Communication with Members. The Union shall have the right to communicate with its members and in order to do so may post information on bulletin boards provided for that purpose in staff rooms or other suitable locations at each workplace, and utilize the internal mail system of the district free of charge.
Communication with Members. Duly authorized officials of the Association shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school premises during school hours, provided permission is received from the building principal. Such permission will be granted if it does not interfere with or interrupt normal school operations.
Communication with Members. The Association or its representatives may communicate with individual employees during the individual employee’s lunch or scheduled break time. The conduct of such business shall be such as not to interfere with regular duties. If the representative is from outside the campus, then that representative shall check in with the principal's office upon entering the building.
Communication with Members. The District shall provide bulletin board space in each building for use by the Exclusive Representative and teachers in areas not normally accessible to students.
Communication with Members. Only authorized representatives of XXXXX shall have the right to post notices on bulletin boards provided in the school building for that purpose and to the use of faculty mailboxes and e-mail with approval (from the principal for building use and the Superintendent or designee for District use) for communications of XXXXX meetings, elections and the results thereof, and notices of educational and social activities. XXXXX business announcements may be read over the intercom system in each school building before or after school by an authorized representative of XXXXX. A list of such authorized representatives shall be provided to the Superintendent or designee each year by XXXXX no later than October 1st. All XXXXX notices will be identified as such.
Communication with Members. Representatives of the ASSOCIATION may communicate with individual Professional Staff Members during the individual Professional Staff Member's preparation period. The conduct of such business shall be such as not to interfere with the educational environment in the schools. If the representative is from outside the building then that representative shall check in with the Principal's office upon entering the building.
Communication with Members. The Union shall have the right to use teacher mail boxes and intra-district mail service for communication with teachers concerning local Union matters. The Union shall have the right to post official notices of its activities and matters of concern on designated bulletin boards in teachers' workrooms; however, the principal may direct the removal of any items posted on the bulletin board which in the principal's judgment may be offensive to other staff members, in poor taste, or not appropriate for display.
Communication with Members. 5.2.1 All Association business, discussions, and activities will be conducted by unit members or Association officials so as to not interfere with instruction, except when authorized by the President of the Association and the Superintendent.
5.2.2 The District and the Association agree that the after-school hours of one day each month should be reserved for Association activities. The District agrees to not schedule District or site level meetings on those afternoons without prior approval of the Association. These days shall be identified prior to the end of the proceeding school year. For the 2007-2008 school year the second Tuesday of each month is reserved for Association activities.
5.2.3 The Association will obtain a Civic Center Permit for meetings to verify the availability of the facilities. Such requested activities and use of facilities will not interfere with the program of education or right of employees to refrain from listening to or speaking with a Association representative. The Association shall pay in advance a reasonable fee for expenses related to utilities, security, clean-up and any unusual wear or damage, except that the Association may use at no cost a school facility after the regular work day when there is no direct cost other than utilities.
5.2.4 No school supplies are to be used in constructing, distributing or posting of Association information except as approved by the superintendent.
5.2.5 The Association may use the school mailboxes and bulletin board spaces designated by the District (typically these will be the same as those in existence at the beginning of the campaign for the exclusive representative election of March 17, 1977) subject to the following conditions: (1) All postings for bulletin boards or items for school mailboxes must contain the date of posting or distribution and the identification of the organization by the CAUSE, CFT or AFT insignia. The Association shall have and it accepts full responsibility for the contents of said material so identified; (2) A copy of such postings or distributions must be delivered to the Superintendent or designee prior to posting or distribution and to the principal at the time of distribution; and (3) neither the District nor the Association will post or distribute information which is libelous of the District or its personnel.
5.2.6 CAUSE may use the District email system provided that CAUSE agrees that the email system is not provided as a commercial, public, student, o...
Communication with Members. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to impose any type of prohibition, disincentive, penalty or other negative treatment upon Provider for discussing or providing any information regarding treatment options and medically necessary or appropriate care, including no treatment, even if the information relates to services or benefits not provided by UBH.
Communication with Members. At least fourteen (14) days prior to the scheduled distribution date (whether via electronic means, U.S. Mail, courier, messenger or distribution to facilities where members may obtain copies), Contractor shall submit to City, for review and approval, all written communications (“Communications Materials”) intended for all or any portion of the members covered under this Agreement or any other similar agreement between Contractor and City. Within seven (7) days from receipt, City shall provide written comments or approval to Contractor. If Contractor receives no such comments or approval from City within such period of seven (7) days, Contractor may distribute the Communications Materials. If Contractor receives such comments within such period of seven (7) days, Contractor shall use reasonable efforts, in good faith and with diligence, to modify the Communications Materials to reflect any such comments and shall then promptly resubmit the modified Communications Materials to City for approval. If, within seven (7) days after resubmission, either (i) Contractor has not received approval of such modified Communications Materials or (ii) Contractor and City are unable to reach agreement on such modified Communications Materials, Contractor may distribute the Communications Materials. For the purposes of this Section 12.1, the term "Communications Materials" shall not include (i) "auto-generated" communications (i.e., such as letters acknowledging a filing for grievance or correspondence accompanying a member medical claim); and (ii) communications to members that are initiated and sent by Contractor's contracted medical groups without Contractor's prior knowledge. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Contractor shall use reasonable efforts, in good faith and with diligence, to require all contracted medical groups to submit any such communications to Contractor prior to distribution. All Communications Materials created by Contractor, pursuant to this 12.1, shall be sent via email to the following persons and addresses (or such other persons and addresses as may be provided to either party pursuant to notice given in accordance with Section 11.1 of this Agreement ("Notice to Parties"): If to Contractor: Name EMAIL Title If to City: Xxxxxxx Xxxx Communications Director San Francisco Health Service System With Copy to: Xxx Xxxxxxx Chief Operating Officer San Francisco Health Service System Promptly after the end of each c...