Class Size and Load Sample Clauses
Class Size and Load. 1. It is recognized by the Board and the Association that pupil-teacher ratio is an important aspect of an effective educational program.
2. Classroom enrollment in grades K-6 shall be twenty-five (25) students.
3. Teachers in grades 7-12 shall not have a class load that exceeds one hundred forty (140) students per day, nor shall a teacher have more students assigned than classroom seating allows.
4. Mainstreamed students shall be counted as part of classroom enrollment.
5. An elementary classroom may exceed the class size provision in paragraph number 2 by a maximum of six (6) students. When classroom enrollment exceeds twenty-five (25) students, a part-time aide will be provided. The part- time aide assignment will be for no less than ninety (90) minutes daily.
6. Teachers whose teaching assignment(s) overlap between high school and elementary shall not have daily class loads exceeding one hundred and forty (140) students, averaged over a 5-day week.
Class Size and Load. 11.01 The Association and the Board recognize that student-teacher ratio is an important aspect of an effective educational program.
Class Size and Load. The following parameters shall be met unless the Board of Education must enact a Reduction in Force.
1. Elementary Class Size (K-5) Full-Day Kindergarten 24 25 Grades 1,2,3 24 25 Grades 4,5 27 28
2. High School and Middle School class Size (6-12)
a. The average number of students shall not exceed 30 per period as determined by the number of students enrolled divided by the total number of periods, with the exception of 2.b.
b. Laboratory classes shall be limited to 24 students per class period at the high school and 25 students per class period at the middle school; Physical Education shall be limited to 40 students per class period.
c. Band, art, choir, orchestra, study hall, librarian, school counselors, and cafeteria supervision shall be exempt from being figured into class size.
3. Teacher Load Parameters
a. Each regular teacher shall have eight (8) hours within each contract week to prepare lessons, hold conferences, and other duties not strictly considered teaching, unless the district enacts a Reduction in Force due to financial reasons within this bargaining unit.
b. Secondary (6-12) certificated/licensed staff shall not be assigned more than three (3) subjects nor more than a total of three (3) teaching preparations at any one time. The parties have a mutual goal to set the secondary teaching load structure as no more than six (6) instructional and/or duty periods, and one (1) preparatory period. If this goal cannot be met, the affected certificated/licensed staff will have the right to an individual conference with the principal to discuss options or suggestions to meet the goal. The employee is entitled to an Association representative at the conference, upon the employee’s request. The building principal retains the authority to make the final decision.
c. In any semester in which a high school teacher is assigned two or more different Advanced Placement Courses, that bargaining unit member will receive two (2) planning/conference periods per day.
d. No new curriculum shall be implemented until such time as adequate support material is available to each staff member affected.
Class Size and Load. A. Class size in grades K-3 should be twenty-five (25) students or less. The person in charge of pupil assignments for the district shall attempt to balance class size on a district-wide basis as geographical factors will allow.
B. Every effort will be made to keep class size in grades 4-12 at twenty-five (25) students or less.
C. Should a K-3 teacher be assigned more than twenty-five (25) students the Principal, the Superintendent, and the teacher will investigate alternative resources to provide additional assistance to these teachers, e.g., parent volunteers and student interns, and reassignment of staff. The teacher will direct any attendant’s classroom assignments.
Class Size and Load. The following parameters shall be met unless the Board of Education must enact a Reduction in Force.
1. Elementary Class Size (K-5) Grade Level Students per Class Classroom Aide Half-Day Kindergarten 20 21 Full-Day Kindergarten 24 25 Grades 1,2,3 24 25 Grades 4,5 27 28
2. High School and Middle School class Size (6-12)
a. The average number of students shall not exceed 30 per period as determined by the number of students enrolled divided by the total number of periods, with the exception of 2.b.
b. Laboratory classes shall be limited to 24 students per class period; Physical Education shall be limited to 40 students per class period.
c. Band, art, choir, study hall, librarian, school counselors, and cafeteria supervision shall be exempt from being figured into class size.
3. Teacher Load Parameters
a. Each regular teacher shall have eight (8) hours within each contract week to prepare lessons, hold conferences, and other duties not strictly considered teaching, unless the district enacts a Reduction in Force due to financial reasons within this bargaining unit.
b. Secondary (6-12) certificated/licensed staff shall not be assigned more than three (3) subjects nor more than a total of three (3) teaching preparations at any one time. The parties have a mutual goal to set the secondary teaching load structure as six
Class Size and Load. An online education course shall be assigned a load factor and class size standards on the same basis as a traditional course including large class accommodations and the number of preparations.
Class Size and Load. A. Student-teacher ratios shall be determined by dividing the school membership by the number of full-time teachers or equivalent. When individual class or subject area maximums must be exceeded, the principal and teacher(s) involved shall submit a written proposal to the Superintendent toward a solution to the problem. The Board and/or Superintendent will respond with an approval or an alternative plan with a specified time for the resolution of the problem. Personnel not normally assigned to instructional duties such as administrative staff, guidance counselor, librarians, etc. are not to be counted in determining pupil-teacher ratios. However, each full-time teacher aide or paraprofessional shall be credited as ½ full-time equivalent teacher, and each full-time clerical aide shall be counted full-time teacher.
1. Student-teacher ratio – There is one (1) full time teacher or equivalent for each 18 students membership in Pre-K; for each 18 students in membership in grades K-3; for each 22 students in grades 4-8; and 25 students in grades 9-12, at the end of the second attendance month of school.
Class Size and Load. A. The Board will follow the laws of the State of Ohio governing teacher-pupil ratio. The Board understands the importance of smaller class sizes. Kindergarten through 2nd grade classrooms will be kept as close to twenty (20) students per classroom as possible. The Board will provide paraprofessional services when needed, as determined by the building Principal, with input from grade-level teachers. Elementary teachers in the areas of Art, General Music, and Physical Education shall not be assigned double classes if it results in more than twenty- five (25) students unless requested by the teacher on a voluntary, unpaid basis.
1. Elementary teachers in the areas of Art, General Music, and Physical Education shall not be assigned double classes if it results in more than twenty-five (25) students.
B. Any bargaining unit member who believes his/her class size or load is excessive shall be entitled, upon request, to a conference with the superintendent to discuss the situation. The Association president and superintendent, upon request, will meet not more frequently than twice each school year to review class size and load.
X. Xxxxxxxxxx unit members who believe their course of study work is excessive shall be entitled, upon request, to a conference with the building principal to discuss the situation. Release time may be considered; however the granting of such time is at the sole discretion of the superintendent/designee.
Class Size and Load. 18.01 Class size and load will be according to State minimum standards as provided in the Ohio Revised Code.
Class Size and Load. The Board shall strive to maintain teacher-pupil teaching load as equitable as possible. The Board also agrees to maintain class size in accordance with the requirements of State Board of Education Minimum Standards.