Redeployment Sample Clauses

RedeploymentEmployees may be redeployed to a new job at the same or lower salary in the same or new location. 26.8.1 Where the new job is at a lower salary, an equalisation allowance will be paid to preserve the salary of the employee at the rate paid in the old job at the time of redeployment. The employer can preserve the salary in the following ways: a) A lump sum to make up for the loss of basic pay for the next two years (this is not abated by any subsequent salary increases); or b) An ongoing allowance for two years equivalent to the difference between the present salary and the new salary (this is abated by any subsequent salary increases). 26.8.2 Where the new job is within the same local area and extra travelling costs are involved, actual additional travelling expenses by public transport shall be reimbursed for up to 12 months. 26.8.3 The redeployment may involve employees undertaking some on-the-job training.
Redeployment. Agreed flexible working arrangements, such as a reduction in hours.
Redeployment. (a) An Affected Employee whose role will be redundant will be considered for redeployment during the redeployment period. (b) Employee to be advised in writing (i) the date the Affected Employee’s role is to be redundant, (ii) details of the redeployment process, (iii) the reasonable support that will be provided in accordance with subclause 26.3(g), and (iv) the Affected Employee’s rights and obligations.
Redeployment a) Employees may be redeployed to an alternative position for which they are appropriately trained (or training may be provided). Any transfer provisions will be negotiated on an actual and reasonable basis. Where the new job is at a lower salary, an equalisation allowance will be paid to preserve the salary of the employee at the rate paid in the old job at the time of redeployment. The salary can be preserved in the following ways: b) lump sum to make up for the loss of basic pay for the next two years (this is not abated by any subsequent salary increases); or c) an ongoing allowance for two years equivalent to the difference between the present salary and the new salary (this is abated by any subsequent salary increases). (i) Where the new job is within the same local area and extra travelling costs are involved, actual additional travelling expenses by public transport shall be reimbursed for up to 12 months. (ii) The redeployment may involve employees undertaking some on-the-job training.
Redeployment a) Xxxxxxx may be redeployed to a comparable position at the same or lower salary within the employer. b) Where a redeployment opportunity exists, kaimahi shall be given due consideration consistent with and appropriate to their skills and experience. The following conditions will apply: I. Kaimahi may be redeployed on their existing salary, or if the role is at a lower salary band than the role that has been disestablished, kaimahi will be paid: • an equalisation allowance paid as a lump sum of the equivalent of two years difference between their existing salary and their new salary (the lump sum allowance will not take in to account any subsequent salary increases) OR • an equalisation allowance paid on a fortnightly basis for a period of two years (this allowance will decrease with any subsequent salary increases). c) Kaimahi will not be eligible for a redundancy payment if they are offered and decline a position within the employer which is directly comparable to their existing position and which does not require a change in residential location. d) The employer will be diligent in the consideration and application of its obligations under both the Employment Relations Act and The Education and Training Act in respect to the advertising of vacancies and its obligation and commitment to redeployment of kaimahi. e) When redeployment occurs outside of the local area, such that a change in residential address is reasonably required to take up the new position, kaimahi may be entitled to relocation expenses as set out in clause 9.5 of this agreement. f) Included within its schedule is Redeployment on a trial basis for kaimahi from TPP.
Redeployment. (a) An Affected Employee whose role will be redundant will be considered for redeployment during the redeployment period. (b) Employee to be advised in writing The Affected Employee must be advised in writing of: (i) the date the Affected Employee’s role is to be redundant, (ii) details of the redeployment process, (iii) the reasonable support that will be provided in accordance with subclause 20.3(g), and (iv) the Affected Employee’s rights and obligations. (c) Employer obligations The Employer will: (i) make every effort to redeploy the Affected Employee to a Comparable Role in terms of classification, grade and income, including appointing a case manager to provide the Affected Employee with support and assistance (including assistance with compiling a CV / resume and undertaking employment search activities such as interview preparation); and (ii) take into account the personal circumstances of the Affected Employee, including family commitments and responsibilities. (d) Employee obligations The Employee must actively participate in the redeployment process including: (i) identifying appropriate retraining needs; (ii) developing a resume / CV to assist in securing redeployment; (iii) actively monitoring and exploring appropriate redeployment opportunities and working with the appointed case manager. (e) Rejecting a comparable role Where an Affected Employee rejects an offer of redeployment to a comparable role (as defined), the Affected Employee may be ineligible for a departure package referred to at subclause 20.7. (f) Temporary alternative duties An Affected Employee awaiting redeployment may be transferred to temporary alternative duties within the same campus, or where part of the Employee’s existing employment conditions (or by agreement) at another campus. Such temporary duties will be in accordance with the Affected Employee’s skills, experience, clinical area and profession.
Redeployment. The principal is redeployed as a basic scale teacher for 40 school weeks at any other school requested by the principal with the approval of the Board of that other school. Salary protection at the principal’s previous salary (i.e. school roll and staffing based components only) shall apply for the period of redeployment. The redeployment process is outlined in clause 9.2 provided that upon termination of the supernumerary period, principals who complete their supernumerary employment of 40 school weeks and have yet to secure a permanent position in another state or state-integrated school, will retain an entitlement to removal expenses as per Appendix 2 of the PPCA for a period of 12 months from the cessation of their supernumerary employment. This entitlement will cease on permanent appointment to a position in a state school; or
Redeployment. Each region shall develop and implement a consistent redeployment process, which will include local union leaders, national and regional Workforce Planning and Development, career counselors, recruitment, labor relations and operational leaders. The parties will build or refine redeployment process maps. This task will be supported by long-term and short-term forecasting of strategic and operational changes that may lead to redeployment. These efforts will be both collaborative and transparent.
Redeployment. (i) The conditions under which employees may be redeployed to alternative duties within the University are as follows: • By agreement employees may be redeployed to a position at the same, higher or lower salary. • Where the new position is at a lower salary, an equalisation allowance will be paid for a period of two years to preserve the salary of the employee in the old position at the time of redeployment. (ii) Equalisation allowance can be paid as either: • a lump sum to make up for the loss of basic pay for the next two years (this is not abated by any subsequent salary increase); or • an on‐going allowance for two years equivalent to the difference between the present salary (including superannuation) and the new salary. The allowance will be abated by any salary increase for the new position during the two year period; provided that when employees who are within three years of their approved retirement are appointed to a position carrying a lower salary, such employees will retain their present grade and salary unabated and their salary will be increased in line with any subsequent salary increases. The difference cannot be cashed up. (iii) In the case of agreed redeployment into a fixed term position that ceases to exist and the employee is not redeployed to a mutually acceptable vacancy, the employee will be paid redundancy compensation on the following basis: • Where the position ceases within one year of redeployment the full redundancy payment will be made. • Where the position ceases after one year but not exceeding three years of redeployment, 50% of the redundancy payment will be made. • Where the position ceases beyond three years of redeployment no redundancy payment will be made. • Redundancy for a fixed term position that ceases to exist will be calculated on the basis of salary and service of the employee immediately prior to their redeployment into the fixed term position they accepted.
RedeploymentAn employee who has received notice of lay-off in accordance with this article shall be assigned to a position that becomes vacant in his or her ministry during his or her notice period provided that: