ASSOCIATION USE OF FACILITIES. 2.1. The Association shall have the right to make reasonable use of College space, facilities, and equipment in accordance with present College procedures, for activities relating to its position as the recognized representative of the members of its bargaining unit.
2.2. The Association shall be entitled to reasonable use of the campus mail, without cost, in accordance with College procedures. The Association agrees to limit its use to material directly related to its function as collective bargaining agent.
2.3. The Association shall have the right to post, at appropriate designated places on the campus, bulletins and notices relevant to official Association business.
2.4. Duly authorized representatives of the Association shall be permitted to transact official Association business on campus at reasonable times.
2.5. The College shall provide the Association, at the Association's option, with adequate on-campus office space, equipped with standard office furnishings sufficient for two (2) persons. The current per square foot cost for operation and maintenance will be charged to the Association. Computer and telephone costs and office furnishings maintenance costs will be borne by the Association.
2.6. The Association shall continue to be entitled to hold meetings on campus at reasonable times. The Association, its officers, and members shall not engage in Association activities which unreasonably interfere with normal College operations.
2.7. The Association shall be assigned a mailbox and mailing address on campus.
ASSOCIATION USE OF FACILITIES. The Association shall be permitted to use District facilities as it has in the past. In a year when the District is on a contingency budget, the Association shall use the facilities under the same terms and conditions as any other District organization when such use begins after 6 p.m.
ASSOCIATION USE OF FACILITIES. The Association shall be provided on each campus with a desk, chair and filing cabinet, reasonable use of an intra-University telephone, and access to the intra-University mail system, to include a separate campus mailbox, for the purpose of contract administration.
ASSOCIATION USE OF FACILITIES. 1. The Association may be allowed the use of school facilities, equipment and material only after prior approval of the building principal. The Association has the right to use mailboxes for distribution of materials, designated bulletin board space in the workrooms of each attendance center, and the inter-school mail service.
2. The Association will be allowed to appoint a local teacher to be involved in the formulation of the annual district budget including, but not limited to, salaries and insurance coverage.
ASSOCIATION USE OF FACILITIES. The right of the association to place notices, circulars, and other materials on designated bulletin boards and in teacher mailboxes shall be available to all employee association groups. Authorized representatives of the association shall assume responsibility for the posting or distributing of material for the association as well as removing expired notices. When appropriate, such materials shall be signed.
ASSOCIATION USE OF FACILITIES. 14.1.1 The District and the Association recognize that Association business should be conducted in an atmosphere that is mutually respectful and does not interfere with the educational process.
14.1.2 The Association may use the District’s interschool mail service. The District shall collect and deliver mail daily at the Association’s office. Association mail may be placed in unit member mailboxes in the schools by official representatives of the Association. The Association may use District e-mail subject to the terms and conditions of the current District Technology Appropriate Use Guidelines and District policies and administrative rules applicable to such use. All Association communications must clearly identify the Association authorship.
14.1.3 The Association will have in each school building the exclusive use of a bulletin board, or space on a bulletin board, in a staff room or similar location.
14.1.4 The Association and its representatives may be present in school buildings, providing there is no interference with the normal school program or activities. The Association may use school rooms and other meeting rooms for Association meetings before or after regular building hours. Use of meeting rooms shall be cleared through the building principal.
ASSOCIATION USE OF FACILITIES. The NASE shall have the right to use school buildings and facilities without charge for Association meetings at a time when the building is being heated and a custodian formally is on duty. At other times, the NASE may use the buildings according to the regulations and rentals established by the Board. The Association shall schedule all meetings with the building principal, by completing a building usage form.
ASSOCIATION USE OF FACILITIES. The Association shall have the right to use available school buildings at reasonable hours for meetings. Scheduling shall be subject to the approval of the District in advance of the time and place of such meetings through the building principal. The use of the school building by the Association shall be subject to the right of the District to make normal charges for such usage as determined by the District if such usage incurs additional costs to the District. The intent of this paragraph also applies to Association use of school equipment and school communication facilities.
ASSOCIATION USE OF FACILITIES. A. The District will provide an area at each BOCES building where items pertinent to unit members can be posted.
B. Organizational meetings may be conducted on school property.
C. Use of BOCES communication systems for union business is permitted.
D. The District will supply digital copies (i.e. pdf format) of the Collective Bargaining Agreement to each unit member at District expense.
ASSOCIATION USE OF FACILITIES. 1. The Association shall have the right to make reasonable use of College space, facilities, and equipment in accordance with present College procedures, for activities relating to its position as the recognized representative of the members of its bargaining unit.
2. The Association shall be entitled to reasonable use of the campus mail, without cost, in accordance with College procedures. The Association agrees to limit its use to material directly related to its function as collective bargaining agent.
3. The Association shall have the right to post, at appropriate designated places on the campus, bulletins and notices relevant to official Association business.
4. Duly authorized representatives of KSCEA shall be permitted to transact official KSCEA business on campus at reasonable times.
5. The College shall provide KSCEA, at the Association’s option, with adequate on-campus office space, equipped with standard office furnishings sufficient for two (2) persons. The current per square foot cost for operation and maintenance will be charged to the Association. Typewriter and telephone costs and office furnishings maintenance costs will be borne by the Association.
6. The Association shall continue to be entitled to hold meetings at reasonable times. The Association, its officers, and members shall not engage in Association activities which unreasonably interfere with normal College operations.