SHIFTS AND HOURS OF WORK. If a four/ten hour shift is established at the straight time rate, any Cement Xxxxx dispatched for a one day pour will be paid at the eight (8) hour straight time plus two (2) hour overtime rate.
SHIFTS AND HOURS OF WORK. The “Workday” shall begin at 12:00 am and shall continue for a twenty-four (24) hour period. This applies to any day of the week. The day shift shall commence in accordance with the specific Shift provisions outlined below. While in overtime status, an Employee will not revert to a lower rate. This does not apply to pre-shift overtime. For the purpose of calculating payroll, the workweek / pay period is from 12:00 am Monday to 11:59 pm Sunday. This section hereby incorporates the Interpretation/Memorandum of Agreement below entered into December 22, 2005. In accordance with the Interpretations Committee Article of the Project Labor Agreements between Bechtel Nevada and the Southern Nevada Building and Construction Trades Council Signatory Unions, the Alliance Administrative Committee rendered an Interpretation on the following issue on Wednesday, November 30, 2005. This Interpretation/Memorandum of Agreement is final and binding and shall apply to the Agreement(s) noted below: AGREEMENT(S): ⌧Construction ⌧ M&O ⌧Tunnel & Tunnel-Shaft ⌧ Appendix “B” ISSUE: During other Interpretation Meetings, the committee established a shift as being only Monday through Thursday or Tuesday through Friday. Employees work on Friday, a non-established shift day. Bechtel Nevada was told to pay a pre-shift or post-shift. Bechtel Nevada does not agree because they are not established shifts.
SHIFTS AND HOURS OF WORK. The “Day Shift” shall determine the start of the workday and shall continue for a twenty-four (24) hour period. This applies to any day of the week. The day shift shall commence in accordance with the specific Shift provisions outlined below. While in overtime status, an employee will not revert to a lower rate. This does not apply to pre-shift overtime. For the purpose of calculating payroll, the work week / pay period is from 0001 Monday to 2400 Sunday.
SHIFTS AND HOURS OF WORK. Section 14.1 Shifts The regular department day shall consist of three (3) shifts, each of eight (8) hours duration. The Detective Bureau is exempted from the regular shift schedule. If the needs of the Department so require, the Chief may add additional shifts at his/her discretion.
SHIFTS AND HOURS OF WORK. 14.01 The daily and weekly hours of work outlined in this Article shall in no way be interpreted as a guarantee of work or pay per day or per week. Such hours are stated solely for the purposes of calculating overtime. The week is defined as Sunday to Saturday.
14.02 Shift schedules will be posted when they are known and confirmed. Typically, they will be posted no later than (4) calendar days in advance of the shift cycle. Draft schedules for the following week are normally posted on Mondays and finalized Wednesday afternoons.
14.03 Each employee shall be entitled to receive at least two (2) consecutive days off in each week except for short changes due to alternating shifts, or where the employee has requested to switch shifts with another employee.
14.04 Where employees are required to work ten (10) or more hours in a day on an unscheduled basis, the Company shall pay each employee twelve dollars ($12.00) in lieu of a meal.
SHIFTS AND HOURS OF WORK. 14.01 The daily and weekly hours of work outlined in this Article shall in no way be interpreted as a guarantee of work or pay per day or per week. Such hours are stated solely for the purposes of calculating overtime. The week is defined as Sunday to Saturday.
14.02 Shift schedules will be posted when they are known and confirmed. Typically they will be posted no later than (4) calendar days in advance of the shift cycle. Draft schedules for the following week are normally posted on Mondays and finalized Wednesday afternoons.
14.03 Each employee shall be entitled to receive at least two (2) consecutive days off in each week except for short changes due to alternating shifts, or where the employee has requested to switch shifts with another employee.
14.04 Employees who are requested by the Company to take their lunch and breaks in a shift at their work stations will be paid for their work breaks (excluding lunch break) at double their hourly rate in addition to their regular hourly rate.
14.05 Where employees are required to work ten (10) or more hours in a day on an unscheduled basis, the Company shall pay each employee eight dollars ($8.00) in lieu of a meal.
SHIFTS AND HOURS OF WORK. The “Work day” shall begin at 12:00 am and shall continue for a twenty-four (24) hour period. This applies to any day of the week. The day shift shall commence in accordance with the specific Shift provisions outlined below. While in overtime status, an Employee will not revert to a lower rate. This does not apply to pre-shift overtime. For the purpose of calculating payroll, the workweek/pay period is from 12:00 am Monday to 11:59 pm Sunday. This section hereby incorporates the Interpretation/Memorandum of Agreement below entered into December 22, 2005. If an Employee is contacted less than two (2) hours prior to their start of a shift for a shift change, they shall receive two (2) hours straight-time pay if they report for the new shift change or if the Employee’s scheduled shift was canceled. This provision applies to all shifts.
SHIFTS AND HOURS OF WORK. Shift Hours 37-1 The first shift is any shift that regularly starts on or after 4:00 a.m., but before 12 noon. The second shift is any shift that regularly starts on or after 12 noon but before 8:00 p.m. The third shift is any shift that regularly starts on or after 8:00 p.m. but before 4:00 a.m. Any employee whose regular daily working hours are scheduled in such a manner that the employee is working five (5) or more straight time hours on a shift other than the one on which the employee commences the day's work shall be paid shift differential for the day, based on the later shift. Employees who are not regularly assigned to a shift but work a rotating shift schedule will be paid shift differential based upon the shift they are currently assigned to.