Aims. The Parties agree to pursue the following aims: Providing opportunities for the local community and sports organisations to participate in sport and physical activity for health improvement and development of their skills, particularly amongst low participant groups; Operating in line with the national agenda for sport taking into account nationally adopted strategies; Generating positive attitudes in sport and physical activity by young people and reducing the drop out rate in sports participation with age; Increasing the number of people of all ages and abilities participating in sport and physical activity including people with disabilities; Using the facilities to encourage the range, quality and number of School sports club links and to stimulate competition that is inclusive of young people and adults; To provide affordable access to the facilities and to be self-financing in terms of community use;
Aims. The aim of this Service is to minimise the possible harmful effects of supply of substances liable to misuse by both increasing adherence and reducing supplies leaking into the illicit market. This Service supports adherence with Drug Misuse and Dependence UK Guidelines on Clinical Management, published by the Department of Health and Methadone and Buprenorphine for the Management of Opioid Dependence (TA114) published by National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE).
Aims. The Institute shall carry out major scientific functions within the overall goals and framework of the CVI. Specifically, it will:
(1) undertake and promote study, research, development and dissemination of knowledge in the vaccine-relevant sciences and directly related areas of public health, management sciences and technology to generate affordable and effective means to prevent death and disability arising from infectious diseases and, thereby, to improve the health status and general welfare of children and low-income people in developing and developed countries, especially in Asia; and
(2) provide, in collaboration with relevant national and international institutions, facilities and training programmes aimed at strengthening expertise and capacity for developing and developed countries to conduct work in the areas of the Institute’s interest and competence.
Aims. 1. Development cooperation between the Community and South Africa shall be conducted in a context of policy dialogue and partnership, and shall support the policies and reforms carried out by the national authorities.
2. In particular, development cooperation shall contribute to South Africa's harmonious and sustainable economic and social development and to its insertion into the world economy and to consolidate the foundations laid for a democratic society and a state governed by the rule of law in which human rights in their political, social and cultural aspects and fundamental freedoms are respected.
3. Within this context, priority shall be given to supporting operations, which help the fight against poverty.
Aims. The Standard of Education
Aims. 2.1 In the short to medium term, the Alliance aims to bring together VCSE organisations and to engage with statutory health and care organisations so that they can:
i. Have a strong collective voice for the role of the VCSE sector
ii. Inform, engage, consult and empower one another in relevant health & care structures, relationships, policy and practice
iii. Bring VCSE sector knowledge, skills and expertise to address health inequalities
iv. Increase the role and influence of the VCSE sector in ICS strategic thinking and decision making
v. Network with one another, develop contacts, share information and best practice vi. Develop working relationships between organisations and across sectors
2.2 Specifically, the Alliance shall provide the recognised legitimate means of both mandating and supporting individuals to act on its behalf, as Representatives, in attending and voicing VCSE perspectives and insight at formal ICS boards, steering groups and such like. See clause 9 for further details.
Aims. 2.1 The Council is presently carrying out an inspection programme in its cemeteries. The programme will identify memorials that require attention to meet Health and Safety requirements and also establish a routine inspection procedure to ensure that the future condition of the cemeteries is monitored. The registration scheme will support this initiative by ensuring that memorial masons working within the Council’s cemeteries will operate to the highest standards of workmanship and competence. The establishment of this scheme will promote a partnership that will encourage formal and informal communication, long-term working relationships, innovation and development initiatives between all registered parties. The Council’s ultimate objectives are to ensure that the Council’s cemeteries meet all Health and Safety standards and are safe environments for working in or visiting.
Aims. 2.1 To provide Occupational Health Services (OHS) advice and managerial support to assist employees with Ill Health to recover and where possible to return to work, including on adjusted duties where appropriate or on alternative work within Royal Mail Group.
2.2 To ensure a supportive and fair approach to employees who are unable to continue to undertake their normal duties due to ill health.
2.3 To provide financial support at the agreed level to employees unable to continue in work either permanently or for the foreseeable future.
Aims. This training course offers a theoretical and practical approach to the teaching of English as a foreign language (EFL) to Spanish-speaking students. Classroom practice will be fostered which includes activities in the class, activities outside the class under the supervision of a tutor and the opportunity to take part of the course in a Spanish school with Spanish students in the city of Seville. This way, not only theoretical content but also the cultural aspects which are involved in the practice of teaching English as a foreign language will be dealt with.
Aims. (a) The Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEX) is the professional body representing Chartered Legal Executives (also known as Fellows) and individuals in other grades of CILEX membership. CILEX is an Approved Regulator under the Legal Services Xxx 0000 and has delegated its regulatory functions to CILEx Regulation in accordance with the Royal Charter and Bye- Laws 30 January 2012.
(b) CILEx Regulation regulates on a contractual basis whereby its regulated community (Chartered Legal Executives (Fellows), CILEX Practitioners, CILEX Authorised Entitles, Associate Prosecutors and individuals in other grades of CILEX membership) signs up to adhere to the CILEX Code of Conduct, and other CILEX rules and regulations.
(c) The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) is the professional body representing Chartered Certified Accountants (also known as members). ACCA regulates accountants and conducts its representative and regulatory functions in accordance with its Royal Charter, Bye-laws and regulations. ACCA’s regulated community (members, firms and other persons who agree to be bound by the regulations) is required to comply with ACCA’s Bye-laws, regulations, and Code of Ethics and Conduct.
(a) The MoU is designed to provide a framework for the co-ordination of regulatory work and as such its aims include:
i. Provision of a framework for lawful information sharing about the regulated community of each of the parties to this MoU, and which includes any persons or bodies applying to either party for authorisation to become a regulated body or person.
ii. Consumer protection and redress through increased collaboration and coordination between the parties.
iii. A coordinated approach to oversight which aims to reduce regulatory cost through the minimisation of duplication of effort.
iv. Provide a framework for the co-ordination of regulatory work to help protect the financial interests of consumers in relation to PII and compensation arrangements.
v. A coordinated approach to minimise the occurrence of regulatory conflict between the parties.
(a) The parties will work together to ensure common and consistent standards to ensure that consumers understand about the different roles of each organisation. They will:
i. Meet and communicate regularly, and at least annually, to discuss matters of mutual interest;
ii. Consult one another at an early stage on any issues which might have significant implications for the other organisation in relation to...