Review Systems; Personnel It will maintain business process management and/or other systems necessary to ensure that it can perform each Test and, on execution of this Agreement, will load each Test into these systems. The Asset Representations Reviewer will ensure that these systems allow for each Review Receivable and the related Review Materials to be individually tracked and stored as contemplated by this Agreement. The Asset Representations Reviewer will maintain adequate staff that is properly trained to conduct Reviews as required by this Agreement.
Critical Illness Three (3) days per year, with pay, shall be granted in the case of a critical illness or accident to a member of the employee's immediate family as defined in Section 9.4.2. A statement by the physician verifying the need for the employee to be present with the immediate family member shall be attached to the absence form.
Contract Database Metadata Elements Title: Xxxxxxx-Xxx Xxxxx Central School District and Xxxxxxx-Xxx Xxxxx Teachers Association (2007)
B4 Key Personnel The Contractor acknowledges that the Key Personnel are essential to the proper provision of the Services to the Authority.
Key Personnel The Contractor’s organizational structure for the performance of the Work is provided in Exhibit K. Prior to the commencement of the Work, the Key Personnel shall hold the positions indicated in Exhibit K. Contractor acknowledges and agrees that the continuity of Key Personnel in connection with the Work is a material requirement of this Agreement and that the replacement of any Key Personnel will be detrimental to Owner and the overall quality of the Work. The Key Personnel will be engaged full-time and exclusively in the prosecution of the Work continuously until their role is completed, unless prior release is approved or directed by Owner; provided however, Key Personnel may be removed by Contractor without Owner’s consent for (a) termination of a Key Personnel’s employment with the Contractor or its Affiliates, or (b) a Key Personnel dying, retiring, resigning, or becoming seriously ill, or a serious illness or death in the family of a Key Personnel. Revisions to the organizational structure of Key Personnel shall be subject to Owner’s prior approval, and replacement of, or additions to, such Key Personnel shall only be made with persons having qualifications equal to or better than those replaced or added to, and shall be similarly subject to Owner’s prior approval. All requests for the substitution of Key Personnel shall include a detailed explanation and reason for the request and the resumes of professional education and experience for a minimum of two (2) candidates of suitable qualifications and experience. Owner shall respond within ten (10) days of receiving the resumes with its written approval or detailed comments as to why approval is not granted. Should Owner approve of the replacement of a Key Personnel, Contractor shall allow for an overlap of a minimum of two (2) weeks during which both the Key Personnel to be replaced and the Owner-approved new Key Personnel shall work together full time. Owner may if it is concerned with the performance thereof request in writing the removal of, and Contractor shall promptly remove and replace, any Key Personnel. Contractor agrees that, notwithstanding its other business commitments, it will give the Work a priority and commit sufficient resources to the Work that will enable Contractor to perform its obligations under this Agreement.
Contractor Key Personnel The Contractor shall assign a Corporate OASIS SB Program Manager (COPM) and Corporate OASIS SB Contract Manager (COCM) as Contractor Key Personnel to represent the Contractor as primary points-of-contact to resolve issues, perform administrative duties, and other functions that may arise relating to OASIS SB and task orders solicited and awarded under OASIS SB. Additional Key Personnel requirements may be designated by the OCO at the task order level. There is no minimum qualification requirements established for Contractor Key Personnel. Additionally, Contractor Key Personnel do not have to be full-time positions; however, the Contractor Key Personnel are expected to be fully proficient in the performance of their duties. The Contractor shall ensure that the OASIS SB CO has current point-of-contact information for both the COPM and COCM. In the event of a change to Contractor Key Personnel, the Contractor shall notify the OASIS SB CO and provide all Point of Contact information for the new Key Personnel within 5 calendar days of the change. All costs associated with Contractor Key Personnel duties shall be handled in accordance with the Contractor’s standard accounting practices; however, no costs for Contractor Key Personnel may be billed to the OASIS Program Office. Failure of Contractor Key Personnel to effectively and efficiently perform their duties will be construed as conduct detrimental to contract performance and may result in activation of Dormant Status and/or Off-Ramping (See Sections H.16. and H.17.).
Replacement of Key Personnel The Engineer must notify the State in writing as soon as possible, but no later than three business days after a project manager or other key personnel is removed from association with this contract, giving the reason for removal.
Sub-loop Elements 2.8.1 Where facilities permit, BellSouth shall offer access to its Unbundled Sub-Loop (USL) elements as specified herein.
Service Level Expectations Without limiting any other requirements of the Agreement, the Service Provider shall meet or exceed the following standards, policies, and guidelines:
Elements Defines the individual components under each indicator