Redundancy Compensation Sample Clauses
Redundancy Compensation. (a) Where an employee is not placed in suitable alternative employment prior to the expiry of the notice period, the employee shall be entitled to compensation as follows:
(i) One month’s notice of termination of employment or pay in lieu; and
(ii) For those employees appointed prior to or on 22 December 1992, one months’ salary for each year of service, up to a maximum payment of six months’ salary; or
(iii) For those employees appointed after 22 December 1992, 8% of ordinary pay for the preceding twelve months, plus 2% of ordinary pay for the preceding twelve months for each year of service minus one, up to a maximum of the equivalent of three months’ salary at that time.
(b) Redundancy compensation (excluding notice provisions) shall be payable to redundant employees with at least 12 months’ current continuous service.
Redundancy Compensation. The following provisions relating to supernumerary redeployment/ retraining/redundancy will apply at the expiry of the sunset redundancy compensation provisions for existing teachers (ie from 14 January 2016) and for new teachers from 28 August 2013. This means that for existing teachers, the supernumerary redeployment and retraining options below will not override automatic access to the existing redundancy compensation provisions during the sunset period.
Redundancy Compensation. For the purposes of these provisions, ordinary pay is defined as basic taxable salary, plus regular taxable allowances paid on a continuous basis which either attract overtime or penal payments or are paid on an hourly basis for all hours worked, plus penal payments (T1/4 T1/2, T1, and T2) or allowances in lieu thereof for those employees working shift hours of work. Except in the case of employees on parental leave where ordinary pay shall be the ordinary pay at the time of taking leave.
(1) For all employees:
(a) (i) 29.165 percent of total ordinary pay for the preceding 12 months for employees with more than 2 years’ continuous service with either or both the Department for Courts and the Department of Justice at date of termination.
Redundancy Compensation. Subject to the following clause, in the event you are made redundant, you will be entitled to redundancy compensation calculated in accordance with Section 45 of the Xxxxxxx Council Handbook (Appendix E), save where these provisions are no longer compliant with age discrimination legislation.
Redundancy Compensation. Employees shall be entitled to redundancy compensation based on 4 weeks’ pay.
Redundancy Compensation. (a) Where a reasonable offer of employment under clause 7.2.3 is not made by the time of the expiry of the notice period or no alternative arrangements have been agreed, the employer shall give the union and the affected teacher(s) one month's notice of redundancy.
(b) Notice of redundancy shall specify the number of teachers affected in the occupational grouping and the reasons for the disestablishment of the position(s).
(c) Teachers shall be entitled to payment for all holiday pay and salary owing.
(d) Affected teachers will have the following options:
(i) Redeployment to another position in Te Kura (as in 7.2.3 above); or
(ii) If no suitable positions are available, redundancy compensation (as below in 7.2.8 (e).
(e) Teachers shall be entitled to redundancy compensation, to a maximum of 30 weeks of total salary, based on gross salary as follows:
(i) six weeks’ pay for the first 12 months or part year of service;
(ii) thereafter two weeks’ pay for every complete year of service; and
(iii) two weeks pro-rated for the remaining part year of service. Service includes all service as a trained teacher in any licensed early childhood service or free kindergarten. The recognition of service with employers other than Te Kura is subject to the production of the relevant records from the `previous employer.
Redundancy Compensation. (1) In the event of redundancy arising due to sale, laying up, change of registry of a vessel or other reasons and the Company is being compelled to terminate the employment of a xxxxxx, and if similar alternative employment in the Company is not available after exhaustion of leave, the Company shall pay to the xxxxxx in addition to the other benefits he is entitled to under this Agreement, two months’ last drawn basic salary.
(2) The notice of termination of service to a xxxxxx so affected shall be one month or he shall be paid one month’s salary in lieu of notice.
(3) Seamen who have served the agreed contract period shall not be entitled to redundancy compensation.
Redundancy Compensation i. Redundancy compensation will be paid in accordance with the following:
Redundancy Compensation. Where a reasonable offer of employment under clause 7.2.3 is not made by the time of the expiry of the notice period or no alternative arrangements have been agreed, the employer shall give the union and the affected teacher(s) one month's notice of redundancy. Notice of redundancy shall specify the number of teachers affected in the occupational grouping and the reasons for the disestablishment of the position(s). Teachers shall be entitled to payment for all holiday pay and salary owing. Affected teachers will have the following options: Redeployment to another position in Te Kura (as in 7.2.3 above); or If no suitable positions are available, redundancy compensation (as below in 7.2.8 (e). Teachers shall be entitled to redundancy compensation, to a maximum of 30 weeks of total salary, based on gross salary as follows: six weeks' pay for the first 12 months or part year of service; thereafter two weeks' pay for every complete year of service; and two weeks pro-rated for the remaining part year of service. Service includes all service as a trained teacher in any licensed early childhood service or free kindergarten. The recognition of service with employers other than Te Kura is subject to the production of the relevant records from the previous employer.
Redundancy Compensation. The following provisions relating to supernumerary redeployment/retraining/redundancy will apply at the expiry of the sunset redundancy compensation provisions for existing teachers (ie from 14 January 2016) and for new teachers from 28 August 2013. This means that for existing teachers, the supernumerary redeployment and retraining options below will not override automatic access to the existing redundancy compensation provisions during the sunset period. Once the surplus teacher(s) have been identified and before the date the surplus staffing takes effect, the options set out in clauses 7.2.5(a)(i) to (iv), and further detailed in clauses 7.2.3, 7.2.6, 7.2.7 and 7.2.8 will be considered for permanently employed teachers. Where a surplus staffing situation exists and a teacher’s position is to be disestablished, the redeployment, supernumerary redeployment and retraining options must, in the first instance, be thoroughly explored by the employer in consultation with the employee. This means that the redundancy compensation provisions will only be offered by the employer after the redeployment, supernumerary redeployment and retraining options have been thoroughly explored by the employer in consultation with the employee and these options are considered inappropriate in the circumstances. After all options have been thoroughly explored with the employee, the employer shall agree to one of the four surplus staffing options (i) to (iv) outlined in 7.2.5 (a) above, however the employer shall not be bound to agree to any particular option. The employer’s decision shall be final.