Significance of the Study Sample Clauses

Significance of the Study. The current study is significant in a number of ways. First of all, by investigating the impact of the level of women in the workforce on the economic growth of Kuwait, and consequently by applying the anticipated results of the model designed to test such impact, the thesis attempts to provide insights of the impact of women level of participation on the overall economy of the state of Kuwait. This would add to the existing research. Second, the thesis’s examining of whether a U-shaped or positive relationship exists between the level of women employment and economic growth in Kuwait should help decision makers to reconsider the socio-economic structure of Kuwait. Third, by supplementing econometric modeling, the thesis provides insight into the views of knowledgeable people on the impact of the low level of women employment on the Kuwait economy. An area that would add to the quantitative data collected.
Significance of the Study. The study aims to find out how teachers perceive their own autonomy in different types of schools, and whether it has any influence on their job satisfaction and motivation. As the new “Law on the Status of Teachers” is being currently developed in Kazakhstan, one of its main goals will be to provide teachers with adequate autonomy, which has not been mentioned in previous official documents by the XxXX of Kazakhstan. Currently, as this study is being done, the law is in its development stage and the termteacher autonomy’ is only mentioned as a chapter title. In order to understand and improve the process of policy implementation, it is important to listen to what teachers have to say about the issue, as they are the “key actors in realising” these policies (Xxxxxxxxx, 2015, p.75). This study may offer an insight on how teachers see and understand autonomy and what kind of autonomy should be provided to ensure that they are satisfied with their jobs and motivated to stay in schools. School principals might also benefit from this study, as it may provide them with an action framework if they are willing to keep their teachers motivated to work and develop professionally. Even though there are commonly accepted definitions of what teacher autonomy is, it is important to know that the understanding of the concept and its perception may differ not only from country to country, but from one type of school to another. This study might help school administrators and policy-makers understand what ‘teacher autonomy’ is in terms of Kazakhstani teachers’ perceptions. More importantly, there is hardly any study on teachers’ autonomy in the context of Kazakhstan. Therefore this study may contribute to literature on this important topic.
Significance of the Study. This study contributes to understanding the connections between Indigenous heritage institutions and communities in the Caribbean context, moving away from the tourism- oriented framework in which museum collections are marketed. It explores the nature of Indigenous heritage collections in the Dominican Republic and the creation of these collections. The study evaluates the access to the collections beyond the current tourism framework. Museological practices that place community participation at the heart of their approach can expand an institution’s capacity to carry out educational and preservation initiatives (Xxxxxx 2007). This study provides future scholars with a foundational reference to help deepen their knowledge of Indigenous heritage institutions and their role for the educational, heritage, governmental, and local communities served by museums. The research offers practical suggestions for developing and incorporating critical museology approaches to the creation of community connections with Indigenous heritage institutions in the Dominican Republic. The present research may also assist heritage managers and public officials in improving how heritage education programs are designed to make the collections more relevant to the communities they aim to serve. Under ideal conditions, this effort would call for a unified approach at the managerial and even legislative levels. The information obtained and analyzed in this study can help in adapting various resources from different organizations’ structures, budgets, and personnel capacities to facilitate access between heritage collections and communities, starting at the most basic levels. Future researchers can also use this study to identify patterns in community involvement that may further demonstrate the value of critically framing heritage institutions’ efforts to improve preservation initiatives.
Significance of the Study. Given the dynamism and increasingly competitiveness of the business environment, organizations and institutions need to remain competitive for them to survive in the long- run. This study was crucial in understanding the motivation of strategic alliance between JKUAT and middle level colleges. The study is again important to JKUAT and other higher institutions that may plan to form strategic alliances as it can guide managers on how to manage them to avoid instability and the consequent high cost of crisis and rivalry that may occur. This study is a contribution to research in the area of strategic management in education and training in Kenya and the finding from this study is useful in the education sector as whole. The government and policy makers in education sector can make use of the findings to streamline such engagements to ensure that they are well run for the benefit of all stakeholders including the customers (students). The findings from this study go towards filling an existing information gap, while other institutions can make use of them to xxxxxx into strategic usefulness in the high education sector. This study will also be a point of reference for further research in the area of strategic alliance. CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Strategic alliances and Networks 2.2 Motives of strategic alliances
Significance of the Study. The study gave birth to a new strategic method of expanding ones business venture and promote profits and cost management. The success of this research work will significantly have an impact to the protit management of ABS VIDEO RENTAL STORE Lagos Ikeja. Also, this research work will serve as a reference material to the fellow researcher, academic students and others as a reference study guide.
Significance of the Study. This study identified motivating factors and strategies that are easy to understand and implement; they could be used to encourage and influence students from all walks of life, regardless of race, gender, or socioeconomic status, into pursuing careers in the STEM fields successfully. However, a collaborative effort between students, parents, educators, and community and industry leaders is necessary to support the implementation of these strategies. Successful implementation could shape our educational system to respond to the needs of the STEM industry more effectively. Improvements are necessary for students’ instruction, and social awareness about STEM. The individual and global motivational strategies used to motivate students into these fields should also be revised. We could thus not only increase the number and ethnic diversity of students entering the STEM fields, but also raise their skill levels to match those demanded by the industry. The number of students starting with the intention of becoming a STEM practitioner is robust. However, there appears to be a high rate of attrition at the high school and college levels, when many students opt for a different career path. This could be explained using the STEM pipeline metaphor. The STEM pipeline metaphor describes the inflow of students into the STEM educational system from early on, all the way through primary, secondary, and post-secondary school levels. This metaphor portrays the number of students at any given junction of the educational system, including the “leaks,” the students that drop out from pursuing STEM careers. It is important to feed the “STEM pipeline” from the start (primary grades) and continue to monitor it along the way (middle and high school) to avoid leaks. This would increase the number of students interested in STEM, but most importantly, create a healthy, diverse, and robust workforce that would help the United States avoid an economic crisis, and regain its global technological power. There have been many efforts and programs aimed at increasing the number of students entering STEM careers, some aimed at encouraging and influencing the traditionally underrepresented groups such as women and minorities. These efforts, however, lacked congruency or were disjointed or fragmented. There are large disproportionate STEM pipeline leaks for URMs; the percentage of URMs dropping out exceeded the percentage of non-URMs doing the same. This study was intended to explore and ident...
Significance of the Study. First, this study will be significant for the policymakers who can create some regulations to support teachers and provide them with necessary courses on how to work with SEN students in mainstream schools in Kazakhstan. Secondly, findings might be important for school administration to navigate them in the further development of school management and weak points in the implementation of inclusive education in their schools. Finally, this study will likely be significant for teachers struggling with teaching SEN students and teachers who identify themselves as agents of change. The findings might encourage them to act more actively and share their problems and experience teaching SEN students with other colleagues. This study consists of six chapters. Chapter 1 (Introduction) presents the background of the study and states the problem. In addition, it provides the research questions that frame the research and the significance of the study. Chapter 2 (Literature Review) presents the review of the previous studies regarding the problem. Additionally, it clarifies the development of inclusive education in Kazakhstan and explains the concept of agents of change. Chapter 3 (Methodology) describes the research design and sampling procedure with a detailed description and explanation of selecting procedures. Data collection instruments and data analysis are discussed as well. Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 (Findings and Discussion) present the analysis of the findings collected via the semi-structured interview conducted with teachers from urban schools in North Kazakhstan and critically discuss them with reference to the previous studies. Chapter 6 (Conclusion) summarizes the main conclusions obtained from the discussions. It also provides short information about the contribution of the study to the further development of inclusive education from the perspectives of different stakeholders.
Significance of the Study. It is well recognized that one of the potential problems, in the effort towards development in Ethiopia, is the high growth rate of the population. The country has a population policy aiming at balancing the pace of growth rate of population with the corresponding socioeconomic development. Increasing contraceptive prevalence for fertility regulation is one of the most important strategies to meet the objectives in the policy. However different literature shows that there is low utilization of contraception, poor communication and agreement on family matters between the couples and less involvement of males in family planning utilization hence this study try to assess factors that affect the agreement of couples on fertility intention and family planning utilization and propose possible recommendation to improve agreement and utilization of services
Significance of the Study. The study highlighted the effect of age, gender, and mentorship on workplace relationships of young female faculty members in Kazakhstan. It has a significant value for female faculty, faculty in general, and for higher education administration. Young females who pursue careers in higher education will be informed about the realities of being employed as a faculty member, while simultaneously being a woman. Other faculty members will benefit from the study by becoming more aware of the issues their younger women colleagues face in workplace relationships and can help them to assimilate in academia. If the administration of universities is informed about the experiences of young female faculty members on relationships at the workplace, they may implement strategies that will contribute to better workplace relationships of employees. The target audiences of this paper are young female faculty members, all faculty members in general, and policymakers at the institutional level. This research may contribute to creating policies that will help young female faculty members to experience positive workplace relationships with supervisors in Kazakhstani academia. Finally, the study fills the literature gap on age, gender, and mentorship in Kazakhstan.
Significance of the Study. The main significance of this study was to explore in depth what the principals as secondary school leaders know about the sector policy for learners and trainees with disabilities and in particular the thematic area of inclusive education. The findings highlight some of the contextual opportunities and challenges that the principals face during the implementation process. This study will therefore provide the ministry of education with data and information of the strategies that are working or those that need review towards IE implementation in high schools. It is also beneficial for the schools that want to implement IE, both learners with or without SEN and the ministry of education especially during provision of infrastructure and allocation of resources and during review of the sector policy for learners and trainees with disabilities. It will finally benefit the policy development around IE.