Qualitative Research. The qualitative research phase was conducted in three stages: data collection, item identification, and item review and finalization.
Qualitative Research. A guide to design and implementation. (4th Ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. MES (Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan). (2015). Otchet o realizatsii Gosudarstvennoy programmi razvitiya obrazovaniya Respubliki Kazakhstan na 2011-2020 gody [Report on the implementation of the State Program of Education Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the years 2011-2020]. Retrieved from xxxx://xxx.xxx.xx/ru/page/deyatelnost/plani_i_otcheti/programmi MES (Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan). (2016a). Gosudarstvennaya programma razvitiya obrazovaniya i nauki Respubliki Kazakhstan na 2016-2019 gody [State Program of Education Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the years 2016-2019]. Retrieved from xxxx://xxxxxxx.xxx.xxx.xx/sites/default/files/gpron_ukaz_ot_1.03.2016_no2015_1.pdf MES (Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan). (2016b). Strategicheskiy plan Ministerstva obrazovaniya i nauki Respubliki Kazakhstan na 2017- 2021 gody [Strategic plan of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the years 2017-2021]. Official Internet-Resource of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Retrieved from xxxx://xxx.xxx.xxx.xx/ru/dokumenti/detail.php?ELEMENT_ID=2574 MES (Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan) & (IAC) JSC “Information-Analytical Centre”. (2016). Natsionalniy doklad o sostoyanii i razvitii systemi obrazovaniya Respubliki Kazakhstan po itogam 2015 goda (kratkaya versiya) [National Report on the State and Development of Education System of the Republic of Kazakhstan based on the results of the year 2015 (brief version)]. Retrieved from MES (Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan) & (NAS) National Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (2014). Astana-Almaty. Retrieved from xxxx://xx.xxx.xxx.xx/storage/e2/e2cca5f0c1e012d0f846734d9139ea43.pdf MES (Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan) & (NAS) National Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (2016). Natsionalnyi doklad po nauke [National Report on Science] Astana-Almaty. Retrieved from xxxx://xxxxx- MES (Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan) & (NAS) National Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (2017). Natsionalnyi doklad po nauke [National Report on Science] Astana-Almaty. Retrieved from xxxx://xx.xxx.xxx.xx/storage/34/343fbdce9dfa46...
Qualitative Research. After the first cycle of blended learning took place, Injaz 2 conducted qualitative research through focus group discussions with graduates, trainers, and employers to try to identify any curriculum gaps that might exist. This process inspired the project to update three curricula – finance and inventory management, mobile phone repair, and solar panels and electricity installation – and to make other adjustments to improve the training. It also encouraged the project to consider developing advanced courses, which it did for solar panels and electricity installation. The finance and inventory management and solar panels and electricity installation training were reviewed and upgraded by experts in both fields. The updated curricula were used starting at the end of 2020, as was the advanced solar curriculum. Additionally, a one-time advanced computer lab training was also conducted to update their knowledge and to provide them with a computer, as computer lab graduates were not previously provided with a start-up kit. Xxxxx also informed the USAID-funded vocational training program based in Amman of the gaps and subsequent upgrades to the curricula. The USAID program funded several of the same CBO partners for some of the same vocations, using the same original curriculum.
Qualitative Research. An Introduction to Methods and Designs. San Francisco, CA, Wiley. Xxxxx, X. (2000) Putting students at the centre in education reform, Journal of Educational Change [Internet], 1 pp 155 – 172. Available from: xxxxx://xxx.xxx/10.1023/A:1010024225888 [Accessed: 26 April 2018] Likert, R, (1932) A Technique for the Measurement of Attitudes. New York, Columbia University Press. Literacy Commission in Scotland (2008) Cross-party working party on literacy. Edinburgh, Scottish Executive. Xxxxx, X, (2007) Voice Is Not Enough: Conceptualising Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child “. [Internet] British Educational Research Journal, 33, 927-942. Available from: xxxx://xx.xxx.xxx/10.1080/01411920701657033 [Accessed: 26 April 2018] XxxXxxxx, X., Xxxxxxxxx, X., Xxxxxxx, X. and Xxxxx, X. (2003) Consulting pupils: A toolkit for teachers. [Internet] Cambridge: Xxxxxxx Publishing Available from: xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx/education/samples/S_498461.pdf [Accessed 25 April 2018] Xxxxxx, X.X. (1970) Motivation and personality, 2nd edition. New York, Xxxxxx and Row. XxXxxx, X. (2002) Action research for professional development: Concise advice for new action researchers. 3rd edition. [Internet] Available from: xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xxx/xx-xxxxxxx.xxx [Accessed: 27 August 2018] XxXxxx, X. and Xxxxxxxxx, X. (2010) You and Your Action Research Project. London and New York, Routledge.
