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Student Suspension Sample Clauses

Student SuspensionProcedures and policies regarding suspension of students shall be made known to employees each year in the KPS Student Code of Conduct. The Student Code of Conduct will be provided to students and reviewed each year. School personnel will endeavor to achieve correction of a student’s misbehavior through counseling and interviews with the student and his/her parents/guardians. School personnel will strive to use positive behavioral and literacy supports. When an employee has students who, after the above methods have been exhausted, constitute serious behavioral problems, relief shall be as agreed to by the principal and/or designee and the affected employee as defined in the District policy dealing with student discipline. The district will make available in the main office of every school building ample copies of the appropriate paperwork for a suspension pursuant to Section 1309 (“snap suspension”) of Michigan Revised School Code. The administrator may add additional time to such a suspension if warranted by the misbehavior.
Student SuspensionA student may be removed from contact with other students as a temporary measure. The authority to suspend a student for up to ten (10) days, after an informal hearing is held, rests with the Superintendent. This authority may be delegated to other administrators. If a danger to students or staff members is present, the principal may immediately remove the student from school, with prior contact with the parents and with a notice and hearing following as soon as practicable. Each suspension shall be reported to the Governing Board, within five (5) days, by the person imposing it. [A.R.S. 15-843] In all cases, except summary suspension where a clear and present danger is evident, the student shall remain in school until applicable due process procedures are instituted. In no instance shall students be released early from school unless parents have been notified. The Superintendent may designate a hearing officer for suspension hearings. Please Note: Federal privacy laws prohibit the District from naming students involved in disciplinary actions and from revealing the consequences of those actions to the parents of other students.
Student Suspension. The judicial extension of Fourteenth Amendment protection to students in the public school emphasizes the need for school administrators to protect the procedural due process rights of students in discipline cases. The policy of the School District must be consistent with the due process rights of students and must provide proper machinery for fair and consistent treatment of students. The term "out-of-school suspension" refers to removal out of school for a period not to exceed one calendar year for offenses involving firearms and the remainder of a current semester and the succeeding semester for all other offenses.
Student Suspension. A. It is expected that students shall participate cooperatively with teachers or substitutes. B. The Principal or Assistant Principal and the teacher will cooperatively endeavor to achieve correction of student behavior through whatever avenues are reasonably available. C. It is expected by the Association that students who do not respond to reasonable efforts to correct behavior that disrupts the education process will be temporarily suspended from school and/or withdrawn from the affected class(es). D. Temporary suspension of students from school may be imposed only by a Principal, Assistant Principal or Superintendent. E. A teacher may exclude a pupil from the classroom temporarily when the grossness of the offense, the persistence of the misbehavior or the disruptive effect of the violation makes the continued presence of the student in the classroom intolerable. In such cases, the teacher will furnish the administration full particulars of the incident(s) as promptly as his or her teaching obligation will allow, but in no case later than the end of the teacher's day unless extenuating circumstances dictate otherwise. Before the Principal or Assistant Principal returns the student to the classroom, he or she shall inform the teacher of the corrective measures taken.
Student SuspensionPursuant to Education Code § 48910, a unit member may suspend any pupil from his/her class for any of the acts enumerated in § 48900 for the day of the suspension and the day following. The unit member shall immediately report the suspension to the Principal and send the pupil to the Principal/designee for appropriate action. As soon as possible, the unit member shall ask the parent or guardian of the pupil to attend a parent-teacher conference regarding the suspension. A school administrator shall attend the conference if the unit member or parent/guardian so requests. The pupil shall not be returned to the class from which he/she was suspended during the period of the suspension without the concurrence of the member and the Principal.
Student SuspensionProcedures and policies regarding suspension of students shall be made known to teachers each year. Procedures and policies regarding suspensions of students shall be made known to students and parents/guardians each year. School personnel will endeavor to achieve correction of a student’s misbehavior through counseling and interviews with the student and his/her parents/guardians. When a teacher has students who, after the above methods have been exhausted, constitute serious behavioral problems, relief shall be as agreed to by the principal and/or designee and the affected teacher as defined in the District policy dealing with student discipline.
Student Suspension. A. Suspension of a student from school may be imposed only by the superintendent or his/her designee. Procedures for correction of student misbehavior shall be distributed to teachers at the beginning of school each year. B. School staff will endeavor to achieve correction of student misbehavior through positive behavior management, restorative practices, counseling and/or interviews with the child and, when warranted, his/her parent. C. The DISTRICT shall comply with the MDE policy on Emergency Use of Seclusion and Restraint for awareness training and all Key Identified Personnel training. Names of all Key Identified Personnel responsible for carrying out Seclusion and Restraint procedures for each worksite shall be provided to bargaining unit members at the beginning of each school year.
Student Suspension. 1. Education Code Section 48910 permits teachers to suspend students from their classes pursuant to the following requirements: a. A teacher may suspend any pupil from the teacher's class, for any of the acts enumerated in Section 48900, for the day of the suspension and the day following. The teacher shall immediately report the suspension to the principal of the school and send the pupil to the principal or the principal's designee for appropriate action. If that action requires the continued presence of the pupil at the school site, the pupil shall be under appropriate supervision, as defined in policies and related regulations adopted by the governing board of the school district. As soon as possible, the teacher shall ask the parent or guardian of the pupil to attend a parent-teacher conference regarding the suspension. Whenever practicable, a school counselor or a school psychologist shall attend the conference. A school administrator shall attend the conference if the teacher or the parent or guardian so requests. The pupil shall not be returned to the class from which he or she was suspended, during the period of the suspension without the concurrence of the teacher of the class and the principal. b. A pupil suspended from a class shall not be placed in another regular class during the period of suspension. However, if the pupil is assigned to more than one class per day this subdivision shall apply only to other regular classes scheduled at the same time as the class from which the pupil was suspended. c. A teacher xxx also refer a pupil, for any of the acts enumerated in Section 48900, to the principal or the principal's designee for consideration of a suspension from the school. 2. Grounds for suspension are set forth in Education Code Section 48900 and are set forth as follows: a. Caused, attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury to another person. b. Possessed, sold, or otherwise furnished any firearm, knife, explosive, or other dangerous object unless, in the case of possession of any object of this type, the pupil had obtained written permission to possess the item from a certificated school employee, which is concurred in by the principal or his or her designee. c. Unlawfully possessed, used, sold, or otherwise furnished, or been under the influence of, any controlled substance listed in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 11053) of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code, an alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kin...
Student Suspension. A. It is expected that students shall participate cooperatively with teachers or substitutes. B. The Principal or Assistant Principal and the teacher will cooperatively endeavor to achieve correction of student behavior through whatever avenues are reasonably available.
Student Suspension. Procedure for suspension of students from school shall be distributed to teachers each year. Transfer of the student to another teacher and other measures, short of suspension, will first be exhausted. Transfer will not be the vehicle used when it would cause an imbalance in the distribution of such problem children among teachers involved except for assignment to classes specifically to work with such children.