Access Measures Sample Clauses

Access Measures. 4.1 The College has engaged in outreach and widening participation activity for over ten years. In the course of that time we have organised masterclasses, mentoring, student ambassador work, taster sessions, mock interviews, Information, Advice and Guidance, and highly successful summer schools, both residential and non-residential. We have worked at both Primary School and Secondary School and Further Education College level. It is our intention that this type of activity continue at an enhanced level. 4.2 We shall, however, be more focused on establishing relationships with particular cohorts of pupils and schools with whom we can build long term relationships and thereby track progress to Higher Education (or otherwise). Research conducted by XXXXX, among others, has shown that regular contact with students will have a greater long-term benefit than one-off interventions that could be forgotten by the time they become relevant. Our target groups will include: young people from social classes 4 – 7; state school pupils; BME students, particularly black boys; white males; care leavers; and vocational learners. 4.3 As a major contributor to scientific and medical research, the RVC will develop outreach activity which dovetails with STEM subject content. We are already in receipt of a Wellcome Trust Award to work with our target groups in schools on the subject of Biomedical Science and Anatomy and we shall build on this. External funding will be sought to maintain a level of interactive seminars and taster sessions. 4.4 Our outreach activity will become based more on blocks of time working with our target groups year on year. This would by and large fit in with the requirement to present milestones over the period 2012 – 2017 and approximate to, for example, Years 8 – 13. We shall seek external funding to support Summer School activity, as we have seen direct positive results from our previous Summer Schools. We shall develop a scientific programme for black African Caribbean boys. 4.5 The highly successful Gateway Programme, which forms a foundation year for the professional BVetMed degree, will continue. We shall also continue to develop work aimed at vocational students and to ensure they meet requirements for entry to RVC degree programmes. Much of this will be done in collaboration with the VETNET LLN Association which includes HEIs, FECs and Land-Based colleges. Work will continue to engage the Looked After Children cohort. We shall develop, in co-o...
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Access Measures assessment of progress and formulation of targets i. the sponsorship of schools where there are issues around attainment and progression ii. the establishment of new free schools (including mathematics free schools) to support disadvantaged and under-represented students iii. other significant partnerships, support and activity with schools. Based on recent analysis of education provision in Cornwall, and in the context of a small, specialist university, Falmouth University is best positioned to deliver increased attainment in schools through option (iii), above: ‘other significant partnerships, support and activity with school’. The University already undertakes a considerable programme of schools partnership work, and as part of the Grow Cornwall objective, is planning to ramp up its attainment raising activity, through a range of programmes under the banner of ‘Falmouth Creative: Discover, Believe, Achieve’. Falmouth Creative: Discover, Believe, Achieve, is an umbrella progression programme for talented and creative students who have the potential to go to university, and will benefit from the additional support to reach their full potential. The programme is aimed at not only students in year groups 9 - 13, but their parents, teachers and Career Advisors through a variety of activities and contact points throughout the academic year. A portfolio of workshops, which comprise of academic subject specific, skills - based, careers, and Information and guidance workshops will be available to schools and colleges for their year groups 11, 12 and 13. Schools and colleges and colleges will be able to select which aspects of the workshops they would find most useful, and Falmouth University will deliver these workshops either on campus or offsite at the school/college. This element of the programme can be extended to the UK. Year groups 9 and 10 will have four key phases throughout the year, culminating with each student that completes the scheme being presented with a certificate to recognise their success during an in-school assembly. The end of each academic year will end with a celebration of each school and pupil at the CreatEd Exhibition in June.  Attending the programme will equip the pupil and their parents/carers with the necessary information for each phase of their journey.  Pupils will experience at first hand student life at a Creative Arts University, and gain valuable advice from world-class academics.  Pupils will develop key skills and knowl...
Access Measures. 3.1 Widening participation profile 3.2 Planned investment in aspiration-raising and outreach
Access Measures. As a Further Education College, we support local young people from all the OfS target groups to aim higher as part of our overall mission, and the majority of the College’s resources contribute to this societal aim, albeit outside the scope of this plan. We plan to spend 15% of the Access and Participation Fund on outreach. The activities will focus, where possible, on the following groups: • Areas with low participation rates in HE identified by POLAR4 Q1 and Q2, and specifically those within the College Group’s non-HE population or through Uni Connect Partnerships • Special Learning Difficulty or Disability (SLDD) • Care leavers • Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (XXXX) communities In addition, the College seeks to refine its approach where possible to focus on the following groups, once Access data is collected and interpreted: • Gypsy/Roma/Traveller communities • Refugee communities • Carers Internal and external outreach activities will comprise of the following • Work with further education students within the College Group (East Surrey College and Xxxx Xxxxxx College) from POLAR4 Quintile 1 and 2 postcodes at levels 1, 2 and 3 to raise attainment (meeting or exceeding national achievement rates) and provide progression options to internal and external higher education. Xxxx Xxxxxx College, within the group, has a significant representation by Black FE students and is located near POLAR4 Q1 postcodes to the South East of Croydon which aligns well with Access targets. • Internal Progression Events at East Surrey College and Xxxx Xxxxxx College, again with the ability to focus on Access for the above groups. • Internal 1-1 support on researching university level study and UCAS applications, focused on low participation postcode students, XXXX students and students with disabilities. • Provision of information advice and guidance, with particular reference to financial support (to our Access target group from low participation postcodes), through attendance at open evening events in local schools/colleges/ careers fairs. • Use of links with local schools, and holding of events to attract young families, to raise awareness and provide aspiration and attainment raising activities. • Partnership with Sussex Learning Network and Linking London focused on improving Access for those from POLAR4 Quintiles 1 and 2. • Interview of all HE applicants with flexible admissions policies, including the opportunity to resit GCSE English and/or Maths during Year 1, and ...
Access Measures. Bournemouth University’s Widening Participation Strategy already acknowledges the importance of having a multiple approach and a range of access measures targeted to the different key aspects of the student journey: i. raising aspirations and achievement, ii. financial support and iii. pro-active support to meet student needs increasing successful student completions and students’ personal development From 2012 the University will commit new funding to raising aspirations and achievement, allowing the successful activities from Aimhigher to continue, costed at £618,000 in 2012/13. The University will continue to deliver direct financial support for students from under-represented groups in line with the University’s widening participation strategy. This includes the University’s match funding for the National Scholarship Programme plus our own bursaries and scholarships, to a value of over three quarters of a million pounds in 2012/13, rising to over £2.5m in 2015/16, and over £3m in 2017/18. The new BU Coaching scheme, to aid student retention and success, will have a £300,000 investment in year 1 (2012-13), rising to £700,000 in year 4 (2015-16). Full details on expenditure can be found in Appendix 4.
Access Measures 

