Community Workshops. Community workshops are planned for hands-on engagement by community members and stakeholders. For each of the workshops, the Consultant will: prepare a meeting plan; lead the preparation of workshop handouts, displays, presentations, and materials for small group exercises; and summarize the input received in a Workshop Summary Report. Preliminarily, the workshop topics will be: o Workshop 1 – Vision, urban design framework, project ideas, implementation ideas o Workshop 2 – Draft implementation strategies and urban renewal recommendations
Community Workshops. Consultant will work with City to distribute educational materials and conduct community meetings to inform and engage residents before the rate study and after rate has been set. Consultant will work with City to inform all customers about why it’s important to them, why the rate adjustment is necessary and the potential consequences if the Prop 218 proposal fails. Deliverables • Includes facilitation/set up of public workshops about rate increases (2) EXHIBIT B Schedule of Charges/Payments Provided below is a breakdown of Consultant’s budget for this project. • Consultant will bill at an hourly rate according to the following fee structure. The scope will not exceed the budget of $40,000 without advance notice and approval from client. • President: $195 • Project Director $160 • Project Manager $130 • Cost estimate does not include services outside the scope as described. Any items/tasks outside of the budgeted scope will be billed on an hourly basis. • Copy and design fees based on two rounds of revisions after presentation of first draft. Consultant will invoice City on a monthly cycle. Consultant will include with each invoice a detained progress report that indicates the amount of budget spent on each task. Consultant will inform City regarding any out-of-scope work being performed by Consultant. This is a time-and- materials contract. EXHIBIT C Activity Schedule The schedule of completion of the tasks for this agreement will be based on a six-month project. Activities extending past that period will be subject to new cost estimates, if applicable. EXHIBIT D Insurance Requirements Please refer to the insurance requirements listed below. Those that have an “X” indicated in the space before the requirement apply to Contractor’s or Consultant’s Agreement. Contractor or Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder and the results of that work by the Contractor or Consultant, its agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. Contractor or Consultant shall provide its insurance broker(s)/agent(s) with a copy of these requirements and request that they provide Certificates of Insurance complete with copies of all required endorsements. Contractor or Consultant shall furnish City with copies of original endorsements affecting coverage required by this Exhibit C. The endorse...
Community Workshops. Xxxxxx-Xxxx will facilitate community workshops to discuss the Housing Element update process. Xxxxxx-Xxxx will prepare and deliver a PowerPoint presentation, informational handouts, visual aids, and other materials as appropriate. Participants will identify methodology for site evaluation and provide input and draft site selection. The Following Workshops will be conducted: • Workshop #1 – Sites Analysis Process and Methodology • Workshop #2 – Site Selection • Workshop #3 – Preferred Site Selection Strategy The meetings are intended to be interactive, computer-based working sessions, with the involvement of the public
Community Workshops. Arrange and conduct 1 half-day Community Workshop events designed to educate community members about the project and obtain targeted feedback on specific issues or components of the project. Prepare draft agenda for the Community Workshop for review and approval by APM and coordinate with APM for the appropriate Agency personnel to be present to assist in presenting project information and in responding to questions. Agency will review and provide comments on the draft agenda. Prepare a draft PowerPoint presentation to use at workshops, for Agency review and comment. Document the Community Forum with meeting notes and consolidated comments and themes.
Community Workshops. Hold a minimum of four (4) community workshops in Ventura County area. Workshop #1 would: introduce the corridor study; describe how the public may obtain information on the progress of the study and the opportunities/resources to provide input; and obtain feedback that would be used to develop the corridor Concept Alternatives to be developed in Task 4.1. Workshop #2 would allow the public to review and comment on the Concept Alternatives developed in Task 4.1. Workshop #3 would allow the public to review and comment on the Draft Plan developed under Task 4.2. Workshop #4 would allow the public to review and comment on the draft Final Plan developed under Task 4.4. The Consultant shall provide all supplies and materials, and all materials will be prepared in English and Spanish. Spanish translators would be present at the workshops. Meeting notices will also be prepared and advertised in local/community newspapers in English and Spanish. Public service announcement would be made on community television and local radio stations in both languages. Responsible Party: Consultant and VCTC
Community Workshops. KOA will anticipate attending and presenting at two (2) community workshops with local business owners and residents directly impacted by the project. KOA can prepare necessary presentation material upon request from the City.
Community Workshops. The Consultant will plan, prepare and facilitate three community workshops. The first workshop will focus on familiarizing attendees with the project, presenting the initial trails base mapping, an assessment of the current trail network’s strengths and weaknesses, soliciting attendees’ knowledge of any trails not yet mapped, and identifying additional opportunities for community input, including the online comment map. The second and third workshops will occur after follow-up development of the initial trails base mapping, and will also provide opportunities for input. These meetings will include presentations summarizing additions since the previous mapping updates, with supporting aerial photo maps and display boards.
Community Workshops. The Consultant will plan, prepare and facilitate two community workshops. The first workshop will focus on familiarizing attendees with the project, presenting an assessment of the current trails identified from the previous TMI outreach, an assessment of the current trail network’s strengths and weaknesses, soliciting attendees’ knowledge of any trails not yet mapped, and identifying additional opportunities for community input. The second workshop will include a presentation summarizing additions since the previous mapping updates, with supporting aerial photo maps and display boards.
Community Workshops. The consultant team will organize two community workshops throughout the life of the project. The first community workshop will take place in the initial phase of the project. The goals of the first workshop are two-fold: 1) to provide an orientation to participants and establish community goals and priorities, and 2) to identify existing conditions and needs and opportunities within the study area. The second community workshop will be structured to include an informational session, with presentations, posters, and large area maps to present the three concept alternatives, solicit feedback to refine these concepts, and to decide on the final preferred plan.
Community Workshops. Throughout the process the Project Team will collectively conduct at least 8 larger community workshops in multiple languages to engage the community in the process of the feasibility study. The Project Team will work closely with the feasibility study consultant to decide on and design content to provide participants with meaningful opportunities to contribute and provide feedback. Earlier workshops will be used to help refine the focus of the consultant, while later workshops will be geared toward identifying recommendations and priorities for future implementation. These workshops will be done collaboratively by the full Project Team.