Summer School Teaching. A teacher who is a member of the bargaining unit employed by the School District to teach summer school will be issued a letter of assignment which will indicate subject(s) to be taught, days and hours of employment and total salary to be paid.
Subd. 1. The letter of assignment will guarantee the teacher’s right to employment for that full summer term with the following limitation.
1.1. Before the opening day of summer school, should the enrollment in a class fall below the minimum set by the School District, the class may be canceled and the teacher’s assignment terminated.
Summer School Teaching. Section A Voluntary Participation Participation in the summer school program will be voluntary. All positions for this program will be posted and opened to licensed professional employees in the District before they are opened to persons outside the District. The positions will be assigned to the licensed professional employees after approval by the administration. Section B Compensation Teachers will be compensated at the rate of $24 per hour. Teachers will have a paid thirty minute preparation time each day. Teachers will be paid for the actual hours worked. In addition, teachers will be compensated $24.00 per hour for advanced summer school planning that is scheduled by the summer school director and/or administrator.
Summer School Teaching. Summer school or evening school offerings shall be posted in each school building as soon as they are determined. Teachers under contract with District 861 shall have priority for all available positions. Assignments will be made from qualified applicants. The responsibility of approving those assignments rests with the school board.
Summer School Teaching. Teaching opportunities, including on-call student support services, outside of the school day or school year shall be posted in each school building as soon as they are determined. Teachers under contract with District 861 shall have priority for all available positions. Assignments will be made from qualified applicants. The responsibility of approving those assignments rests with the school board.
Summer School Teaching. The superintendent shall post in each building, notices of vacancies for summer school teaching positions. Except for an emergency, no position may be filled before five (5) days after posting.
Summer School Teaching. An educator who is honorably dismissed shall be given priority consideration for summer employment of a professional nature, provided the obligation of the Board hereunder shall cease upon the refusal of the educator to accept any summer position.
Summer School Teaching. 1. The District may elect to provide a summer school program for the purpose of providing assistance to students during the summer months. The services provided would include assisting students with remediation, enrichment and skill development with the ultimate goal of helping students meet the state benchmark standards at their appropriate level. Teachers will work with small groups of students.
2. Only licensed teachers will be hired to teach summer school.
3. As in the case for all licensed employees during the regular school year, the performance of an employee in the role of summer school teacher shall be subject to evaluation and/or discipline. Summer school performance cannot negatively affect the regular school year evaluation and shall not be included in the teacher’s personnel file without the teacher’s written permission.
Summer School Teaching. From the list of teachers requesting to teach summer school, positions will be assigned with priority given to those who have the longest hiatus from teaching summer school. If that hiatal period is the same for two or more teachers, the teacher with seniority will be given priority. Teachers should be assigned summer school teaching positions at the grade level of their regular teaching assignments or one grade above or below their current teaching assignments. A teacher xxx decline a summer school assignment resulting in the removal of his/her name from the summer school pool without loss of position for future summer school teaching positions. First year teachers will not be eligible for summer school teaching assignments unless all other qualified teachers have declined the position. Teachers in special areas, i.e., special reading classes, PE, art, music, special education, who have proper certification, will be placed in the group of their assignment: primary, intermediate, or middle school.
Summer School Teaching. Section A Voluntary Participation Participation in the summer school program will be voluntary. All positions for this program will be posted and opened to professional employees in the District before they are opened to persons outside the District. The positions will be assigned to the professional employees after approval by the administration.
Summer School Teaching. Section A Voluntary Participation
Section B Compensation
Section C Breakfast/Lunch Supervision
Section D Payroll Checks