Related to Access Measures

  • Safety Measures Awarded vendor shall take all reasonable precautions for the safety of employees on the worksite, and shall erect and properly maintain all necessary safeguards for protection of workers and the public. Awarded vendor shall post warning signs against all hazards created by the operation and work in progress. Proper precautions shall be taken pursuant to state law and standard practices to protect workers, general public and existing structures from injury or damage.

  • Emergency Measures Additional measures and/or other special requirements necessary during periods of critical fire-weather conditions shall be included in the fire prevention and presuppression plan.

  • Safeguard Measures The Parties note the multilateral negotiations pursuant to Article X of GATS on the question of emergency safeguard measures based on the principle of non-discrimination. Upon the conclusion of such multilateral negotiations, the Parties shall conduct a review for the purpose of discussing appropriate amendments to this Agreement so as to incorporate the results of such multilateral negotiations.

  • Interim Measures Notwithstanding any requirements for alternative dispute resolution procedures as set forth in Articles 18(B), any party to the Dispute may apply to a court for interim measures (i) prior to the constitution of the arbitral tribunal (and thereafter as necessary to enforce the arbitral tribunal’s rulings); or (ii) in the absence of the jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal to rule on interim measures in a given jurisdiction. The Parties agree that seeking and obtaining such interim measures shall not waive the right to arbitration. The arbitrators (or in an emergency the presiding arbitrator acting alone in the event one or more of the other arbitrators is unable to be involved in a timely fashion) may grant interim measures including injunctions, attachments and conservation orders in appropriate circumstances, which measures may be immediately enforced by court order. Hearings on requests for interim measures may be held in person, by telephone, by video conference or by other means that permit the parties to the Dispute to present evidence and arguments.

  • General Measures (a) Evidence of family violence may be required and can be in the form an agreed document issued by the Police Service, a Court, a registered health practitioner, a Family Violence Support Service, district nurse, maternal and child health nurse or Lawyer. A signed statutory declaration can also be offered as evidence. (b) All personal information concerning family violence will be kept confidential in line with the Employer’s policies and relevant legislation. No information will be kept on an Employee’s personnel file without their express written permission. (c) No adverse action will be taken against an Employee if their attendance or performance at work suffers as a result of experiencing family violence. (d) The Employer will identify contact/s within the workplace who will be trained in family violence and associated privacy issues. The Employer will advertise the name of any Family Violence contacts within the workplace. (e) An Employee experiencing family violence may raise the issue with their immediate supervisor, Family Violence contacts, union delegate or nominated Human Resources contact. The immediate supervisor may seek advice from Human Resources if the Employee chooses not to see the Human Resources or Family Violence contact. (f) Where requested by an Employee, the Human Resources contact will liaise with the Employee’s manager on the Employee’s behalf, and will make a recommendation on the most appropriate form of support to provide in accordance with clause 64.5 and clause 64.6. (g) The Employer will develop guidelines to supplement this clause and which details the appropriate action to be taken in the event that an Employee reports family violence.

  • Security Measures Lessee hereby acknowledges that the rental payable to Lessor hereunder does not include the cost of guard service or other security measures, and that Lessor shall have no obligation whatsoever to provide same. Lessee assumes all responsibility for the protection of the Premises, Lessee, its agents and invitees and their property from the acts of third parties.

  • Provisional Measures 1. The judicial authorities shall have the authority to order prompt and effective provisional measures: (a) to prevent an infringement of any intellectual property right from occurring, and in particular to prevent the entry into the channels of commerce in their jurisdiction of goods, including imported goods immediately after customs clearance; (b) to preserve relevant evidence in regard to the alleged infringement. 2. The judicial authorities shall have the authority to adopt provisional measures inaudita altera parte where appropriate, in particular where any delay is likely to cause irreparable harm to the right holder, or where there is a demonstrable risk of evidence being destroyed. 3. The judicial authorities shall have the authority to require the applicant to provide any reasonably available evidence in order to satisfy themselves with a sufficient degree of certainty that the applicant is the right holder and that the applicant’s right is being infringed or that such infringement is imminent, and to order the applicant to provide a security or equivalent assurance sufficient to protect the defendant and to prevent abuse. 4. Where provisional measures have been adopted inaudita altera parte, the parties affected shall be given notice, without delay after the execution of the measures at the latest. A review, including a right to be heard, shall take place upon request of the defendant with a view to deciding, within a reasonable period after the notification of the measures, whether these measures shall be modified, revoked or confirmed. 5. The applicant may be required to supply other information necessary for the identification of the goods concerned by the authority that will execute the provisional measures. 6. Without prejudice to paragraph 4, provisional measures taken on the basis of paragraphs 1 and 2 shall, upon request by the defendant, be revoked or otherwise cease to have effect, if proceedings leading to a decision on the merits of the case are not initiated within a reasonable period, to be determined by the judicial authority ordering the measures where a Member's law so permits or, in the absence of such a determination, not to exceed 20 working days or 31 calendar days, whichever is the longer. 7. Where the provisional measures are revoked or where they lapse due to any act or omission by the applicant, or where it is subsequently found that there has been no infringement or threat of infringement of an intellectual property right, the judicial authorities shall have the authority to order the applicant, upon request of the defendant, to provide the defendant appropriate compensation for any injury caused by these measures. 8. To the extent that any provisional measure can be ordered as a result of administrative procedures, such procedures shall conform to principles equivalent in substance to those set forth in this Section. SECTION 4: SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS RELATED TO BORDER MEASURES12

  • Protective Measures We have implemented and will maintain appropriate technical and organisational measures in relation to the Services taking into account the state of the art, the costs of implementation, and the nature, scope, context and purposes of Processing, as well as the likelihood and severity of risk to the rights and freedoms of data subjects. This includes measures relating to the physical security of Our facilities used to deliver them, measures to control access rights to Our assets and relevant networks, and processes for testing these measures. In accordance with Our obligations under applicable law, We may undertake digital forensic investigations in relation to the use of the Services and Subscriptions. You are responsible for using, and ensuring that your Users use, the controls and advice provided by the Services correctly and consistently.

  • Bilateral Safeguard Measures 1. Where, as a result of the reduction or elimination of a customs duty under this Agreement, any product originating in a Party is being imported into the territory of another Party in such increased quantities, in absolute terms or relative to domestic production, and under such conditions as to constitute a substantial cause of serious injury or threat thereof to the domestic industry of like or directly competitive products in the territory of the importing Party, the importing Party may take bilateral safeguard measures to the minimum extent necessary to remedy or prevent the injury, subject to the provisions of paragraphs 2 to 10. 2. Bilateral safeguard measures shall only be taken upon clear evidence that increased imports have caused or are threatening to cause serious injury pursuant to an investigation in accordance with the procedures laid down in the WTO Agreement on Safeguards. 3. The Party intending to take a bilateral safeguard measure under this Article shall immediately, and in any case before taking a measure, make notification to the other Parties and the Joint Committee. The notification shall contain all pertinent information, which shall include evidence of serious injury or threat thereof caused by increased imports, a precise description of the product involved and the proposed measure, as well as the proposed date of introduction, expected duration and timetable for the progressive removal of the measure. A Party that may be affected by the measure shall be offered compensation in the form of substantially equivalent trade liberalisation in relation to the imports from any such Party. 4. If the conditions set out in paragraph 1 are met, the importing Party may take measures consisting in increasing the rate of customs duty for the product to a level not to exceed the lesser of: (a) the MFN rate of duty applied at the time the action is taken; or (b) the MFN rate of duty applied on the day immediately preceding the date of the entry into force of this Agreement. 5. Bilateral safeguard measures shall be taken for a period not exceeding one year. In very exceptional circumstances, after review by the Joint Committee, measures may be taken up to a total maximum period of three years. No measure shall be applied to the import of a product which has previously been subject to such a measure. 6. The Joint Committee shall within 30 days from the date of notification examine the information provided under paragraph 3 in order to facilitate a mutually acceptable resolution of the matter. In the absence of such resolution, the importing Party may adopt a measure pursuant to paragraph 4 to remedy the problem, and, in the absence of mutually agreed compensation, the Party against whose product the measure is taken may take compensatory action. The bilateral safeguard measure and the compensatory action shall be immediately notified to the other Parties and the Joint Committee. In the selection of the bilateral safeguard measure and the compensatory action, priority must be given to the measure which least disturbs the functioning of this Agreement. The compensatory action shall normally consist of suspension of concessions having substantially equivalent trade effects or concessions substantially equivalent to the value of the additional duties expected to result from the bilateral safeguard measure. The Party taking compensatory action shall apply the action only for the minimum period necessary to achieve the substantially equivalent trade effects and in any event, only while the measure under paragraph 4 is being applied. 7. Upon the termination of the measure, the rate of customs duty shall be the rate which would have been in effect but for the measure. 8. In critical circumstances, where delay would cause damage which would be difficult to repair, a Party may take a provisional emergency measure pursuant to a preliminary determination that there is clear evidence that increased imports constitute a substantial cause of serious injury, or threat thereof, to the domestic industry. The Party intending to take such a measure shall immediately notify the other Parties and the Joint Committee thereof. Within 30 days of the date of the notification, the procedures set out in paragraphs 2 to 6, including for compensatory action, shall be initiated. Any compensation shall be based on the total period of application of the provisional emergency measure and of the emergency measure. 9. Any provisional measure shall be terminated within 200 days at the latest. The period of application of any such provisional measure shall be counted as part of the duration of the measure set out in paragraph 5 and any extension thereof. Any tariff increases shall be promptly refunded if the investigation described in paragraph 2 does not result in a finding that the conditions of paragraph 1 are met. 10. Five years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement, the Parties shall review in the Joint Committee whether there is need to maintain the possibility to take safeguard measures between them. If the Parties decide, after the first review, to maintain such possibility, they shall thereafter conduct biennial reviews of this matter in the Joint Committee.

  • Temporary Safeguard Measures 1. A Contracting Party may adopt or maintain measures not conforming with its obligations under Article 2 relating to cross- border capital transactions and Article 15: (a) in the event of serious balance-of-payments and external financial difficulties or threat thereof; or (b) in cases where, in exceptional circumstances, Movements of capital cause or threaten to cause serious difficulties for macroeconomic management, in particular, monetary and exchange rate policies. 2. Measures referred to in paragraph 1: (a) shall be consistent with the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund, so long as the Contracting Party taking the measures is a party to the said Articles; (b) shall not exceed those necessary to deal with the circumstances set out in paragraph 1; (c) shall be temporary and shall be eliminated as soon as conditions permit; (d) shall be promptly notified to the other Contracting Party; and (e) shall avoid unnecessary damages to the commercial, economic and financial interests of the other Contracting Party. 3. Nothing in this Agreement shall be regarded as altering the rights enjoyed and obligations undertaken by a Contracting Party as a party to the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund.

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