Rights of the Grievant Sample Clauses

Rights of the Grievant. 1. A grievant shall make every attempt to resolve the problem through discussion with his/her principal or immediate supervisor. If the grievance arises from the actions of an authority higher than the principal or supervisor, the grievant shall make every attempt to resolve the problem through discussion with the Superintendent. If this matter is still not resolved, a formal grievance may be filed in writing in accordance with the formal grievance procedure. The grievant may appear on his/her own behalf or may be represented and/or accompanied at any and all steps of the grievance procedure by an Association representative(s), and/or by counsel, and/or by any other person(s) of his/her choice except that he/she may not be represented by an officer or employee of any teachers' organization other than the Association and its affiliates. The Principal or supervisor, Superintendent, and/or Board have the same rights to representation as the grievant. 2. During a formal grievance procedure the Association President shall receive notice of each meeting held to resolve the grievance and shall be given a copy of the recommended disposition of such grievance at each step. Such written notice and disposition shall be made at the same time and in the same manner as such notice or disposition is required to be sent to the grievant. 3. The fact that an employee files a grievance shall not be recorded in his/her personnel file or in any file used in the transfer, assignment, or promotion process. Nor shall the fact that the employee filed a grievance be used in any recommendation for other employment. Nor shall the grievant, the Association or its officers be placed in jeopardy or be the object of reprisal or discrimination having followed this grievance procedure. 4. If a grievance appears to arise from the actions of an authority higher than the principal of a school or of an authority higher than a supervisor, or if it affects a group or class of any employees, it may be submitted directly at Step II-B of the grievance procedure as hereinafter described. 5. The purpose of these procedures is to secure, at the lowest possible admini- strative level, satisfactory solutions to grievances.
Rights of the Grievant. ‌ 1. A grievant may appear on his or her own behalf or may be represented and/or accompanied by a representative of the Association. A grievant has the right to present a grievance and have it adjusted without the intervention of the Association, as long as the adjustment is not inconsistent with the terms of this agreement and as long as the Association has the opportunity to be present at the adjustment. 2. The fact that an employee files a grievance shall not be recorded in his or her personnel file or in any file used in the transfer, assignment, or promotion process; nor shall such fact be used in any recommendation for re-employment or recommendation for other employment; nor shall the grievant or his or her representative be the subject of reprisals or discrimination for having followed this grievance procedure.
Rights of the Grievant. 041 The grievant, in his/her sole discretion, may represent himself/herself at all levels of the grievance procedure without assistance of the Association. The Association President or designee may be present at all formal levels of the grievance procedure to present the Association’s views on the grievance. Any remedy provided in such a case shall not be inconsistent with the terms of this agreement.
Rights of the Grievant. The grievant(s) may be represented at all stages of the grievance procedure by any person of his own choosing. The fact that a bargaining unit member files a grievance shall not be recorded in his/her personnel file, nor shall such fact be used in any recommendation for employment, nor shall any participant in the grievance procedure be placed in jeopardy or be the subject of reprisal or discrimination for having participated in the processing of any grievance.
Rights of the GrievantThe grievant may be represented by the Association, should said request be made to the Association and the Association agrees to bear said responsibility. If the grievant chooses to have the Association represent him/her, then said representation may not be revoked during the entire grievance process nor may the grievant resubmit the grievance to represent himself/herself.
Rights of the Grievant. 1. A grievant may appear on his/her own behalf or may be represented at any and all steps of the Grievance Procedure by the bargaining agent, or by counsel, or by any other person chosen by the aggrieved, except that the aggrieved may not be represented by an officer or employee of any union other than the recognized bargaining agent. 2. A grievant shall have the right to present a claim in accordance with the procedure described herein, free from interference, coercion, restraint, discrimination or reprisal. 3. If a grievance appears to arise from the actions of an authority higher than the immediate supervisor and/or affects a group of members, it may be initially submitted at Step II described herein. 4. Any grievance may be dealt with by the grievant seeking redress with the immediate supervisor.
Rights of the Grievant. A. A grievant may appear on his/her own behalf or may be represented at any and all steps of the grievance procedure by the Association or by an attorney of the grievant's choice and expense. B. The Association shall receive notice of each meeting held to resolve the grievance and shall be given a copy of the recommended disposition of such grievance at each step. C. The fact that a unit member files a grievance shall not be recorded in his/her personnel file or in any file used in the transfer, assignment, or promotion process; nor shall such fact be used in any recommendation for re-employment or recommendation for other employment; nor shall the grievant, the Association or its officers be placed in jeopardy or be the subject for reprisal or discrimination for having followed this grievance procedure. If a grievance appears to arise from the actions of an authority higher than the principal of a school and affects a group or class of unit members or is concerned with a system-wide policy, it may be submitted at Step II described below.
Rights of the Grievant. 1) A grievant may appear on his or her own behalf or may be represented at any and all steps by a representative of his/her own choosing. 2) The fact that an employee files a grievance shall not be recorded in his or her personnel file nor used in the transfer, assignment, promotion process, or reemployment process. No retributions of any kind shall be exercised against anyone for having filed a grievance. 3) If a grievance appears to arise from the actions of an authority higher than the principal of a school and affects a group or class of teachers, it may be submitted at Step II described below. The purpose of these procedures is to secure, at the lowest possible administrative level, equitable solutions to grievances. All parties agree that proceedings shall be kept confidential.
Rights of the Grievant a. A grievant shall be represented by the Union at all steps of the grievance procedure. The Union and the grievant shall determine the merit of a grievance and the suitability of the answer received. b. Decisions rendered at each formal level will be made in writing setting forth the decisions and the reasons therefore. c. The fact that an employee files a grievance shall not be recorded in his personnel file or in any file used in the transfer, assignment, or promotion process; nor shall such fact be used in any recommendation for re-employment or recommendation for other employment; nor shall the grievant, the Association or its officers or any member of the Board or employee of the district be placed in jeopardy or be the subject of reprisal or discrimination for having followed or participated in this grievance procedure. d. All grievances shall be filed at the lowest possible level. The lowest possible level means that level of the grievance procedure at which the administrator deciding the grievance has authority to make a decision. e. Before a grievance is taken to the next level, the Association Grievance Committee has the option of withdrawing its support.
Rights of the Grievant. 1. A grievant may appear on his/her own behalf or may be represented at all steps of this procedure by a designated representative of the Union. 2. If a grievance appears to arise from the actions of an authority higher than the immediate supervisor and/or affects a group of employees, it may be submitted at Step II described herein. 3. The fact that a grievant filed a grievance shall not be recorded in the grievant’s personnel file or in any file used in the transfer, assignment, or promotion process; nor shall the grievant be placed in jeopardy or be the subject for reprisal or discrimination for having followed or utilized this grievance procedure. 4. Time limits specified herein are considered maximum; however, they may be extended by written agreement of the parties. 5. The WWSA has the right to be in attendance at any level of the grievance procedure. 6. The WWSA may file a grievance on its own behalf when such grievance involves the rights of the Union as specified in this Contract. Such grievance shall start at Step II. 7. If a decision is not appealed within the time limit specified at any step of the procedure, the grievance shall be deemed settled on the basis of the disposition at that step.