Employee Requests Sample Clauses
Employee Requests. To reduce the impact of a layoff, an employee may request a voluntary layoff, leave without pay, a reduction in compensation, reduction in hours of work, or movement to a funded, vacant exempt position for which the employee is qualified. If it is necessary to limit the number of employees who are on unpaid leave at the same time, the President, reporting Vice President, or designee, in consultation with the Associate Vice President for Human Resource Services and/or designee, will determine who will be granted a leave without pay and/or reduction in hours based upon business and staffing needs. The decision regarding whether to move an employee to a vacant exempt position is discretionary with the College.
Employee Requests. (i) A casual Employee may make a request of an Employer under this clause if:
A. the Employee has been employed by the Employer for a period of at least six (6) months beginning the day the employment started;
B. the Employee has, in the period of six (6) months ending the day the request is given, worked a regular pattern of hours on an ongoing basis which, without significant adjustment, the Employee could continue to work as a full-time Employee or part- time Employee (as the case may be); and
C. all of the following apply:
(1) the Employee has not, at any time during the period referred to in subclause 16.4(e)(i)B, refused an offer made to the Employee under subclause 16.4(a);
(2) the Employer has not, at any time during that period, given the Employee a notice in accordance with subclause 16.4(b)(iii)A;
(3) the Employer has not, at any time during that period, given a response to the Employee under subclause 16.4(f) refusing a previous request made under this clause;
(4) the request is not made during the period of 21 days after the period referred to in subclause 16.4(a)(i)A.
D. The request must:
(1) be in writing;
(2) be a request for the Employee to convert:
a. for an Employee that has worked the equivalent of full- time hours or shifts on a regular and systematic basis during the period referred to in subclause 16.4(a)(i)B – to full-time employment; or
b. for an Employee that has worked less than the equivalent of full-time hours or shifts on a regular and systematic basis during the period referred to in subclause 16.4(a)(i)B – to part-time employment that is consistent with the regular pattern of hours or shifts worked during that period; and
(3) be given to the Employer.
Employee Requests. In the positions or organizational units where flextime is permitted, requests from employees for any type of change in work schedule or work hours will be considered on the basis of the above standards and the workload of the organizational unit involved. It is recognized that when requests from employees for changes in work hours or schedules have already been granted, this may preclude the granting of subsequent requests from other employees. If a supervisor grants a request for a change in work hours to one employee and denies the request of a similarly situated employee in the same grade and class, the denial may be grieved under Article 10 of this Agreement based on a claim that the denial is arbitrary or capricious. Upon request, a supervisor shall provide a written explanation as to why a request for flextime has been denied.
Employee Requests. Employees may request a modification of their regular schedules (e.g. moving from eight-hour days to ten-hour days), and such modifications will not be denied or rescinded for reasons that are arbitrary, capricious, or unlawful.
Employee Requests. Work schedules may be altered, upon written request of
Employee Requests. Nurses desiring to reduce their hours may do so upon approval of the Appointing Authority.
Employee Requests. An employee wishing training may submit a written request to the employee’s supervisor. Such a request may include, but is not limited to, release time with pay, flexible working hours, tuition and travel. The COUNTY will give good faith consideration to requests for job-related training, which will increase the capability of the employee in current assignments, or career enhancement training, which will help prepare the employee for advancement within the COUNTY. The supervisor shall decide whether to grant, deny or to modify the request, provided, however, any Agreement shall be in compliance with the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. The supervisor's decision will be reviewed by the Department Director, upon the employee's request, and the Department Director's decision shall be final.
Employee Requests. An employee wishing training may submit a written request to the appropriate supervisor. Such a request may include, but is not limited to, release time with pay, flexible working hours, tuition and travel. The supervisor shall decide whether to grant, deny or to modify the request, provided, however, any agreement shall be in compliance with the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. The supervisor's decision will be reviewed by the Department Director and the Department Director's decision shall be final.
Employee Requests. With management approval, work schedules may be
Employee Requests. Employees wishing training may submit a written request to their supervisor or Division Manager. Such a request may include, but is not limited to, release time with pay, flexible working hours, tuition and travel. The Division Manager will be the sole judge as to whether to grant, deny or to modify the request. There will be no appeal of the Division Manager's decision; provided, however, any agreement will be in compliance with the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act.