Sections of the Master Agreement not Applicable Sample Clauses
Sections of the Master Agreement not Applicable. Retired teachers who are hired/ rehired by the District shall not be eligible for the following articles of the Master Agreement: Article X Retirement Benefits Article XI Severance Pay Article XIII Section 5 Teaching Leave Article XIII Section 6 Exchange Leave Article XIII Section 11 Sabbatical Leave Article XIII Section 14 Longevity Leave Article XIII Section 15 Unpaid Extended Leave of Absence
Sections of the Master Agreement not Applicable. Tier 2 teachers shall not be eligible for the following provisions of the Master Agreement, which apply only to Tier 3 and Tier 4 licensed teachers:
Sections of the Master Agreement not Applicable. ECFE teachers shall not be eligible for the following articles of the Master Agreement, which apply only to K-12 teachers: ARTICLE VI, Basic Schedules and Rates of Pay, ARTICLE VII, Group Insurance, ARTICLE VIII, Retirement Options, ARTICLE X, Hours of Service, ARTICLE XI, Length of the School Year, ARTICLE XIII, Unrequested Leave of Absence (ULA) and Seniority Agreement, ARTICLE XIV, Professional Visitation, and APPENDIX B1 and APPENDIX B2, Extra-Pay Schedules.
Sections of the Master Agreement not Applicable. ECFE/SR teachers shall not be eligible for the following articles of the Master Agreement, which apply only to regularly licensed teachers:
Sections of the Master Agreement not Applicable. Tier 2 teachers shall be covered by all articles of the Master Agreement, except the following which apply only to Tier 3 and Tier 4 licensed teachers: ARTICLE XVI, Teacher Seniority and Unrequested Leave, ARTICLE XXVI, Teacher Discipline.
Sections of the Master Agreement not Applicable. Retired teachers who are hired/rehired by the School District shall not be eligible for the following articles of the Master Agreement: Article VI, Basic Schedules and Rates of Pay Article VII, Extra Compensation Article VIII, Insurance Article IX, Leaves of Absence Article X, Hours of Service Article XI, Length of the School Year Article XII, Modifications in Calendar, Length of School Day Article XIII, Separation Compensation Plan Article XIV, Association Leave Article XVI, Seniority List Article XVII, Alternative Learning Program Article XVIII, Early Childhood Family Education Teachers Article XIX, Suspension Without Pay
Sections of the Master Agreement not Applicable. ECFE/SR teachers shall not be eligible for the following articles of the Master Agreement, which apply only to regularly licensed K-12 teachers unless otherwise noted within the contract: ARTICLE VI, BASIC SCHEDULES AND RATES OF PAY, ARTICLE VII, EXTRA COMPENSATION, (QComp) ARTICLE VIII, GROUP INSURANCE, ARTICLE X, COMPENSATED LEAVE, ARTICLE XI, HOURS OF SERVICE, ARTICLE XII, WORK DAY, ARTICLE XIII, LENGTH OF THE SCHOOL YEAR, ARTICLE XIV, STAFF REDUCTION AND ANNEXATION, CONSOLIDATION OR OTHER REORGANIZATION OF THE DISTRICT ARTICLE XV, SUBSTITUTES, ARTICLE XVI, RETIREMENT ARTICLE XIX, GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (only inapplicable to probationary ECFE/SR teachers, consistent with Section 7) This memorandum confirms an agreement between the School District and EMR to form a committee that will investigate the following ECFE/SR language considerations: • Length of School Year compared to other neighboring districts • Salary/wage comparisons with other neighboring districts • Longevity pay compared to other neighboring districts • Fee structures for ECFE and SR compared to other neighboring districts The committee shall consist of two (2) Early Childhood staff members, two (2) District representatives (Community Education Director and Early Childhood Coordinator), and one (1) School Board Member. These findings will be reported to both parties by January 1, 2025.
Sections of the Master Agreement not Applicable. Early learning (ECFE and/or school readiness), preschool and prekindergarten instructors shall not be eligible for other provisions of the collective bargaining agreement not listed above and shall not apply. Specific examples of other provisions not included in the following articles of the Master Agreement:
Sections of the Master Agreement not Applicable. ABE teachers shall not be eligible for the following articles of the Master Agreement, which apply only to regularly licensed teachers: