Bereavemen t Leave. An employee who notifies the Hospital as soon as possible following a bereavement s h a l l be granted up to three ( 3 ) days off, without loss of h i s regular pay for h i s scheduled hours from the date of death up to and including the date of t h e funeral, in order t h a t the employee may make the arrangements for and attend t h e funeral of a member of h i s immediate family. " Immediate family " means parent, brother, sister, spouse, son, daughter, son- in- law, daughter - in - law, fa the i b t he grandparent, grandchild, or step - parent. Where an employee is unable due to distance of travel to attend the funeral of a member of h i s immediate family as defined i n the Collective Agreement, he s h a l l be entitled to leave for mourning on the day of the funeral without loss of regular straight t i m e earnings to which he would otherwise have been entitled on t h a t day.
Bereavemen t Leave. An employee who t h e Hospital as soon as possible following a bereavement s h a l l be granted up to three (3) consecutive days off, without loss of h i s regular pay for h i s scheduled hours from t h e date of death up to and including t h e date of t h e funeral, in order t h a t the employee may make the arrangements for and/or attend t h e funeral of a member of h i s immediate family. "Immediate family " means parent, step - parent, brother, sister, spouse, son, daughter, son - in - law, daughter - in - law, mother - in - law, father - in - law, sister - in - law grandparent and grand -
Bereavemen t Leave. A worker shall be entitled to leave with pay in the event of the death of a worker's parent, grandparent, parent-in-law, sibling, sibling-in-law, child, grandchild, step• child, step-sibling, step-parent, spouse or domestic partner. Regular status and part-time employees are entitled to bereavement leave with pay at the pro-rated equivalent of three (3) days, and upon prior approval and documentation, up to two (2) additional pro-rated days when out-of-state travel is required. Proof of death of the deceased may be requested by the Agency for payment of the bereavement leave on a case by case basis and is the Employer' s sole discretion.
Bereavemen t Leave to Clause an employee shall be entitled to bereavement leave with pay as follows:
Bereavemen t Leave. An employee who n o t i f i e s t h e Hospital as soon as possible a bereavement s h a l l be granted up to three ( 3 ) consec - utive days o f f , without loss of h i s regular pay f o r h i s scheduled hours from t h e date of death up to and including the date of the funeral, i n order t h a t the employee may make arrangements for and/or attend t h e funeral of a member of h i s immediate family. Immediate family " means parent, brother, sister, spouse, son, daughter, son - in - law, daughter - in - law, m o t he f a t he t he s s grandchild, or step- parent. Where an employee is unable due to distance of t r a v e l to attend t h e funeral of member of h i s immediate family as defined i n t h e Collective Agreement, he s h a l l be e n t i t l e d to leave for mourning on the day of t h e funeral without loss of regular t i m e earnings to which he would otherwise have been e n t i t l e d on t h a t day.
Bereavemen t Leave. In accordance with t h e terms and conditions of t h e Canada Labour Code, when bereavement occurs in t h e immediate family of an employee, t h e employee shall be allowed up t o three days leave immediately following t h e day of death. An employee’s immediate family shall mean spouse, parent, child, sister, brother, father- in- law, mother- in- law. An employee shall be allowed up t o t h r e e days leave of absence without pay t o attend a t t h e funeral of t h e employee’s grandparent.
Bereavemen t Leave. In the event of death of a of an employee's family, (family to be limited to wife or husband, Child, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, brother or sister, mother- in- law or father - in - law, guardian, s t e p p a r e n t or grandchildren sister- i brother- in- law, son- in- law or daughter - in- law) the employee may request bereavement leave and s h a l l be granted such time off as is reasonable under the cir- cumstances so as to enable him to look after funeral arrangements or to attend the funeral Bereavement leave s h a l l not be more than three (3) consecutive calendar days immediately following the date of death and the employee shall be paid a t h i s straight t i m e hourly rate for s h i f t s i n those three ( 3 ) days which he is scheduled to work. Where an employee is unable due to distance of travel to attend the funeral of a member of h i s immediate family as defined i n the Collective Agreement, he shall be entitled to leave for mourning on the day of the funeral without loss of regular straight t i m e earnings to which he would otherwise have been entitled on that day.
Bereavemen t Leave. In the event of a death in the immediate family, every employee shall be entitled to special leave with pay for a period of up to five consecutive working days. Immediate family is defined as father, mother, brother, sister, spouse, child of the employee, father- in- law, mother- in- law, step child or xxxx of the employee, and a relative permanently residing in the employee's household or with whom the employee permanently resides. Every employee shall be entitled to special leave with pay up to a maximum of one day in the event of death of the employee's grandparents, son- in- law, daughter- in- law, brother- in- law, sister- in- law, or grandchild and may be granted up to two days for travel and shall be paid for those travel days which are not regularly scheduled days of rest. Every employee shall be entitled to one day leave without pay, for the purpose of attending the funeral of an aunt, uncle, or grandparents of the spouse of the employee. The above entitlement is subject to the proviso that proper notification is made by the employee to his Deputy Head or delegated official.
Bereavemen t Leave. An employee who notifies the Hospital as soon as possible following a bereavement shall be up to three (3) consecutive days off, without loss of h i s regular pay for h i s scheduled hours from the date of death up to and including the date of the funeral, i n order t h a t t h e employee may make the arrangements for and/or attend t h e funeral of a member of h i s immediate family. " Immediate family " means parent, brother, sister, spouse, son, daughter, son- in- law, daughter - in- law, mother- in- law, father - in - law, brother - in - law, sister - in - law, grandparent, grandchild, guardian or step -par en t Where an employee is unable due to distance of travel to attend the funeral of a member of h i s immediate family as defined in the Collective Agreement, he shall be entitled to leave f o r mourning on the day of the funeral without loss of regular straight t i m e earnings to which he would otherwise have been entitled on t h a t day. The Hospital may bereavement leave i n cases where the employee, in the opinion of the Hospital, is not able to comply with the above mentioned condi- tions, and is entitled to bereavement.
Bereavemen t Leave. Any employee who notifies the Hospital as soon as possible following a bereavement will be granted bereavement leave for three (3) consecutive calendar days off without loss of regular pay from scheduled hours in conjunction the death of the spouse, parer,:, sister, brother, mother-in- law, father-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, sister-in-law or grandparent of spouse. The Hospital, in its discretion, may extend such leave with or without pay. Where an employee does not qualify under the conditions, the Hospital may, nonetheless, grant a paid bereavement leave. For the purpose of bereavement leave, the relationships specified in the preceding clause are deemed to include a common-law spouse and a partner of the same sex." clause is applicable to full-time only) "if an employee is required to serve as a juror in any court of law, or is required to attend as a witness in a court proceeding in which the Crown is a party, or is required by subpoena to attend a court of law or coroner's inquest in connection with a case arising from the employee's duties at the Hospital, the employee shall not lose regular pay because of such attendance provided that the employee: