Dues Authorization Sample Clauses

Dues Authorization. Employees covered by the Certification shall as a condition of continuing employment authorize deductions from their monthly salary of union dues, or the amount equivalent to dues. Failure to authorize such deductions shall constitute cause for dismissal.
Dues Authorization. The Local of the Union shall furnish the with dues authorization cards. The agrees to have all new Employees sign the dues authorization cards within thirty (30) days of commencement of employment.
Dues Authorization. An employee shall, as a condition of continued employment, complete an authorization form providing for the deduction from an employee's monthly wages or salary the amount of the regular monthly dues payable to the Union. Such authorization forms shall be provided to the Employer.
Dues Authorization. Upon written authorization from the employee, the Company agrees to deduct Union initiation fees, dues and assessments from the wages of each employee and to transmit the monies so collected to the Union, once monthly, together with a list of employees, their current addresses and phone number, from whom such deductions have been made.
Dues Authorization. The Union shall furnish the Board with Dues Authorization Cards. The Board agrees to have each new employee sign such a card within thirty (30) calendar days of the commencement of employment.
Dues Authorization. 1. All bargaining unit members who are currently members of the Association or are currently paying a service fee, and all new bargaining unit members, shall (1) on or before thirty (30) days from the date of commencement of duties or the effective date of this Agreement, whichever is later, join the Association, or (2) pay a Service Fee to the Association, pursuant to the Association’s “Policy Regarding Objections to Political – Ideological Expenditures” and the Administrative Procedures adopted pursuant to that policy. The Service Fee shall not exceed the amount of Association dues collected from Association members. The bargaining unit member may authorize payroll deduction for such fee. In the event that the bargaining unit member shall not pay such Service Fee directly to the Association, or authorized payment though payroll deduction, the Employer shall, pursuant to MCLA 408.477: MSA 18,277 (7) and at the written request of the Association, deduct the Service Fee from the bargaining unit member’s wages and remit same to the Association. 2. Pursuant to Chicago Teachers Union V Xxxxxx, 000 X. Xx. 1066 (1986), the Union has established a “Policy Regarding Objections to Political-Ideological Expenditures.” That Policy, and the administrative procedures (including the timetable for payment) pursuant thereto, apply only to nonunion bargaining unit members. The remedies set forth in that Policy shall be exclusive, and unless and until such procedures, including any administrative or judicial review there, shall have been availed of and exhausted, no dispute, claim or complaint by an objecting bargaining unit member concerning the application and interpretation of this Article shall be subject to the grievance procedure set forth in this Agreement, or any other administrative or judicial procedure. The Association shall provide to all non-members copies of the Association’s Policy and Procedures.
Dues Authorization. The written authorization for dues deduction shall remain in full force and effect unless revoked as provided on such authorization form. In the event that an employee revokes a dues or service fee authorization, the District shall deduct service fees until such time as CSEA notifies the District that arrangements have been made for the payment of such fees.
Dues Authorization. During my employment, I hereby voluntarily authorize and direct UVM to deduct from my pay each pay period, regardless of whether I am or remain a member of the Union, an amount equal to dues (which are currently 1% of base salary), subject to provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between United Academics and the University of Vermont and applicable law. I understand that I have a right not to join or financially support a labor organization, and I choose to make the payments agreed to on this form voluntarily.
Dues Authorization. 1. The Board agrees to deduct the regular periodic union dues of employees who individually, and voluntarily certify in writing that they authorized such deductions. Said deductions shall be made within thirty (30) days, and in equal monthly installments over the nine (9) months of the school year, or the remaining months of the school year. Said dues shall be submitted to the State OAPSE Treasurer with a list of those employees for whom payment is made, amount deducted and a copy of the list shall be submitted to the local Chapter 483 treasurer. The authorizations shall remain in effect until written revocation is sent to the Board Treasurer with a copy to the State Association Treasurer. The Association agrees to indemnify and save the Board harmless against any and all claims that may arise out of or by reason of action taken by the Board in reliance upon any authorization for dues deducted and/or submission to the Association. 2. The Board agrees to deduct from the wages of any employee a contribution to PEOPLE (Public Employees Organized to Promote Legislative Equality) as provided for in a written authorization provided by the Association. Such authorization must be executed by the employee and may be revoked by the employee at any time by giving written notice to both the Board and the Association. The Board agrees to remit any deductions made pursuant to this provision promptly to the Association together with an itemized statement showing the name of each employee from whose pay such deductions have been made and the amount deducted during the period covered by the remittance. The Association agrees to provide the Treasurer with information needed for adequate accountability. All state, federal, and IRS regulations will be followed.
Dues Authorization. 4.13.1 By October 10 and then for any employee who becomes a member of the Association after the start of the school year, the Association shall notify the District of bargaining unit members who have elected to have dues deducted from their paychecks and shall identify the dues to be deducted from each. The District will enact dues deduction during the pay period following notification. 4.13.2 The Association shall provide a formal letter from the OEA Membership Department that confirms that OEA possesses sufficient documentation of dues deduction authorization for those members. Upon request by the District, the Association shall make available to the District for its review documented proof of dues deduction authorization for members. 4.13.3 Members who wish to withdraw authorization for dues deduction must notify the Association in writing. The Association shall notify the District when an employee should no longer have dues deducted. The District shall cease dues deductions in accordance with OEA policies and procedures regarding membership dues withdrawal.