Professional Growth Committee Sample Clauses

Professional Growth Committee a. To establish a Professional Growth Committee to act upon requests from teachers for authorization to attend courses, workshops, seminars, conferences, inservice training sessions or other such sessions. The Superintendent shall appoint one administrator to the committee and the Council shall appoint one teacher from each building to the committee. b. To pay the reasonable expenses (including fees, meals, lodging and/or transportation) incurred by teachers who attend such sessions with the approval of the Board or its delegate. The Committee will suggest what expenses should be paid.
Professional Growth Committee. The Committee shall consist of three
Professional Growth Committee. 21.6.1 The Professional Growth Committee shall comprise: The County Superintendent or her/his designee as an ex-officio member; A management representative from the Student and/or Educational Services Division; A management representative from the Business Services Division; The Director of the Human Resource Department; One (1) representative selected by the Unit from each of the six (6) major classifications of classified personnel: (1) clerical/secretary; (2) business: (3) maintenance, operations; or transportation;
Professional Growth Committee. The Professional Growth Committee is composed of one (1) classroom teacher from each building, one (1) administrator, one (1) specialist, and the Superintendent.
Professional Growth Committee a. The Professional Growth Committee will be comprised of five (5) members (including chairperson). The Executive Director of Teaching & Learning will appoint a chairperson. The members may include one (1) site administrator, one (1) district level administrator, one (1) teacher, one (1) classified employee, and one (1) REA Representative. b. The committee will meet as necessary to consider applications for professional growth. c. Applicants will be notified in writing of the committee’s decision. Concurrently, the applicant will be notified of the appeals procedure, if appropriate. d. Recommendations will be provided to the Executive Director of Human Resources within five (5) working days of all committee meetings. Upon request, the Executive Director of Human Resources will provide a copy of the recommendations to the REA President.
Professional Growth Committee. 12.3.1 The Professional Growth Committee shall meet for the purpose of reviewing and ratifying professional growth credit once each year, between February 15 and March 15. If within ten (10) days of being notified by the District, a classified employee contests a decision of the Professional Growth Committee, he/she may request a special meeting of the Committee for reconsideration. The decision of the Committee shall be final. 12.3.2 The Professional Growth Committee shall consist of a total of seven (7) full-time District employees: the Assistant Superintendent, three (3) classified employees selected by the Association, each representing different departments of the classified staff, and three (3) District employees selected by the Assistant Superintendent. All decisions shall be based on a majority vote by the Committee. Anonymous paper ballots shall be used for voting. 12.3.3 All Committee member appointments shall be for a two-year (2) period. Members may be reappointed. 12.3.4 Appointees who are appointed to serve in place of committee member who withdraws from or resigns from the committee shall fill only the remainder of the term of the person he/she replaces.
Professional Growth Committee. 1. The Professional Growth Committee shall meet for the purpose of reviewing and ratifying professional growth credit once each year, between February 15 and March 15. If within ten (10) days of being notified by the District, a classified employee contests a decision of the Professional Growth Committee, he/she may request a special meeting of the Committee for reconsideration. The decision of the Committee shall be final and binding. 2. The Professional Growth Committee shall consist of a total of nine (9) full- time District employees: the Deputy Superintendent, four (4) classified employees selected by the Association, each representing different departments of the classified staff, and four (4) District employees selected by the Deputy Superintendent. All decisions shall be based on a majority vote by the Committee. 3. All Committee member appointments shall be for a two-year (2) period and every
Professional Growth Committee. 21.2.1 The Professional Growth Committee shall consist of one (1) representative from each of the following groups of employees appointed by CSEA Chapter 620: Child Care, Child Nutrition, Clerical, Custodial, Grounds/Maintenance and Instructional Assistant. 21.2.2 The Director, Classified Personnel, shall be a permanent member of the District’s Professional Growth Committee. 21.2.3 Committee members shall serve two-year staggered terms. Terms of committee members shall begin in July and end in June. A Chair and a Secretary shall be appointed by the Committee. 21.2.4 Should a vacancy occur on the Committee, the unexpired term shall be filled by a CSEA Chapter 620 appointee, for those positions which the Chapter originally appointed and from the same group in which the vacancy occurred. 21.2.5 Decisions made by the Professional Growth Committee will be by consensus. The Professional Growth Committee shall meet at least quarterly to review applications for professional growth points; determine validity of educational experiences as may be submitted for professional growth credit; annually provide the Payroll Department with a listing of those employees who have earned Professional Growth increments for the fiscal year; and annually prepare recommendations to CSEA Chapter 620 and the District.
Professional Growth Committee. The Professional Growth Committee shall be composed of five members, as follows: Two classified employees (selected by the classified staff); one certificated employee (appointed by the Oak Park Teachers Association); one management employee (appointed by the superintendent); and the superintendent or his/her designee. Committee members shall serve one-year terms and shall select the chairperson at the first meeting of the school year. The Professional Growth Committee will meet as needed to review individual proposals submitted for approval. The employee shall have the right to appeal by doing so in writing to the Professional Growth Committee; however, the final decision shall rest with the Committee.
Professional Growth Committee. A committee composed of two members of CSEA and two District representatives shall review and approve applications. The following criteria shall be considered by the Committee: 1. Relationship of course/workshop to possible promotion in the District 2. Relationship of skills to be obtained to specific skills required in District position(s) 3. Previous employee participation in this program 4. Value of course/skills to District In addition, preference shall be given based on seniority within the District.