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Teacher Tenure Sample Clauses

Teacher Tenure. 1. Any teacher anticipating becoming eligible for a continuing contract must notify the Building Principal in writing, with a copy to the Superintendent, by September 15 of the school year in which the teacher becomes eligible. The teacher must have on file by March 1 of the school year of tenure eligibility the following documentation: a. For teachers initially licensed prior to January 1, 2011, either: (1) A Professional, Permanent or Life teacher’s certificate issued upon application submitted to the State Board of Education prior to September 1, 1998 or renewed or upgraded subsequent to September 1, 1998 in accordance with Ohio Revised Code 3319.22; or (2) A Professional Educator’s License issued after October 29, 1996 and proof of either of the following: (a) If a master’s degree was not held at the time of initially receiving a teaching certificate or an educator’s license, thirty (30) semester hours of course work in the areas of licensure or in an area related to the teaching field since the initial issuance of such certificate or license; or (b) If a master’s degree was held at the time of initially receiving a teaching certificate or an educator’s license, six (6) semester hours of graduate coursework in the area of licensure or in an area related to the teaching field since the initial issuance of the teaching certificate or license. b. For teachers initially licensed after January 1, 2011, continuing contract eligibility is met if the teacher: (1) Holds a professional, senior professional or lead professional license; (2) Has held an educator’s license for at least seven (7) years; and (3) Has completed either of the following: (a) If the teacher did not hold a master’s degree at the time of initially receiving an educator license, thirty (30) semester hours of coursework in the areas of licensure or in an area related to the teaching field since the initial issuance of that license, as specified in rules which the state board shall adopt; (b) If the teacher held a master’s degree at the time of initially receiving an educator license, six (6) semester hours or graduate coursework in the area of licensure or in an area related to the teaching field since the initial issuance of that license, as specified in rules which the state board shall adopt. 2. The teacher must have taught for at least three of the last five (5) years in the Tallmadge City School District. If the teacher attained continuing contract status in another school district, the ...
Teacher Tenure. For the purpose of the Xxxxx County Teacher Tenure Act, the Employer and the D.T.U. recognize the service year to be at least 99 days of full-time actual service including paid holidays and paid leaves. This provision shall apply retroactively to July 1, 1990, in that the Employees' service years shall be recalculated and tenure awarded where appropriate, but any rights accruing to those receiving tenure due to this recalculation shall not take effect until July 1, 1993. Notwithstanding the provisions of Ch 98-468, vocational teachers employed prior to July 1, 1998 may be covered by the provisions and requirements of Florida Statutes.‌
Teacher Tenure. A. Continuing contracts are contracts that remain in effect until the teacher resigns or retires, or until the contract is terminated or suspended. A continuing contract shall only be granted to a teacher who gives signed, written notice of eligibility for continuing contract to the Superintendent by January 31 of the year of eligibility and: 1. Meets the licensure and education requirements and other conditions set forth in Section 3319.08(D) of the Ohio Revised Code, AND 2. Has completed three (3) years of successful teaching in Northwood Local School District or two (2) years of successful teaching in the Northwood Local School District and the teacher had previously attained a continuing contract (tenure) in another Ohio school system prior to employment in the Northwood Local School District.
Teacher Tenure. A. A degree teacher with two (2) or more years of teaching experience prior to employment in the District, including teachers who have completed two or more years of teaching on a Letter of Appointment contract, shall be granted tenure status when he/she has been employed in the District for two (2) full consecutive school years and has been approved for further employment. B. A degree teacher with less than two (2) years of teaching experience prior to employment in the District shall be granted tenure status when he/she has been employed in the District for three (3) full consecutive school years and has been approved for further employment.
Teacher Tenure. Any necessary reduction of administrative personnel may mean that unless the administrator is reassigned to another administrative position, the administrator may be assigned to a teaching position for which he/she is certified and qualified provided that he/she is entitled to be employed in a teaching position pursuant to the Tenure Act and the collective bargaining agreement covering teachers. If it becomes necessary for a member of the Association to continue in a reassigned teaching position, his/her placement on the teachers' salary schedule shall be determined by the Tenure Act and the collective bargaining agreement covering teachers.

Related to Teacher Tenure

  • Teachers Xxxxxx Xxxxxx (lead), Xxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Board: Xxx Xxxxxxxx (lead), Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx, and Xxxx Xxxxx Supt: Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx and Xxx Xxxxxxxxx

  • TEACHERS AND RESEARCHERS 1. An individual who is a resident of a Contracting State immediately before making a visit to the other Contracting State, and who, at the invitation of any university, college, school or other similar educational institution, visits that other State for a period not exceeding two years solely for the purpose of teaching or research or both at such educational institution shall be exempt from tax in that other State on any remuneration for such teaching or research. 2. This Article shall not apply to income from research if such research is undertaken primarily for the private benefit of a specific person or persons.

  • Special Education Teachers Elementary/Secondary Special Education Coordinators shall be compensated for an extended work day in the amount of four thousand dollars ($4,000).

  • Teacher The term, “teacher,” shall mean all persons in the appropriate unit employed by the School District in a position for which the person must be licensed by the State of Minnesota, but shall not include superintendent, assistant superintendent, principals and assistant principals who devote more than 50% of their time to administrative or supervisory duties, confidential employees, and such other employees excluded or included by law.

  • New Teachers No new teachers shall be hired for a vacancy for which a teacher on unrequested leave is certified.

