Building Seniority. Building seniority is the number of consecutive years a classroom teacher, library media specialist, or counselor’s majority assignment has been in a particular building. Partial years and partial FTE count as full years for the purpose of building seniority.
Building Seniority. Overtime shall be offered as follows:
a. First to bargaining unit members in the department who have signed up for overtime assigned to the building based upon rotating departmental seniority, then;
b. To bargaining unit members in the department who have signed up for overtime, but are assigned outside the building, based upon the rotating department seniority, then;
c. To non-bargaining unit members.
Building Seniority. Continuous length of service in a building.
Building Seniority. Building seniority is defined as continuous length of employment within a building site and is based upon the employee’s most recent date of employment within the building site. Building seniority will be used when shift changes are necessary or made available at the work site.
Building Seniority. Building seniority shall be defined as classification seniority in the employee’s current building assignment.
Building Seniority. In selecting the employees to be laid off or recalled, and the order in which they will be laid off or recalled, building seniority will be used. Probationary employees will at all times be laid off first, on a departmental basis.
Building Seniority. A traveling teacher who becomes full-time in one of the buildings to which he was assigned in the prior year shall carry his accrued building seniority to his full-time building.
Building Seniority. System seniority rights are based upon longevity with the school system, rather than assignment to a building. The frequent transfer of teachers from one school to another tends to disrupt the educational program and interferes with the teaching effectiveness. Reasonable efforts will be made to return staff members to their original buildings.
Building Seniority. Building seniority shall be defined as classification seniority in the employee’s current building assignment.
Section 2 Seniority is to accrue beginning with the employee’s first day of regular employment provided that service is not interrupted by employment termination, resignation or retirement. Time spent as a substitute shall not be included in seniority.
Section 3 Employees returning after once terminating his/her employment shall lose any seniority accrued during previous employment with the Revere Board of Education. Seniority is to be considered only for those continuous years of service accrued with the Revere Board of Education. Service interrupted by an approved leave of absence or layoff will not cause an employee to lose his/her seniority with the Revere Board of Education. Seniority will not accrue during unpaid leave of absence or layoff.
Section 4 The Superintendent or designee shall provide the President and the Secretary of the Union with a seniority list of the employees by classification, and by each employee’s first day of regular employment in the system. Copies of the Board of Education minutes will be posted online after each board meeting to keep the seniority list accurate.
Section 5 When a vacancy in the bargaining unit is intended to be filled, it shall be posted within five (5) working days of its occurrence in each department and in all buildings; during the summer the posting will be sent electronically to those employees who by their job classification do not work in the summer. Such posting shall include the job description and the location of the job. The job shall be posted for ten (10) working days during the school year; during the summer break, the posting shall remain open for fifteen (15) working days. If a vacancy arises one (1) week before the start of the student year, the posting shall remain open for five (5) working days. The Board shall have thirty (30) working days from the last day of posting to interview candidates, select, and announce the successful candidate for the vacant position.
Section 6 All bidding employees within the classification in which a vacancy occurs shall be given equal opportunity for the promotion or transfer with the position going to the most senior (classification seniority) person who best meets the qualifications and is best suited for the job. An employee appointed to any position in his/her current classification shall be subject to a ten (10) working day probationary period du...
Building Seniority. Once an employee is located at a building or site, the length of service will be used for building seniority. Provided that the employee in question is qualified, seniority as defined above shall be the criterion governing shifts, layoffs, rehires, promotions, and vacation preference at the building or site. Assignments will be awarded by seniority where there is the opportunity for greater permanent hours. At work sites with multiple buildings with common property management, the term “building or site” as used in this Section B. shall mean the entire complex of buildings at that work site.