Clothing and Safety Equipment. As directed by the Company, no protective clothing and safety equipment will be utilized by the employee during his/her performance of jobs requiring such equipment unless first sanitized by the employee.
Clothing and Safety Equipment. A full-time employee who is required by the Town to wear safety shoes or protective footwear, and a full-time or part-time parking control officer, who is required to wear walking shoes, shall receive up to a maximum of two hundred ($200) dollars reimbursement annually toward the purchase of such shoes. The requirement to wear safety shoes or protective footwear shall be determined by the department head or the Town’s safety officer or the Town’s safety consultant in the absence of the Safety officer.
Clothing and Safety Equipment. As directed by the Company, protective clothing and safety equipment will be utilized by the employee during his/her performance of jobs requiring such equipment usage.
Clothing and Safety Equipment. Where the University requires a general staff member to wear a uniform, protective clothing or safety equipment, such uniform, protective clothing or safety equipment shall be provided by the University and, where appropriate, be maintained, laundered, dry-cleaned or replaced at the expense of the University. Provided that, the University may pay an appropriate allowance to the staff member concerned in lieu of maintaining, laundering, dry-cleaning or replacing such uniform, protective clothing or safety equipment. Any clothing or safety equipment which is provided by the University pursuant to this sub-clause shall remain the property of the University and shall be returned by the staff member on the termination of their employment with the University.
Clothing and Safety Equipment. The Company shall supply gloves, goggles, safety helmets and other safety equipment as required by the employer. The Company reserves the right to establish reasonable limits for the replacement of these supplies if employee carelessness results in the loss or destruction of abnormal quantities of these supplies. The Company shall supply coveralls, or shirts and pants in the warmer weather. The Company shall supply winter parkas every two (2) years. The Company agrees to provide a selection of safety boots to choose from, which meets the Ontario Safety Association standards. Boots can be replaced as needed with approval.
Clothing and Safety Equipment. (a) The Corporation will provide protective clothing as follows for the personal use of each employee who is required by the Corporation to wear these items for work:
(i) two pairs of coveralls (winter coveralls to have reflective safety material)
(ii) one hard hat with winter liner The Employer will replace these items when they become outdated, worn or damaged beyond usefulness, provided that the Corporation may recover the cost of such replacement from any employee when in the Superintendent's opinion the replacement reasonably should not have been necessary.
(b) Every employee who is required by the Corporation to wear safety boots for work shall provide same to the satisfaction of the employee's supervisor, and upon completion of the probationary period the Corporation will reimburse the employee $225.00 for the cost of the boots, upon submission of proof of purchase, within any twelve-month period.
(c) The Corporation will maintain a common supply of additional clothing and safety equipment (such as rain-suits, gloves, waders, insulated rubber boots, safety glasses, respirators, dust masks, etc.) for use by employees as required.
Clothing and Safety Equipment. The Town’s practice in providing clothing and safety equipment as in effect on June 30, 2010 shall continue for the duration of this Agreement. A full-time employee who is required by the Town to wear safety shoes and a full-time or part-time parking control officer who is required to wear walking shoes, shall receive up to a maximum of two hundred dollar ($200) reimbursement annually toward the purchase of such shoes.
Clothing and Safety Equipment. 43.1 Where the nature of work renders it necessary, the Company shall provide, free of charge: gloves, aprons, uniforms, safety shoes or boots and/or rubber boots for use of employees and appropriate
43.2 Such clothing shall be worn exclusively by the employee to whom it is issued. The items provided shall be renewed by the Company, when necessary, and shall be returned by the employee when replacement is necessary and at termination.
Clothing and Safety Equipment. The Employer will supply, at no cost to the employee, all protective clothing and other devices deemed necessary to protect Employees from injuries arising from their employment with the Employer.
Clothing and Safety Equipment. (a) Employees shall be supplied with all necessary tools, safety equipment, rain gear, hard hats, coveralls, steel toe caps for hip-waders, and protective clothing, exclusive of footwear, when same is required to be used in accordance with the Industrial Health and Safety Regulations of the Workers' Compensation Board. Coveralls shall be laundered on a weekly basis. All articles of safety equipment shall be kept in serviceable condition and used at all times by the employees. All clothing shall be furnished on a loan basis and the employees will be required to return same in good and serviceable condition, fair wear and tear excepted.
(b) One winter uniform jacket will be provided for each regular Arena employee every two (2) years, such uniform jacket to be worn only while employee is on duty. Uniform jackets will remain at the Arena and will be dry cleaned as necessary.
(c) Permanent employees shall be entitled to two hundred dollars ($200.00) every twenty-four (24) months with proof of purchase for safety boots where safety boots are required to be worn. Safety boots purchased must meet WCB Occupational Health and Safety Regulation standards.
(d) Bathing Suit and/or Aquatic Footwear Allowance: Permanent Full time and Part- time Aquatic employees, who have completed their probation period, shall be entitled up to two hundred dollars ($200.00) towards the purchase of proper aquatic footwear and/or wet or dry suits every twenty-four (24) months with proof of purchase.
(e) Leisure Facility uniforms, if required, will be supplied by the Employer.