  • Student Teachers A. The term "student teacher" as used hereinafter shall refer to student teachers, intern teachers and all other such programs. Agreement to become a supervising teacher of a student teacher shall be strictly voluntary and is recognized not to result in such bargaining unit members becoming supervisors within the meaning of the Public Employment Relations Act (PERA). Probationary teachers are prohibited from accepting student teachers. B. It is expressly agreed that the Association may refuse to permit a bargaining unit member from supervising or directing the activities of a student teacher in the event: 1. The student teacher would displace instructional aides, para- professionals, or other current employees then employed. 2. The use of such student teacher would be used by the Employer as a basis for not hiring additional bargaining unit personnel. C. The Board shall disclose all terms of any agreement between it and any student placing institution. The terms and conditions of placement of student teachers shall be consistent with this agreement, unless otherwise agreed to by the Association. D. The supervising teacher shall have the right to accept an honorarium or other such token of appreciation as may be offered by the student/intern placing institution. E. Prior to acceptance of a student teacher, there shall be a meeting between the teacher, prospective student teacher, principal, president of the Association or an executive committee member of the Association. Following this interview, the teacher shall then have the right to accept or reject the student teacher. F. Any terms or conditions of this section not previously specified in this agreement shall be negotiated between the Board and the Association prior to implementation of future programs.

  • TEACHER FACILITIES A. The Board shall provide for each actively employed teacher: 1. A serviceable desk, chair and computer. 2. Access to a dining table. 3. A lockable desk, file cabinet or closet in which teachers may store instructional materials and supplies. 4. An appropriately furnished room to be reserved for the exclusive use of staff as a faculty lounge. Said room will be regularly cleaned by the custodial staff and will be in addition to the other teacher work areas. However, staff will be expected to keep the lounge reasonably neat and orderly. 5. Access to well-lighted and clean employee restrooms, separate from the students' restrooms with appropriate supplies. 6. Storage facilities for special instructional personnel. 7. In accordance with applicable food and nutrition guidelines, the principal, at request by a majority of the teachers, may arrange for the installation of a maximum of two faculty vending machines in each faculty lounge. All proceeds from the machines shall be used in such manner as the majority of teachers and educational support employees of that building shall determine. Cost, if any, of installation shall be borne by the teachers and educational support employees of each school. B. Where feasible in existing buildings, and in all new buildings, the following will be provided. 1. A teacher work area containing adequate equipment and supplies to aid in the preparation of instructional materials. 2. A communication system so that teachers can communicate with the main office from their classrooms, provided that such system is used only for emergency announcements during class periods. 3. Space for teachers' dining in a faculty lounge or other room unavailable to students with tables and chairs sufficient to accommodate teachers during their lunch period. C. Teachers shall report in writing to the principal any condition considered unsafe or hazardous. The principal shall take action(s) as appropriate and shall notify the teacher in writing of such action(s) taken within five (5) days. D. A telephone will be made available for teachers to use for school business. Teachers and principals shall arrange this use to provide reasonable privacy during the call. During the workday, teachers may make personal phone calls only if the calls cannot be made at any other time. E. Teachers who need access to a telephone for school business after the workday ends shall arrange this access with the principal. Teachers with supervisory responsibilities will also have access to the building. F. An adequate portion of the parking lots at each school will be reserved for teacher parking. Effective July 1, 2012, newly hired employees assigned to the South East Street Central Office location will be required to pay a fee of $45 per month if they elect to park in designated BOE parking areas. Twelve-month employees may elect payroll deduction to allocate payments over 24 equal paychecks. Eleven-month employees may elect payroll deduction to allocate payments over 22 equal paychecks. Ten-month employees may elect payroll deduction to allocate payment over 20 equal paychecks. G. The Board will take steps to ensure teachers have access to their classrooms when custodians unlock the buildings in the morning and up to one (1) hour before custodial shifts end on weekdays during the school year, provided rooms are not being utilized by outside user groups. Teachers shall have access to their rooms during summer operating hours during summer months unless there is scheduled maintenance, outside user groups or FCPS programs occurring.

  • Union Management Relations Any changes deemed necessary in this Agreement may be made by mutual agreement of the parties at any time during the life of this Agreement.

  • Continuity of Services A. The Contractor recognizes that the service(s) to be performed under this Contract are vital to the State and must be continued without interruption and that, upon Contract expiration, a successor, either the State or another contractor, may continue them. The Contractor agrees to: Furnish phase-in training; and Exercise its best efforts and cooperation to effect an orderly and efficient transition to a successor. B. The Contractor shall, upon the State's written notice: Furnish phase-in, phase-out services for up to sixty (60) days after this Contract expires; and Negotiate in good faith a plan with a successor to determine the nature and extent of phase-in, phase-out services required. The plan shall specify a training program and a date for transferring responsibilities for each division of work described in the plan, and shall be subject to the State's approval. The Contractor shall provide sufficient experienced personnel during the phase-in, phase-out period to ensure that the services called for by this Contract are maintained at the required level of proficiency. C. The Contractor shall allow as many personnel as practicable to remain on the job to help the successor maintain the continuity and consistency of the services required by this Contract. The Contractor also shall disclose necessary personnel records and allow the successor to conduct on-site interviews with these employees. If selected employees are agreeable to the change, the Contractor shall release them at a mutually agreeable date and negotiate transfer of their earned fringe benefits to the successor. D. The Contractor shall be reimbursed for all reasonable phase-in, phase-out costs (i.e., costs incurred within the agreed period after contract expiration that result from phase-in, phase-out operations).

  • PROFESSORS AND TEACHERS A professor or teacher who makes a temporary visit to a Contracting State for a period not exceeding two years for the purpose of teaching or conducting research at a university, college, school or other educational institution, and who is, or immediately before such visit was, a resident of the other Contracting State shall be exempt from tax in the first-mentioned Contracting State in respect of remuneration for such teaching or research.