Retirement Stipend Sample Clauses

Retirement Stipend. Full-time teachers who are planning to retire at the end of a school year who submit in writing to the Superintendent of Schools a letter of resignation for retirement purposes on or before January 31 of the school year in which they will retire, shall receive a stipend of $1,500.00 following their retirement. Retirement is defined as being eligible for retirement under the New York State Teacher’ s Retirement System and receiving a pension.
Retirement Stipend. In recognition of long years of service to the District, the District agrees to pay a retirement stipend to employees who retire or resign after having completed fifteen (15) full years of service. Upon retirement from service, the employee shall receive a sum $190.87 multiplied by the employee’s number of pro-rata years of service in the Kalamazoo system. In recognition of daily attendance in the classroom, the District agrees to pay a supplementary stipend for unused accumulated sick days to employees who retire after having completed fifteen (15) full years of service. Upon retirement from service, the employee shall receive the sum of nine hundred dollars ($900), in addition to the above stipend, if s/he has at least one hundred twenty (120) unused accumulated sick days.
Retirement Stipend. A. Each Administrator and Supervisor, who shall have rendered fifteen (15)* or more years of service to the Paramus Public Schools or at least ten (10) years of service to Paramus as an Administrator/Supervisor and who retire at age 55 years or older, as of the date of his/her retirement, and who shall retire for the following reasons during the time periods listed shall receive a retirement stipend if all of the following conditions are met: 1. The Administrator/Supervisor must have completed a full year of service with the Paramus Board of Education, utilized all accrued vacation time, and commence retirement between July 1 and September 1. Any administrator who retires on a date other than previously described, shall not be eligible to apply for or receive the Retirement Stipend as described in this Article. 2. Any Administrator/Supervisor choosing to retire at the end of the regular school year, July 1, but before September 1, shall verbally inform the Superintendent of his/her intention to retire by January 30 and notify the Superintendent/Paramus Board of Education in writing on or before March 1 in any school year of his/her intention to retire from service at the end of that school year, July 1, before September 1. Any Administrator/Supervisor who fails to verbally inform the Superintendent of Schools by January 30 and inform the Board of Education in writing of his/her intention to so retire on or before March 1 shall not be eligible to apply for or receive the Retirement Xxxxxxx as described in this Article. 3. If a medical condition arises affecting the Administrator/Supervisor or his/her spouse or child, the Administrator/Supervisor shall be granted the retirement stipend as described in this article. The Administrator/Supervisor shall present a physician’s certification confirming the medical condition. Upon presentation of the physician’s certification the Administrator/Supervisor shall be permitted to retire with full retirement stipend. 4. If an emergency situation arises, any Administrator/Supervisor who finds that he/she must retire prior to the end of the regular school year, June 30, due to circumstances beyond his/her control, and has failed to notify the Board of Education on or before the January 30 deadline may appeal to the Board of Education for a waiver of these requirements. The Board may, but shall not be required to grant such a waiver if, in its sole discretion, the Board finds that the circumstances presented by the Administ...
Retirement Stipend. For the duration of this contract, an employee who is eligible to retire under the Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois (TRS) and has completed a minimum of fifteen
Retirement Stipend. A unit member who has completed at least 10 consecutive years of licensed, active service with the North Clackamas School District, immediately prior to separation from the district, and who is eligible to retire under the guidelines established by PERS, shall receive a one-time contribution through the district’s HRA program for a personal Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) as outlined in the table below. An individual is only eligible to receive this benefit once. It is recommended that a member meet with a Human Resources administrator prior to the effective date of retirement to discuss the distribution of the retirement packages in accordance with the options and conditions presented below. It is understood that periods of approved OFLA/FMLA leave are deemed active service. Additional forms of approved leave, while not considered a break in consecutive service, will not count towards eligibility in determining years of service. Contributions to a unit member’s retirement HRA will be made in the first month following the effective retirement date. It is the unit member’s responsibility to determine PERS eligibility and provide verification to the district.
Retirement Stipend. ‌ The Legislative Council recognizes the high level of knowledge and expertise that legislative employees achieve during their employment tenure, and also recognizes the importance of retaining and transferring that institutional knowledge in the case of the retirement of an employee. A legislative employee with at least five (5) years of employment with the Legislature is eligible to receive a retirement stipend of five hundred dollars ($500) provided that the employee submits a written notice of retirement via email or hard copy to the employee’s office director at least ninety (90) calendar days in advance of the pending retirement date. The retirement stipend, subject to applicable tax withholdings, will be paid in a single payment at the time of final payment of wages.
Retirement Stipend. A. For employees who began work as a bargaining unit member prior to July 1, 2015, the Board will offer a retirement stipend of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) to those Members who retire on or after July 1, 2001 but on or before June 30 of the contract year in which they first are eligible to retire. B. To be eligible for the retirement stipend the Member must meet each of the following qualifications: 1. The Member must submit a written resignation letter to the Superintendent no later than October 30 of the contract year during which the Member first becomes or will become eligible to retire stating his/her retirement date. 2. The Member must be eligible for and take a service or disability retirement pursuant to the provisions of the State Teachers Retirement System (STRS) during the first year of eligibility. 3. The Member shall have completed ten (10) consecutive years of service with Cuyahoga Valley Career Center at the time of retirement. 4. The Member must complete a salary questionnaire and all other applicable STRS forms and forward them to STRS and to the Board. 5. The Member must retire at a time other than during the school year unless on a disability retirement. 6. Any Member who withdraws his or her resignation shall be ineligible for the retirement stipend. C. The retirement stipend shall be paid the January following the Member's retirement provided proof of the Member's retirement is supplied.
Retirement Stipend. The parties have tentatively agreed that a one-time stipend in the sum of $1,500.00 will be paid to any bargaining unit member who gives notice of his/her intent to retire by February 1 of the year in which he/she is going to retire. To be eligible for this one-time stipend, the teacher must work at least 120 days during the final school year of the teacher’s employment. The parties understand this is a program for the 2019-2020 school year and the stipends will be paid out of cash balance.
Retirement Stipend. 18-1 A Teacher shall be eligible to receive a retirement stipend under the following conditions: 18-1.1 Must have completed fifteen (15) years' service in the Hampton School District prior to retirement; 18-1.2 Must have attained the age of 50 prior to retirement. 18-2 The Superintendent must receive, no later than November 1st, written notice of retirement at the end of the school year and request for retirement stipend. Notice must be in writing and the Board must take action no later than January 15th of that school year. Retirement stipend will be paid on or before July 31 of that calendar year. 18-3 A teacher eligible to receive a retirement stipend shall receive payment equal to: $500 x number of years of service in the local School District plus $40 x number of unused accrued sick days at retirement (up to the maximum accrual under Section 9-1.3 of 120 days if hired before July 1, 2012, or 90 days if hired on or after July 1, 2012) 18-4 At retirement a Teacher will be allowed to continue health and life insurance coverage at his or her own expense, subject to carrier regulations. 18-5 Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, the amount payable to an Employee under Article XVIII shall be divided into two separate lump sum payments. The first lump sum payment shall be due and payable on or before the July 31 following the date of retirement, and shall equal the maximum portion of the retirement stipend that will not result in the School District being assessed by the New Hampshire Retirement System for “spiking” (currently codified at RSA 100-A:16 III-a). The second lump sum payment shall be due and payable 121-150 days after the Employee’s retirement so as to prevent the School District from being assessed by the New Hampshire Retirement System, and shall equal the remainder of the retirement stipend that was not paid in the first lump sum.
Retirement Stipend. Upon retirement from the District, and approval of pension payment by the NJ Division of Pension and Benefits, employees shall be paid for unused sick leave as follows: Association members shall be paid for a maximum of one hundred twenty (120) days unused sick leave at eighty ($80.00) dollars per day.