly employed by the Board: It specifically being the intent of the parties hereto that membership in the Association shall not be a condition of employment, nor used as a point of discrimination in the rights, benefits or obligations under this contract. The Bangor Board of Education shall be referred to hereafter as the Board. The Van Buren County Education Association (Bangor Education Association, M.E.A. and N.E.A.) shall be hereafter referred to as the Association. The term CERTIFICATION as used herein shall mean a teacher who is presently holding a valid certificate issued by the State Board of Education under the requirements of Act 202 of Public Acts of 1903 as amended. Certified teachers for the purpose of this agreement shall be defined to include non- certified, non-endorsed classroom teaching personnel as defined in section 1233b of the public acts of 1990. The term TEACHER as used herein shall include all those teachers employed full time throughout the school year and in addition thereto special education teachers, guidance-counselors, librarians, teachers regularly employed on a part-time basis, pre-school, headstart, probationary teachers as stated below, and specifically excluding from the bargaining unit all others and particularly the supervisory staff consisting of the Superintendent, Principals and Assistant principals, non-supervisory staff consisting of the substitute teachers and non-regularly employed part-time teachers. When used in this Contract, the word DAYS will mean any day Sunday through Saturday (365 days a year). The words SCHOOL DAY mean a day that school is in session, Monday through Friday. A SCHOOL HOLIDAY (Spring Break, Christmas, etc.) does not count as a school day. When school is not in session over the summer, school days reverts to workdays (M-F) until the re-start of school in the fall.
RECOGNITION AND DEFINITION. A. The Board of Education of Community High School District 94, West Chicago, Illinois, hereinafter referred to as the "Board", and the West Chicago High School Teachers´ Association, Incorporated, hereinafter referred to as the "Association"; which Association is hereby recognized by the Board as the exclusive and sole negotiating agent for all regularly-employed professional personnel (persons whose positions require a license issued under Article 21 of the Illinois School Code as now or hereafter amended) except those positions requiring administrative licensure, excluding substitutes; short-term employees; and persons hired in positions created which are supervisory or managerial within the meaning of the Illinois Education Employee Labor Relations Act; do hereby enter into this Contractual Agreement.
B. The term "Member of the Bargaining Unit", when used hereinafter in this Agreement, shall refer to all employees represented by the Association in the Bargaining Unit defined in Section A, above.
RECOGNITION AND DEFINITION a) For the purpose of this Agreement