WHAT DOES THE SETTLEMENT PROVIDE. The Net Settlement Amount will be allocated to Class Members according to a Plan of Allocation to be approved by the Court. Class Members fall into two categories: Current Participants and Former Participants. Allocations to Current Participants who are entitled to a distribution under the Plan of Allocation will be made into their existing Plan accounts. Former Participants who are entitled to a distribution will receive their distribution as a check mailed to their last known address or, if they elect, as a rollover to a qualified retirement account. In addition to the monetary component of the Settlement, as discussed above, Defendant agreed that the Plan’s fiduciaries will conduct a RFP process for recordkeeping services to the Plan. Within the first year following final approval of the Settlement, Defendant has agreed to publish a communication to then current Plan participants explaining the risks and benefits of the Plan’s money market fund investment option. Defendant also will use an independent consultant familiar with fixed income investment options in such plans who will review the investment lineup and make recommendations to the Plan’s fiduciaries regarding whether to retain the money market fund and whether to add a stable value or comparable fund. In addition, during the three-year Settlement period, Defendant has agreed to provide Class Counsel a list of the Plan’s investment options and fees. In considering investment options for the Plan, Defendant has agreed that the Plan’s fiduciaries will consider: (1) the lowest-cost share class available for any mutual fund considered for inclusion in the Plan as well as other criteria applicable to different share classes; (2) the availability of revenue sharing rebates on any share class available for any mutual fund considered for inclusion in the Plan; and (3) the availability of collective trusts, to the extent such investments are permissible and are otherwise identical to a particular mutual fund considered for inclusion in the Plan All Class Members and anyone claiming through them will fully release the Plan as well as Defendant and its “Released Parties” from “Released Claims.” The Released Parties include (a) Defendant and its insurers,
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WHAT DOES THE SETTLEMENT PROVIDE. The Net Settlement Amount will be allocated to Class Members according to a Plan of Allocation to be approved by the Court. Class Members fall into two categories: Current Participants and Former Participants. Allocations to Current Participants who are entitled to a distribution under the Plan of Allocation will be made into their existing Plan accounts. Former Participants who are entitled to a distribution will receive their distribution as a check mailed to their last known address or, if they elect, as a rollover to a qualified retirement account. All Class Members (and their respective heirs, beneficiaries, executors, administrators, estates, past and present partners, officers, directors, agents, attorneys, predecessors, successors, and assigns) will fully release all Released Claims against the Plans as well as (a) ATH Holding Company, LLC, Board of Directors of ATH Holding Company, LLC, and the Pension Committee of ATH Holding Company, Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxx XxXxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, and Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx; (b) their insurers, co-insurers, and reinsurers, (c) their past, present, and future parent corporation(s), (d) their past, present, and future affiliates, subsidiaries, divisions, joint ventures, predecessors, successors, successors-in-interest, and assigns; and (e) with respect to (a) through (d) above their past, present and future members of their respective boards of directors, managers, partners, agents, members, shareholders (in their capacity as such), officers, employees, independent contractors, representatives, attorneys, administrators, fiduciaries, accountants, auditors, advisors, consultants, personal representatives, spouses, heirs, executors, administrators, associates, employee benefit plan fiduciaries (with the exception of the Independent Fiduciary), employee benefit plan administrators, The Vanguard Group, Inc. and all other service providers to the Plan (including their owners and employees), members of their immediate families, consultants, subcontractors, and all persons acting under, by, through, or in concert with any of them. Nothing in this Settlement releases claims of any Released Party or the Plan against any other Released Party for claims for, or arising out of, insurance coverage against their insurers. The Released Claims mean any and all actual or potential claims, actions, demands, rights, obligations,...
