Lunch and Breaks Sample Clauses

Lunch and Breaks. AFSCME employees who normally work eight hours per day will be provided a duty free lunch of thirty (30) minutes and a break of fifteen (15) minutes in the morning and in the afternoon. AFCME employees who normally work six (6) hours per day will be provided a thirty (30) minute duty free lunch and one break of fifteen (15) minutes in the morning. AFSCME employees who normally work four (4) hours per day will be provided one (1) fifteen (15) minute break. Breaks shall be scheduled by the supervisor after consulting with the employee. If it is necessary to recall a person during a break or lunch, the person will be provided a break or lunch at another time.
Lunch and Breaks. X. Xxxxx and Breaks for 40 Hour Employees X. Xxxxx and Breaks for Assistants Who Work Less Than 40 Hours
Lunch and Breaks. Employees are entitled to a thirty (30) minute unpaid lunch break and two fifteen (15) minute paid rest breaks during the workday. An employee may use one fifteen (15) minute break to extend the lunch period to 45 minutes. An employee is entitled to an unpaid one- half (1/2) hour meal break for every five (5) hour work period.
Lunch and Breaks. It is understood that an unpaid lunch break of thirty (30) minutes shall be scheduled as close as possible to the mid-way point of an employee's scheduled shift which is eight (8) or more hours of duration.
Lunch and Breaks. 7.3.1 A non-compensated, uninterrupted lunch period of not less than thirty (30) minutes or more than one (1) hour shall be provided all unit members who render service of at least six (6) hours or more per day, and shall be scheduled for full-time employees at or about the mid-point of each work shift. Lunch periods shall be assigned by the immediate supervisor. 7.3.2 The unit member will be provided one (1) rest period of fifteen (15) minutes duration for each continuous four (4) hours of work per day. Supervisors shall schedule rest periods for unit members at times least disruptive to the operation of the department. Rest periods are a part of the regular workday and shall be compensated at the regular rate of pay for unit members. 7.3.3 Rest periods shall not be used to lengthen the lunch period or shorten the workday.
Lunch and Breaks. Time to consume meals and take periodic breaks for shift employees shall be considered as time worked. Meals and breaks will be taken at the workstation or as otherwise directed by supervisory personnel. No meal allowances shall be paid for regularly assigned shifts.
Lunch and Breaks. To the extent feasible, management will continue existing lunch and break arrangements. Employees will not be required to sign-in/sign-out for breaks.
Lunch and Breaks. All Support Personnel working 8 hours a day will have a total break time of 60 minutes. School based Support Personnel will have a duty free lunch of not less than 25 minutes and two (2) breaks (not less than 15 minutes) equating a total of sixty (60) minutes. Non-school based Support Personnel will have either a 60- minute lunch break or a lunch break of not less than 25 minutes and two (2) breaks (not less than fifteen (15) minutes) equating a total of sixty (60) minutes. This shall be implemented through an administratively developed and implemented equitable rotation system utilizing all personnel as necessary. Support Personnel working at least 6 hours, but less than 8 hours will be entitled to a total break time of 30 minutes. Support Personnel working at least four (4) hours but less than 6 hours a day will have one (1) 15-minute break. Should Support Personnel be required to work during their duty free lunch, every effort will be made to provide release time equal to the time that they are scheduled to work. If it is impossible to provide that release time, then they will be compensated monetarily for the loss of this time.
Lunch and Breaks. The one (1) hour unpaid lunch period for employees working the regular day shift shall be taken between 11:00am and 1:30pm and the one-half (1/2) hour paid lunch period (taken in the school) for employees working the afternoon shift shall be taken between 6:00pm and 8:00pm. It is understood that should an employee be unable to take their lunch period during the above specified time period they should contact their immediate supervisor to obtain approval for an alternate time. The Board will grant a fifteen (15) minute rest period during the first half of the employee’s work day and a like period during the second half of the working session.