CLASSIFICATION GRIEVANCE. (a) Notwithstanding any contrary provision of this Article, a classification grievance may be filed only if the position submitted for review was not changed to a higher pay grade. (b) No classification grievance may be filed by an employee until the employee has first complied with the provisions of this Article regarding classification review and has received official notification from the Department of Human Resources. If the Department of Human Resources does not issue a written notice within the time frames specified in Section 3(c), above, an employee may resubmit his or her classification request in the form of a classification grievance to be forwarded to the Human Resources Commissioner. (c) A classification grievance shall be filed within thirty (30) days of receipt of the classification review official notification, or within fifteen (15) days of the date of the notice of the results of the informal meeting with a member of the classification division if such an informal meeting is requested. Failure to file within such time limits means that the right to pursue a grievance is waived. A grievance as defined in this Article shall be filed in writing (original and one (1) copy) with the Commissioner of Human Resources (110 State Street, Drawer 20, Montpelier, VT 05620-3001), and shall minimally include the following: (1) Name and home address of the employee submitting grievance; (2) Position number, class title, and pay grade of the position under appeal, plus the department/ division/section in which located; (3) A brief statement why the State’s response to the RFR is being grieved. Such response should refer both to the original statement as to why the RFR was being sought and also to the State’s response thereto. It should also contain a statement specifying the change in duties critical to the classification of the position sufficient to produce a reallocation to class or reassignment to pay grade. (4) A written summary of the employee’s reasons as to why the position is allocated to the wrong class and/or the class is assigned to a wrong pay grade, if different or in addition to reasons given in item 3 above. (5) Remedial action requested including title and pay grade which grievant believes should apply. (6) Copies of all material submitted in the initial request for classification review, plus the decision notification received from the Department of Human Resources. (7) An indication as to whether the grievant wished to have a grievance ...
CLASSIFICATION GRIEVANCE a) The duties and responsibilities forming the basis of a classification grievance must be those assigned and performed at the time the decision to grieve was made. b) In addition to the job description, evidence as to the duties actually performed would be relevant and admissible evidence. However, any disagreement between the employee and the authorized supervisor concerning the duties assigned must be identified in the classification grievance proper. c) The employee will discuss the classification of his/her position with a management representative who is knowledgeable in classification, and with an Institute representative, before presenting a classification grievance. d) Information relevant to the grievance, such as the job description, evaluation and rationale, changes in the duties and statements made by the supervisor or the employee, shall be exchanged prior to a final hearing, for the purpose of informal discussion with classification personnel of both parties, if requested.
CLASSIFICATION GRIEVANCE. Should any grievance arise over current classification of an employee, any retroactive pay which might be granted in consequence of a grievance determination shall be limited to the date on which a change in classification should have occurred.
CLASSIFICATION GRIEVANCE. In addition to the Job Description, evidence as to the duties actually performed would be relevant and admissible evidence in the Grievance and Arbitration procedures of the Collective Agreement.
CLASSIFICATION GRIEVANCE. An employee who feels that he/she has been treated unjustly or considers himself/herself aggrieved by any action or omission of the Employer in matters arising from the classification process is entitled to present a grievance. At any time, the union may file a classification grievance in the name of the employee. The grievance will be heard by an evaluation specialist chosen by the parties. The specialist’s decision will be communicated to the two parties with copies to the joint evaluation committee.
CLASSIFICATION GRIEVANCE. An employee who alleges that her position is improperly classified may discuss her claim with her immediate manager at any time, provided that such discussions shall not be taken into account in the application of the time limits. An employee, however, shall have the right to file a grievance in accordance with the grievance procedure, specifying in her grievance what classification she claims.
CLASSIFICATION GRIEVANCE. The duties and responsibilities forming the basis of a classification grievance must be those assigned and performed at the time the decision to grieve was made.
CLASSIFICATION GRIEVANCE. An employee who believes that his or her position has not been adequately classified has the right to file a grievance contesting the level at which the position is evaluated, in accordance with the classification grievance settlement procedure. At any time, the union may file a classification grievance in his or her name.
CLASSIFICATION GRIEVANCE. If disagreement occurs on any aspect of an employee’s classification, an employee can lodge a written grievance with Human Resources who will then review the matter. If the grievance includes a position evaluation issue, Human Resources will arrange to have the employee’s position re-evaluated by Xxxxxx Consulting. Failure to resolve a disagreement at this level will result in the matter being dealt with in accordance with Grievance and Dispute Avoidance Settlement Procedure as set out in clause 3.2 of this Agreement.
CLASSIFICATION GRIEVANCE. In addition to the Job Description, evidence as to the duties actually performed would be relevant and admissible evidence in the Grievance and Arbitration procedures of the Collective Agreement. An incumbent as of the date of ratification of this Agreement shall not be adversely affected by a change in the job qualifications when the duties and responsibilities of this job have not changed.