WHAT DOES THE SETTLEMENT PROVIDE. The Net Settlement Amount will be allocated to Class Members according to a Plan of Allocation to be approved by the Court. Class Members fall into two categories: Current Participants and Former Participants. Allocations to Current Participants who are entitled to a distribution under the Plan of Allocation will be made into their existing Plan accounts. Former Participants who are entitled to a distribution will receive their distribution as a check mailed to their last known address or, if they elect, as a rollover to a qualified retirement account. In addition to the monetary component of the Settlement, as discussed above, the Settlement also provides certain additional terms that provide substantial value to Class Members and materially add to the total value of the Settlement above the already significant monetary component. These additional terms include: (1) within 30 calendar days after the end of the first and second year of the Settlement Period, Duke will provide to Class Counsel a list of the Plan’s investment options and fees, and a copy of the Plan’s Investment Policy Statement (if any); (2) no later than January 1, 2020, Duke shall communicate, in writing, with current Plan participants and inform them of the investment options available in the new lineup, including the annuity option, and provide a link to a webpage containing the fees and performance information for the new investment options and the contact information for the individual or entity that can facilitate a fund transfer for participants who seek to transfer their investments in frozen annuity accounts to another fund in the Plan; (3) during the third year of the Settlement Period, the Plan’s fiduciaries shall retain an independent consultant to provide a recommendation regarding whether the Plan fiduciaries should issue Requests for Proposals for recordkeeping and administrative services provided to the Plan; (4) during the Settlement Period, in considering Plan investment options, the Plan’s fiduciaries shall consider, among other factors: (a) the cost of different share classes available for any particular mutual fund considered for inclusion in the Plan as well as other criteria applicable to different share classes; and (b) the availability of revenue sharing rebates on any share class available for any investment option considered for inclusion in the Plan; (c) other factors that the Plan fiduciaries deem appropriate under the circumstances; and (5) during the Settleme...
WHAT DOES THE SETTLEMENT PROVIDE. The Settlement was reached on July 22, 2019. Class Counsel filed this action on August 11, 2016. Since the filing of the case and for a period of almost three years, the parties engaged in substantial litigation. Class Counsel devoted substantial time and effort to review and analyze approximately 10,000 pages of documents produced by Defendant and many other documents, including U.S. Department of Labor Forms 5500 and other publicly available documents, to support their underlying claims. The Settling Parties participated in two different mediations, one with a court-appointed mediator and the second with a nationally recognized mediator who has extensive experience in resolving complex class action claims. The Settling Parties also engaged in substantial settlement discussions without a mediator. Only after extensive arm’s length negotiation over a period of seven months were the Settling Parties able to agree to the terms of the Settlement. Under the Settlement, a Qualified Settlement Fund of $14,000,000 will be established to resolve the Class Action. The Net Settlement Amount is $14,000,000 minus any Administrative Expenses, taxes, tax expenses, Court-approved Attorneys’ Fees and Costs, Class Representatives’ Compensation, and other approved expenses of the litigation. The Net Settlement Amount will be allocated to Class Members according to a Plan of Allocation to be approved by the Court. Class Members fall into two categories: Current Participants and Former Participants. Allocations to Current Participants who are entitled to a distribution under the Plan of Allocation will be made into their existing Plan accounts. Former Participants who are entitled to a distribution will receive their distribution as a check mailed to their last known address or, if they elect, as a rollover to a qualified retirement account.
WHAT DOES THE SETTLEMENT PROVIDE. The Settlement was reached on September 12, 2019. Class Counsel filed this action on August 9, 2016. Since the filing of the case and for a period of over three years, the parties engaged in substantial litigation. Class Counsel devoted substantial time and effort to review and analyze approximately 149,000 pages of documents produced by Defendants and many other documents, including U.S. Department of Labor Forms 5500 and other publicly available documents, and conducted over 15 depositions to support their underlying claims. The Settling Parties participated in a mediation with a nationally recognized mediator who has extensive experience in resolving complex class action claims. The Settling Parties also engaged in substantial settlement discussions without a mediator. Only after extensive arm’s length negotiation over a period of approximately four months were the Settling Parties able to agree to the terms of the Settlement. Under the Settlement, a Qualified Settlement Fund of $18,100,000 will be established to resolve the Class Action. The Net Settlement Amount is $18,100,000 minus any Administrative Expenses, taxes, tax expenses, Court-approved Attorneys’ Fees and Costs, Class Representatives’ Compensation, and other approved expenses of the litigation. The Net Settlement Amount will be allocated to Class Members according to a Plan of Allocation to be approved by the Court. Under the proposed Plan of Allocation, 25% of the Net Settlement Amount will be allocated to Class Members based simply on the number of quarters during the Class Period in which they participated in the Plan in any amount (the “Per Capita Component”), and 75% of the Net Settlement Amount will be allocated to Class Members based on the actual amount of their investments in Plan funds over the Class Period, taking into account quarterly balances in all Plan funds except for those in the Bond Oriented Balanced Fund and the Diversified Stock Fund (the “Pro Rata Component”). The method by which Class Members receive their settlement allocations will depend on whether they are characterized as Current Participants or Former Participants. Allocations to Current Participants who are entitled to a distribution under the Plan of Allocation will have their distribution deposited into their existing Plan accounts. Former Participants who are entitled to a distribution will receive their distribution as a check mailed to their last known address or, if they elect, as a rollover to a qualifi...
WHAT DOES THE SETTLEMENT PROVIDE. If you are eligible, you will receive a cash payment. The amount of such payment is estimated to be approximately $675 (which is $1,118.00 gross amount minus a pro rata reduction for all expenses, fees, costs and incentive awards to the named Plaintiffs). This amount is an equal share of a $807,196.00 fund that Xxxx has agreed to create. In exchange, you will release any and all BIPA related claims you may have against Xxxx. How Do I Get My Payment? You do not need to do anything. Because you were an employee of Xxxx, who continued to work at the Manteno facility after it was acquired by Rise Baking Company, you will receive a direct payment via check after the settlement has been finally approved by the Court. You do not need to submit a claim form. Do I Have a Lawyer? Yes. The Court has appointed lawyers from the law firm of The Fish Law Firm as “Class Counsel.” They represent you and other settlement class members. The lawyers will request to be paid from the total amount that Xxxx paid into the settlement fund. You can hire your own lawyer, but you’ll need to pay that lawyer’s legal fees. The Court has also chosen Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxx, and Xxxxxxx Xxxxx—class members like you—to represent the Settlement Class. When Will the Court Approve the Settlement? The Court will hold a Final Approval Hearing on [date] at [time] before the Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Price Xxxxxx in Room 2402 at the Xxxxxxx X. Xxxxx Center, 00 Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx 00000. The Court will hear objections, determine if the settlement is fair, made in good faith, and consider Class Counsel’s request for fees and expenses of up to 35% of the settlement fund and incentive awards totaling $12,000. Class Counsel’s request will be available on the settlement website. What are My Options? You can do nothing, object to any of the settlement terms, or exclude yourself from the settlement. If you do nothing, you won’t be able to xxx Xxxx in a future lawsuit about the claims addressed in the settlement. If you exclude yourself, you won’t get a payment but you’ll keep your right to xxx Xxxx on the issues the settlement concerns. You shall be bound by all determinations and judgments of the Court in connection with the Settlement, whether favorable or unfavorable, unless you mail, by first class mail, sufficient postage prepaid, a written request for exclusion from the Class, received no later than , 2021, addressed to the Claims Administrator at: . Each request for exclusion must:
WHAT DOES THE SETTLEMENT PROVIDE. The Net Settlement Amount will be allocated to Class Members according to a Plan of Allocation to be approved by the Court. Class Members fall into two categories: Current Participants and Former Participants. Allocations to Current Participants who are entitled to a distribution under the Plan of Allocation will be made into their existing Plan accounts. Former Participants who are entitled to a distribution will receive their distribution as a check mailed to their last known address or, if they elect, as a rollover to a qualified retirement account. As discussed above, the Settlement Agreement also provides for non-monetary benefits to the Plan, and changes were made to the Plan, benefitting Class Members, during the nine years of litigation. All Class Members and anyone claiming through them will fully release Defendants and their “Released Parties” from “Released Claims.” The Released Parties include Defendants and any past, present, and future related entities, and all of their past, present, and future officers, directors, employees, attorneys, and agents. The Released Claims include all claims that were asserted in the Class Action, that arise out of the conduct alleged in the Complaint, or that relate to: (1) the selection, oversight, retention, or performance of the Plan’s investment options and service providers; (2) fees, costs, or expenses charged to, paid, or reimbursed by the Plan; (3) disclosures or failures to disclose information regarding the Plan’s investment options or service providers; and (4) all claims relating to the implementation of the Settlement. This is only a summary of the Released Parties and Released Claims and not a binding description of the Released Parties or Released Claims. The actual governing release is found within the Settlement Agreement at xxx.XXXXxxxxxxxxx.xxx. Generally, the release means that Class Members will not have the right to xxx the Defendants or the Related Parties for conduct during the Class Period arising out of or relating to the allegations in the Class Action. This is only a summary of the Settlement. The entire Settlement Agreement is available at xxx.XXXXxxxxxxxxx.xxx.
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WHAT DOES THE SETTLEMENT PROVIDE. The NCAA has agreed to a Medical Monitoring Fund of $70,000,000, which, after deducting administrative costs, and attorneys’ fees and expenses, will fund the screening of Class Members as well as medical evaluations for those Class Members who qualify as a result of the screening during the 50-year Medical Monitoring Program. The medical evaluations will be designed to assess symptoms related to persistent post-concussion syndrome, as well as cognitive, mood, behavioral, and motor problems that may be associated with mid- to late-life onset diseases that may be linked to concussions and/or subconcussive hits, such as Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy and related disorders. In addition, the NCAA has committed $5,000,000 to fund research regarding the WHO REPRESENTS YOU? The Court appointed the law firms Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxx LLP and Xxxxxx PC to represent you. You do not have to pay these attorneys or anyone else to participate. They will ask the Court for attorneys’ fees and costs, which would be paid from the Medical Monitoring Fund. You may hire your own lawyer to appear in Court for you; if you do, you have to pay that lawyer. WHAT ARE YOUR OPTIONS?
WHAT DOES THE SETTLEMENT PROVIDE. The Settlement was reached on September 18, 2020. Class Counsel filed this action on August 17, 2016. Since the filing of the case and for a period of over four years, the parties engaged in substantial litigation. Class Counsel devoted substantial time and effort to review and analyze voluminous pages of documents produced by Defendant and many other documents, including U.S. Department of Labor Forms 5500 and other publicly available documents, and conducted over 16 depositions to support their underlying claims, not all of which are addressed by the Settlement. The Settling Parties engaged in substantial settlement discussions. Only after extensive arm’s length negotiation over a period of several months were the Settling Parties able to agree to the terms of the Settlement. Under the Settlement, a Qualified Settlement Fund of $225,000 will be established to resolve Plaintiffs’ claim that Defendants breached their duty of prudence by failing to adopt the institutional share classes of the TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Funds. This settlement does not include claims previously dismissed by the Court or claims to which the Court found that Defendants were entitled to summary judgment. Those claims may be appealed to the Second Circuit. The Net Settlement Amount is $225,000 minus any Administrative Expenses, taxes, tax expenses, Court-approved Attorneys’ Fees and Costs, Class Representative’s Compensation, and other approved expenses of the litigation. The Net Settlement Amount will be allocated to Class Members according to a Plan of Allocation to be approved by the Court. Class Members fall into two categories: Current Participants and Former Participants. Allocations to Current Participants who are entitled to a distribution under the Plan of Allocation will be made into their existing Plan accounts. Former Participants who are entitled to a distribution will receive their distribution as a check mailed to their last known address or, if they elect, as a rollover to a qualified retirement account.
WHAT DOES THE SETTLEMENT PROVIDE. Cash Payments. Jumio has agreed to create a Settlement Fund with a value of $7,000,000.00 for the Class Members. All Settlement Class Members are entitled to submit a Claim Form in order to receive a payment out of the Settlement Fund. If the Settlement is approved, each Settlement Class Member who submits a timely, valid Claim Form will be entitled to a cash payment out of the Settlement Fund. The exact amount of each Class Member’s cash payment is unknown at this time and will depend on the total number of valid Claim Forms submitted. The Settlement Administrator will issue a check to each Class Member who submits a valid Claim Form following the final approval of the Settlement. All checks issued to Settlement Class Members will expire and become void 150 days after they are issued. Additionally, the attorneys who brought this lawsuit (listed below) will ask the Court to award them attorneys’ fees, costs and expenses for their time, expense and effort in investigating the facts, litigating the case and negotiating the Settlement. The Class Representative also will apply to the Court for a payment for his time, effort, and service in this matter.
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