Requests for Leaves. All leaves of absence without pay are to be requested from the Employer in writing as far in advance as possible, stating the reason for the leave and the amount of time requested. A written reply granting or denying the request and stating the conditions of the leave of absence, including conditions upon which the nurse will return, shall be given by the Employer within thirty (30) days.
Requests for Leaves. Requests for leaves, as specified in this Article, shall be made in writing and the Hospital shall approve same in writing. It being recognized that such requests shall be approved on a first come, first approved basis, staffing requirements permitting. Requests must be made at least two (2) weeks prior to the date desired to commence such leave, except in the case of an emergency approved by the Hospital. A nurse should communicate with Human Resources with respect to all leave issues, and not rely exclusively on the summary of leave rights in this contract.
Requests for Leaves. In unusual or grave personal circumstances, or for the purpose of restoration of health, professional improvement, or special educational service, or military service other than those cases specifically covered above, an administrator may, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and confirmation by the Committee, be granted a limited leave of absence, without pay, when such leave seems to be in the best interests of the school system as well as of the individual administrator.
Requests for Leaves. Requests for leave of absence will be in writing. The Company will give its decision for leaves of less than one (1) week’s duration by the end of the working day following the request being made. In all other cases the Company will respond within one (1) week.
Requests for Leaves. When a nurse will be away from his/her job for any 5 amount of time (except for vacation), a request for leave must be submitted.
6 A request for family leave should be made on the form provided by the Human
Requests for Leaves. All requests for leaves under this Article shall be made through a person's Principal or immediate supervisor, to the Superintendent of Schools or his designee.
Requests for Leaves. Leave requests should be submitted to the employee's supervisor. The supervisor will respond to the leave request as soon as possible but within a maximum of three working days after receiving the leave request. If the supervisor is not available to make the decision within this timeframe, or if a leave is denied and the employee disagrees with the decision, the employee should contact the Human Resources Department to discuss the leave. Any unique circumstances surrounding the leave request will be considered as it relates to legal obligations or other factors presented by the employee. In situations where the number of leave requests exceeds the ability to grant the leave, leave approvals will first be determined by the request date of the leave with seniority being the secondary criteria.
Requests for Leaves. Requests for Leave of Absence shall be made as far in advance as possible. Seniority shall accumulate during Leave of Absence; however, unless otherwise stated in this Agreement time spent on Leave of Absence shall be without pay.
Requests for Leaves. Requests for leaves of absence shall be in writing. Any grant or denial of a leave shall be in writing. The Union and the Medical Center agree to comply with all the provisions of the Family Medical Leave Act and with the California Family Rights Act.
Requests for Leaves. A. Request for Leave of Absence. Except in cases of sick leave and bereavement leave, requests for leaves of absence by employees will be accomplished in the following manner. An employee requesting a leave of absence shall submit his/her request in writing to his/her immediate supervisor. Such request shall include the reason(s) for such leave, the requested beginning date of the leave and the employee’s return date from the leave.
B. Following receipt of such request, the employee’s immediate supervisor shall respond within a reasonable period of time in writing indicating approval, denial or modification of the employee’s original leave of absence request.