Change to read Sample Clauses
Change to read. By conference between the aggrieved employee, the Shop Xxxxxxx and/or the Union Representative and the Store Manager within seven (7) days of the submission or the presentation of the grievance to the Employer. The company will respond in writing to the union within (7) seven days following the Step 1 grievance meeting.
Change to read. During the first forty five (45) days first sixty (60) days all employees shall be on a trial basis. The Employer may discharge any new employee during said trial period for any reason whatsoever and there shall be no right of appeal to the grievance and arbitration procedure by either the employee or the Union. However, after forty five (45) days sixty (60) days of employment, the employee’s seniority date shall revert back to the employee’s date of hire.
Change to read. Any employee who is instructed to report for work shall be guaranteed at least four (4) hours work, except in cases where this would violate Child Labor Laws. that part-time employees working after school in stores that close before 8:00 p.m. will be guaranteed two (2) hours work.
Change to read. In the matter of promotions within the bargaining unit, seniority will be the controlling factor as long as the employee has the ability to perform the work. A full- time employee who desires consideration for a department head, assistant, or lead position shall notify Human Resources, their Store Manager, District Manager and the Union in writing. When a vacancy occurs, the Employer will review any requests on file, along with any other candidates, and a decision will be made based upon ability and seniority, and consistent with the needs of the business. Requests will be valid for six (6) months from date received by the above referenced individuals.
Change to read. The Union store card may will be displayed in all places where members of Local No. 655 are employed in a location visible to the general public. The store card shall be removed at the request of the Union.
Change to read. Section 16.7 Employees retiring under the United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 655 Food Employers Joint Pension Plan shall be entitled to earned personal holidays due but not taken in the calendar year in which they retire terminate employment. EFFECT: Currently personal holidays are “use it or lose it” unless the employee retires under the UFCW Local 655 pension Fund. This will allow employees who are not terminated for dishonesty and who give proper notice to the Company to be paid out any unused personal holidays. This will have a POSITIVE effect on employees. CHANGE from September 26th rejected proposal. No change.
Change to read. Under no condition shall supervisors or Store Managers perform bargaining unit work, except in case of emergency, such as Acts of God or other conditions beyond the control of the Company, and to the extent that they may perform customer services. Customer services shall not be construed to include stocking, price marking, truck unloading or building displays, or any other bargaining unit work on a regular basis. However, one Up to two member(s) of Store management, may be designated and will be allowed to perform any bargaining unit work. The Company will notify the Union, when necessary, which current member(s) of store management is so designated.
Change to read. Relief of a member of Store Management by a member of the bargaining unit shall be on a voluntary basis. Any employee shall put a letter interested or not interested may place their request in writing to the Store Manager with a copy to the Union, District Manager, and Human Resources. The employee shall be required to have completed a Manager on Duty (MOD) training program. Effective January 29, 2006, the employee so designated by management shall receive a premium of fifty cents ($.50) per hour for hours scheduled and worked in this capacity between 7am and 11pm.
Change to read. This agreement shall continue in effect from March 19, 2017 through March 20, 2021, and shall automatically be renewed from year to year thereafter unless either party serves notice in writing to the other party sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date or prior to any anniversary date thereafter of a desire for termination of or for changes in this Agreement.
Change to read. This agreement shall continue in effect from March 19, 2017 through March 20, 2021 and shall automatically be renewed from year to year thereafter unless either party serves notice in writing to the other party sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date or prior to any anniversary date thereafter of a desire for termination of or for changes in this Agreement. Fresh Fare - Effective February 21, 2010, it is understood that the Fresh Fare, Store 259, Letter of Understanding dated August 8, 2008 shall become null and void except for the structure and wage schedules of Department Heads, Assistant Department Heads and Lead clerks. These positions will progress on the wage schedules as noted: Department Heads - Grocery Manager, Produce Manager, Front-End Manager, Deli Manager, Drug/GM Manager and Meat Manager will remain at the established rate $20.30 and will receive future increases in accordance with the Area 1 schedule under the Atlanta agreement. It is understood that the Company has the right to select associates for Department Head positions in this store and that Article 12, Seniority, paragraphs .03, .04, and .05 shall not apply. Assistant Department Heads - Wine Xxxxxxx, Specialty Grocery, Bakery Manager, Floral Manager, Nutrition Manager, Assistant Grocery, Assistant Meat, Assistant Deli, Assistant Produce, Assistant Front End and Assistant Drug/GM will remain at the established of $16.30 and will receive future increases in accordance with the Area 1 schedule under the Atlanta agreement. (Note: If a personal rate is higher than the established rate, a fifty cents ($.50) premium will be applied.) Lead Clerks - Lead Dairy, Lead Frozen, Lead Cake Decorator, Lead File Maintenance, Lead Seafood, Lead Cheese, Sous Chefs and Pastry Chef and the Receiver will remain at the established rate of $15.55 and will receive future increases in accordance with the Area 1 schedule under the Atlanta agreement. (Note: If a personal rate is higher than the established rate, a forty cents ($.40) premium will be applied.)