Redeployment Process. An employee who is displaced or whose position is eliminated pursuant to 18.02 (a) will be placed in an alternative position if the employee is able to perform the work. The affected employee may elect either:
(i) to fill a vacant position at a comparable classification; or
(ii) to displace the employee who has the least bargaining unit seniority in a position at the same classification in the location selected by the affected employee. Where such a vacancy or position is not available, in accordance with Article 18.02 (e) (i) and (ii) and/or the vacancy or position would require a full-time employee redeployed to a part-time position, the affected employee may then elect either:
(iii) to fill a vacant position at a lower classification; or
(iv) to displace the employee with the least bargaining unit seniority in a position at a lower classification in the location selected by the affected employee; or
(v) to be laid off and placed on the recall list for a period not in excess of twenty-four (24) months; or
(vi) to have her employment terminated and to be paid in accordance with the formula in the Employment Standards Act, 2000, as amended; or
(vii) to accept early retirement, if eligible. For the purpose of the operation of the above, employees who are redeployed shall receive no less than their current rate of pay for a period not to exceed twenty-four (24) months from the date the employee was redeployed (“Wage Protection Period”). Following the expiry of the twenty-four (24)-month period, such employee will then receive the rate applicable to her new position. Full-time employees redeployed to part-time positions will continue to receive benefits for a period of six (6) months from the date the employee was redeployed. Notwithstanding the above, where a vacancy in a lower classification exists within the employee’s region for which the employee is qualified, the person may elect to take that vacancy at the rate of pay of that position. An employee who chooses to exercise the right to displace another employee with lesser seniority shall advise the Redeployment Committee of her intention to do so and the position claimed within three (3) working days after receiving notice of specific redeployment options. An employee shall have the right to return to a position within the classification held prior to the displacement should it become vacant within twelve (12) months. In the event that there is more than one (1) person wishing to return to a position wi...
Redeployment Process. Where an employee chooses redeployment HR will:
a) interview the employee to ascertain career interests/aspirations, experience/skills, knowledge and training needs.
b) assist in developing a Curriculum Vitae, letter of application and in preparing for interviews.
c) monitor potential vacancies and keep a record of all employees to be redeployed. Employees being considered for redeployment will be informed of potential vacancies and provided with details including position descriptions and selection criteria. Where an employee is being considered for a vacant position and satisfies the essential selection criteria, or would do so with reasonable training, the Chair of the Selection Committee, in conjunction with HR, will interview the employee prior to any advertisement being placed. In the case where there are two or more employees to be considered for redeployment to one position, the merit principle will apply. Should the interview process confirm that the employee satisfies the essential selection criteria or would, with reasonable training (normally 6 months), redeployment will be effected at the earliest possible date. The necessary training will be carried out by the University in paid time and any associate course costs paid by the University. If the employee is not considered suitable for the vacant position the area with the vacancy will be required to discuss with the Director, HR why the employee does not meet the requirements of the position. Where the Director, HR is satisfied with the decision, the employee may then be given feedback by the Chair of the Selection Committee or the supervisor. Where there is disagreement on whether the employee is considered as a suitable appointee, the Relevant Senior Officer is the authorised arbiter. All employees, who are identified as redundant will be entitled to reasonable access to paid time off to attend employment interviews. Redeployment will be deemed to have ended when the employee:
a) is redeployed to an alternative continuing position and successfully completes any trial period; or
b) has not been redeployed to an alternative position by the end of the “transition period”; or
c) having elected to go into the redeployment process, refuses an offer of an alternative position at the same salary which, in the opinion of the University and following consultation with the affected employee and their nominated representative, represents a suitable a...
Redeployment Process. Where an employee chooses redeployment HR will:
Redeployment Process. Employees whose positions are eliminated or who have been displaced by a more senior employee will be placed in an alternative position if the employee has the skill, ability and qualifications to perform the work. Alternative positions will be identified for employees by following the following process for each employee in order of bargaining unit wide seniority:
Redeployment Process. Is a process for the duration of the redeployment period of placing employees in alternative positions in RCC’s organisational structure.
Redeployment Process. 19.3.1 Suitable redeployment opportunities will be offered in the first instance, where positions are identified as surplus.
19.3.2 Suitability for appointment to a redeployment position will be based on the employee having the appropriate skills and qualifications or the potential to develop capability with reasonable training.
19.3.3 Assessment of the employee for redeployment will be made by the relevant Manager in conjunction with Human Resources.
19.3.4 An employee who is offered a suitable redeployment opportunity who does not accept the position will not be entitled to a redundancy package.
19.3.5 Suitable redeployment opportunity means a position at the employee’s classification and level.
Redeployment Process. 49 1. Redeployment principles ...............................................................................................................49 2.
Redeployment Process. Employees whose positions are eliminated or who have been displaced by a more senior employee will be placed in an alternative position if the employee has the skill, ability and qualifications to perform the work. Alternative positions will be identified for employees by following the following process for each employee in order of bargaining unit wide seniority:
(i) if there is a vacant position with the same full-time or part-time status as the employee, that is within the employee’s labour grade, and that s/he has the skill, ability and qualifications to perform, s/he will be placed in the position.
(ii) if there is no vacant position in the employee’s labour grade that s/he can perform, the employee may : • choose any other vacancy whether full-time or part- time for which they have the skill, ability and qualifications to perform; or • displace a junior employee in their own labour grade or one labour grade lower where they have the skill, ability and qualifications to perform the work.
(iii) if the employee cannot be redeployed under (i) or (ii) above, s/he will be placed on the surplus list for a period of twelve (12) months.
Redeployment Process. The following redeployment provisions will apply to ongoing Employees identified as surplus to the requirements of the Parliament of Victoria in accordance with section 29 of the Parliamentary Administration Act 2005. In managing surplus Employees, the Department Heads recognise their obligations and commit to placing surplus Employees into vacancies for which they are suitable. Surplus staff are to commit to participate in the redeployment process in good faith.
Redeployment Process. The procedure for redundancies is as follows: