Unsatisfactory Service. Suspension or dismissal of a faculty member for unsatisfactory service can be justified only when adequate alerting and guidance to the necessary improvement have failed to result in a satisfactory level of service. Such suspension or dismissal shall only occur after the President has obtained a report from the faculty evaluation committees. The composition of the faculty evaluation committees shall be as set out in Article hereof.
Unsatisfactory Service. An employee who has completed the probationary period may be terminated or subject to disciplinary action if their performance or conduct is not satisfactory. Unsatisfactory Service is:
(1) If the employee fails to perform the functions of the assigned position;
(2) If the employee fails to establish and maintain cooperative working relationships;
Unsatisfactory Service. 13.2.1 When, through the provisions of Article 10 or otherwise, a manager identifies serious performance problems or serious performance issues concerning an employee, the manager shall undertake, or shall have already undertaken, an evaluation prior to taking disciplinary action. If disciplinary action, up to and including termination, is taken, written notification will be provided to the employee and the Association.
13.2.2 The College shall not dismiss or discipline an employee bound by this Agreement except for just and reasonable cause.
13.2.3 In the event an employee is suspended per the College and Institute Act, written notification will be provided to the employee and the President of the Faculty Association within five (5) working days.
Unsatisfactory Service. The District may provide Contractor with a written notice of unsatisfactory service on any route or schedule. The Contractor shall investigate and reply to the District within twenty-four (24) hours. Depending on the severity of issue, route adjustment to staffing and/or equipment will occur within a District approved time.
Unsatisfactory Service.
15.1 Without prejudice to the Employer’s right to discipline or discharge an Employee for just cause, a “Procedure” as hereinafter described is hereby established to ensure effective, quality teaching in the School, and is designed to address instances of unsatisfactory teaching performance or other unsatisfactory service of a non- probationary employee. The Procedure will usually result in remediation to a satisfactory level of teaching performance or other service. However, it may, in some cases, lead to removal from regular duties, demotion, reduction of remuneration or termination of employment for reasons of unsatisfactory job performance or service.
15.2 As soon as reasonably practicable after the Employer becomes aware of concerns regarding a non-probationary employee’s performance or regarding other unsatisfactory service, the Employer should discuss the concerns with the employee. The Employer should summarize this discussion in writing to the employee. If the Employer determines that the employee’s performance is to be assessed, the Employer will arrange to observe the employee’s performance. Following this observation, the Employer will write the employee, clearly outlining either (I) any concerns, indicating the nature of the improvement expected, offering appropriate resources for assistance, and stating a timeline for improvement or (ii) that any concerns regarding the Employee were groundless or have been satisfactorily resolved, in which event the Procedure will be terminated. If, at the end of the time provided, the expected improvement has occurred, the Employer will write the employee accordingly. If, at the end of the time provided, the expected improvement has not occurred, the Employer shall initiate the second phase of the Procedure. The foregoing will constitute the first phase of the Procedure.
15.3 The second phase of the Procedure shall be as follows:
a) The Employer provides to the employee, for signature acknowledging receipt, a letter which: − outlines concerns − states that the Procedure is hereby initiated − encloses a copy of the Procedure − confirms that the employee has the right to consult with the Alliance at any point in the Procedure − and sends a copy of this letter to the employee’s personnel file and to any arbitrators (as established pursuant to Article 15.5);
b) The Employer observes the employee in the performance of regular duties, making note of specific concerns. The Employer will give the employee reasonab...
Unsatisfactory Service. An employee who has completed the probationary period may be terminated or subject to disciplinary action only for cause following the Mesquite Personnel Policies, disciplinary resources set out in Section 2 of this Article and NRS Chapter 289.
A. Levels may be skipped according to the Discipline Matrix.
B. Discipline for violations of policy may be determined to be higher on the Discipline Matrix according to their frequency and severity as outlined in the Discipline Matrix.
C. Officers will be held accountable and subject to disciplinary action for each specific action. Officers may be disciplined for multiple sections of the matrix depending on the actions by the Officer.
D. Two or more minor infractions shall not be compounded to equal a major infraction.
E. Disciplinary action based on damage to the image or reputation of the City of Mesquite shall be based on some reasonable evidence of such damage.
F. During an ongoing disciplinary investigation, neither the City nor the Department shall public release any information that may adversely impact the reputation of the officer or investigation.
G. All interviews and/or interrogations during an internal investigation shall be conducted in compliance with the material provisions of NRS 289.080 and other applicable law.
H. Electronic information used by the officer such as GPS information transmitted by the officer's vehicle, video from Body Worn Cameras or Vehicle Mounted Cameras or any other form of electronic monitoring will not be used as a primary source of any discipline.
Unsatisfactory Service. An employee, who has completed the probationary period, may be terminated or subject to disciplinary action if the employee’s performance or conduct is not satisfactory or if the employee proves unsuited to the employee’s work, as follows:
A. It shall be considered unsatisfactory service if the employee does not or cannot perform the function of the assigned position, or
B. If the employee fails to establish satisfactory working relationships with other employees with whom the employee is working.
C. Prior to termination action, excluding Sections 30.5 and 30.6, the employee shall be given warning and a reasonable time to improve. A progressive discipline system shall be used.
a. An employee whose conduct is unsatisfactory shall be subject to disciplinary action. Depending upon the gravity of the offense or level of performance, disciplinary action may take the form of any one or a combination of the following: i. Oral Reprimand ii. Written Reprimand
Unsatisfactory Service. An employee, who has completed the probationary period, may be terminated or subject to disciplinary action if the employee’s performance or conduct is not satisfactory or if the employee proves unsuited to the employee’s work, as follows:
A. It shall be considered unsatisfactory service if the employee does not or cannot perform the function of the assigned position, or
B. If the employee fails to establish satisfactory working relationships with other employees with whom the employee is working.
C. Prior to termination action, excluding Sections 30.5 and 30.6, the employee shall be given warning and a reasonable time to improve. A progressive discipline system shall be used.
a. An employee whose conduct is unsatisfactory shall be subject to disciplinary action. Depending upon the gravity of the offense or level of performance, disciplinary action may take the form of any one or a combination of the following: i. Oral Reprimand ii. Written Reprimand iii. Written Final Reprimand iv. Suspension v. Demotion vi. Termination
D. Union Representation During Disciplinary Action Other Than An Oral Reprimand
E. Evidence Sharing Anytime there is a recommendation for an employee to receive any disciplinary action, including and more severe than a written final reprimand, the employee shall be given written notice, by hand delivery or certified mail, of the recommendation and shall be urged to seek Union representation. The hearing shall not be conducted until after ten (10) calendar days of the date of hand delivery or the date the notice was sent by certified mail.
a. All evidence that could be could be cited or utilized shall be shared equally between the City and the employee upon the employee’s written request.
b. If the employee requests to record the hearing, it shall be permitted.
Unsatisfactory Service. Company will give adequate notification to em ployees whose performance is unsatisfactory with a view toward attempting to correct same. Procedure shall be: (a) Verbal warning, (b) First written notice, (c) Second and final written notice. At least two (2) weeks shall intervene between each step noted above.
Unsatisfactory Service. An employee may be held at this or her current step on the salary schedule for service deemed unsatisfactory. Evaluation report forms will be completed annually for each employee no later than June 10th of each year.