TOOL REQUIREMENTS. Each Roofer Xxxxxxx and Journeyman Roofer will be responsible to supply and maintain the following tools:
1 Hammer 1 Roofers’ Knife
1 Pair Locking Pliers 1 Trowel
TOOL REQUIREMENTS. Schedule 4 lists the tools that specified employees must provide themselves as a minimum with an emphasis on labour saving tools. These tools are to be in sound condition, of trade quality and at work at all times when needed.
TOOL REQUIREMENTS. Each Roofer Xxxxxxx and Journeyman Roofer will be responsible to supply and maintain the following tools: Hammer Roofers' Knife Pair Pliers Trowel Pair Snips Tape Measure Pair Gloves All tools and equipment owned by the Employer but furnished and supplied to the Employee will be used and maintained as directed. The xxxxxxx will be re- sponsible to instruct the Employees as to the correct and safe use of such equipment. The Employer agrees to provide facilities capable of being locked for Employees to keep their tools in. ROOFER XXXXXXX is a journeyman who has the knowledge required so that with the help of the oth- er Roofing Personnel can both supervise and perform all of the operations required to apply roofing of a qual- ity that will comply with the most rigid specifications. has the knowledge required to perform most of the op- erations required to apply roofing and with a minimum of instructions from the Xxxxxxx can perform or as- sist in the performance of all the operations. Is also one who has been grandfathered to the classification of journeyman through the Apprenticeship Program and/or has successfully completed the Apprentice- ship Program. ROOFER MATERIAL HANDLER is one with sufficient experience with a Roofing crew to be able to anticipate the requirements of the Xxxxxxx and the Journeyman Roofer and with a minimum of instruction from either will have the material needed placed in the proper location on the roof in the amount and at the time it will be required. A Roofer Material Handler is a roofer who has opted to remain in this category and does not wish to progress through the Appren- ticeship Program. He shall receive all negotiated wage increases. This category is red circled. is one who will work at the di- rection of a Material Handler and will perform work of a labourer supplying materials to be laid in a roof system by more experienced Roofing Personnel. All Roofing personnel who are presently in the clas- sification system as set out in the previous Agreement, shall complete their respective automatic progres- sion. Roofing personnel in the classification system of the previous Agreement shall be the first employees hired when available at all times until they have completed all automatic progression. Apprentices shall be indenturedto the employer and shall continue in training with such employer as long as possible. Apprentices should be tested at the conclusion of each school training period. Apprentices must attend in-school tr...
TOOL REQUIREMENTS. 6.01 All employees will be required to provide their own Tool Box with a lock and name tag to secure their tools. The Company will provide a list of hand tools required by each employee to perform their work.
TOOL REQUIREMENTS. Each Roofer Xxxxxxx and Journeyman Roofer will be responsible to supply and maintain the following tools: 1 Hammer 1 Roofers' Knife 1 Pair Pliers 1 Trowel 1 Pair Snips 1 Tape Measure 1 Pair Gloves All tools and equipment owned by the Employer but furnished and supplied to the Employee will be used and maintained as directed. The xxxxxxx will be responsible to instruct the Employees as to the correct and safe use of such equipment. The Employer agrees to provide facilities capable of being locked for Employees to keep their tools in.
TOOL REQUIREMENTS. All Mechanics shall furnish small hand tools while the Board shall furnish all heavy duty tools. In the event of a differ- ence in opinion as to what constitutes “small hand tools”, the grievance procedure will be used. Name Building Address Contract provision “Theft of or Damage to Employee Personal Property” is printed on the back of this form. IMPORTANT: read this contract provision - you must read this contract provision - you must comply to receive benefits.
TOOL REQUIREMENTS. Each Xxxxxxx, Journeyman Roofer, Material Han- dler, Roofer Assistant and Apprentice 2 and 3 will be responsible to supply and maintain the following tools:
1 Hammer 1 Roofers’ Knife
1 Pair Locking Pliers 1 Trowel
TOOL REQUIREMENTS. All Mechanics shall furnish small hand tools while the Board shall furnish all heavy duty tools. In the event of a difference in opinion as to what constitutes “small hand tools”, the grievance procedure will be used.
9.5.1. The Employer will provide all tools and equipment necessary for Employees to perform their duties.
0.0.0. Xxxxx or equipment must not be removed from the workplace except as required in the ordinary course of duties or with permission of the Company.
TOOL REQUIREMENTS. Each Roofer Xxxxxxx and Journeyman Roofer will be responsible to supply and maintain the following tools: Hammer 1 Roofers’ Knife 1 Pair Pliers 1 Trowel 1 Pair Snips 1 Tape Measure 1 Pair Gloves All tools and equipment owned by the Employer but furnished and supplied to the Employee will be used and maintained as directed. The xxxxxxx will be responsible to instruct the Employees as to the correct and safe use of such equipment. The Employer agrees to provide facilities capable of being locked for Employees to keep their tools in. and with a minimum of instruction from either will have the material needed placed in the proper location on the roof in the amount and at the time it will be required. When roofer has completed hours in this category he will be eligible to apply to take an examination to qualify as a Roofer This examination will be set up at the Provincial level by the Union Conference and the l!m- Association, It will be administered at the local level jointly by the Union and the Employers.