Qualitative Research. Develop a work plan, methodology, and data analysis plan. Develop a sampling strategy; develop and finalize data collection tools (including reporting templates). • Uphold ethical behavior (including obtaining proper consent and assent during data collection; treating respondents with respect and sensitivity; maintaining confidentiality and upholding the tenants of Winrock’s organizational Code of Conduct (xxxxx://xxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/) • Engage, train, and manage field interviewers and supervisors as appropriate • Conduct quality checks and analysis of data gathered. This may include assessing inter- rater reliability and other methods as needed. • Facilitate learning workshops among the team and key partners in Bangladesh to gather information for learning papers and success stories • Develop (write, engage Xxxxxxx’s input, format, finalize) and disseminate eight lessons learned documents for publication • Develop (write, engage Xxxxxxx’s input, format, finalize) and disseminate 10 success stories in written form. Develop corresponding video clips for success stories. • Submit electronic bibliography and PDFs of all literature reviewed • All hard copies and electronic versions of data capture, data summary, FGD summaries (if applicable), and data analysis reports These tasks will be carried out from February to August 2020. The exact timeline of preparation, data collection and analysis, and delivery should be laid out by the applicant in the technical proposal. The final timeline can be adjusted after mutual agreement between the international organization/firm and Winrock International upon award. Proposals must be received no later than midnight (12:00 am) Eastern Standard Time on Saturday, February 8, 2020. Late submissions will not be accepted. All proposals are to be submitted following the guidelines listed below. Telephone requests will not be honored. Winrock International may request additional documentation after the bid deadline. Inquiries/questions must be received no later than midnight (12:00 am) on Friday, January 3, 2020 EST and must be submitted via e-mail to XXXXX.xxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xxx. Winrock will review and respond to all potential questions by Monday, January 27, 2020. Winrock will evaluate complete vendor proposals to determine which proposal represents the best value to Winrock. This is an unsealed solicitation request. Xxxxxxx reserves the right to negotiate with the vendors with or without discussion. All submissions in response ...
Qualitative Research. For qualitative insights, this study will conduct an in-depth content analysis of existing liter- ature, reports, and documents. These sources will include scholarly articles, government publications, policy documents, and reports from international organizations. The study will concentrate on acquiring a thorough knowledge of the attitudes, experiences, and issues connected with AfCFTA as regarded by key stakeholders, including government officials, business leaders, and trade and logistics specialists. Qualitative data obtained through con- tent analysis will contribute to a nuanced comprehension of the multifaceted issues con- cerning AfCFTA's implementation and its impact on supply chain management. The quantitative component of this study will rely on secondary data obtained from reputa- ble sources, including the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Central Bank of Kenya, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). This secondary data will encompass trade pat- terns, logistics performance metrics, and various economic indicators. To analyze this quan- titative data, it will be subjected to rigorous statistical analyses, aligning with a conceptual framework developed for the study. These statistical analyses will allow for the assessment of the statistical significance of AfCFTA's impact on supply chain management and its broader implications for socioeconomic factors. By utilizing secondary data from these au- thoritative sources, this research ensures a robust and empirical foundation for its quantita- tive findings, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of AfCFTA's effects.
Qualitative Research. In addition to the quantitative research described above, BC/TIP requests proposals for qualitative research that will address the eight topics for learning papers, outlined more fully below. The six thematic areas to be covered are:
Qualitative Research. In: X.X. Xxxxxxx & X. Xxxxxx, eds, Encyclopedia of Statistics in Behavioral Science. Hoboken, NJ: Xxxx Xxxxx & Sons. Xxxxxx, X.X. (2002) Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods. Thousand Oaks, Ca.: Sage Publications (3rd ed.). Xxxxxx X. (2006). Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Western Education, and Political Revolution in Ethiopia. Amherst, NY: Cambria Press. Xxxxxx X. (2003). Ethiopia, the TPLF, and the roots of the 2001 political tremor. Northeast African Studies, 10(2), 13-66. Xxxxxx X. (1976). Traditional institutions and traditional elites: The role of education in the Ethiopian body-politic. African Studies Review, 19(3), 79-94. Xxxxxx X. & Xxxxxx X. (eds) (2010). Education, Politics and Social Change in Ethiopia. Los Angeles: Xxxxx Publishers.
Qualitative Research. Interviews with individuals that earned college credit through the noncredit credit by exam mechanism and transitioned to the credit colleges were conducted in Fall 2021. The research objectives were:
Qualitative Research. Kohlbacher (2006, p. 3-13) uses Xxxxxx and Symon (1994) to give a list of the defining characteristics of qualitative research and defines it as follows: It focuses on interpretation rather than quantification, emphasizes subjectivity rather than objectivity, and displays flexibility in conducting research. Qualitative research is focused on an orientation towards process rather than outcome, concerns context regarding behaviour and situation as intrinsically linked in forming an experience and gives an explicit recognition of the impact of the research process on the research situation. Qualitative researchers according to Xxxxxxxx (2007, p. 36-51) study things in their natural settings and attempt to make sense of, or interpret, phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them. A qualitative approach is appropriate to use when a problem needs to be explored, when a complex or detailed understanding is needed when the researcher seeks to understand the context or setting of participants and when a researcher wants to write in a flexible style. Kohlbacher (2006, p. 3-13) states that qualitative techniques have emerged from interpretive or phenomenological paradigms. Xxxx (2012, p. 827) explains that qualitative research in social sciences is guided by orientations set forth in the symbolic interaction. Symbolic interactions maintain that what humans do and say is a result of how they interpret their social world to have meaning, in fact what people say and do has specific meanings communicated through shared symbols or the most common one which is language. Whilst giving careful consideration to other methodological paradigms, this research study falls into the qualitative paradigm as the researcher is attempting to make sense and interpret the Fintech phenomena in terms of the view’s of South African bankers. The qualitative paradigm gives the researcher the necessary flexibility needed to deal with the phenomena in its natural setting which cannot be quantified and can only be studied subjectively rather than objectively.