Customer Rates Sample Clauses

Customer Rates a. Transaction costs and acquisition premium – Parent will agree not to seek rate recovery of any transaction costs (including advisory fees), acquisition premiums, goodwill or control premiums or fees incurred in connection with the transaction. b. Rate case filing plans – Parent plans, consistent with its current business plan for its electric utilities, to file general rate proceedings for each of those electric utilities and anticipates filing a general rate proceeding for the acquired utility subsidiaries consistent with its current business plans. c. Allocation of costs among affiliates – Parent agrees that each of its utility subsidiaries will provide an updated cost allocation manual to the Kansas Corporation Commission explaining the basis of allocation factors used to assign costs to each utility, and will further agree that the Kansas Corporation Commission may examine accounting records of its affiliates to determine the reasonableness of such allocation factors and cost assignments.
Customer Rates. The Contractor shall be responsible for billing and collecting funds from Single-family Residence, Multifamily, and Commercial Customers in accordance with the charges for services listed in Exhibit B. The Contractor may reduce or waive at its option, but shall not exceed, the charges listed in Exhibit B. The payment of charges for services listed in Exhibit B by Customers shall comprise the entire compensation due to the Contractor. In no event shall the City be responsible for money that the Contractor, for whatever reason, is unable to collect. The Contractor shall provide low-income seniors and low-income disabled citizens with a discount consistent with other City utilities, which be revised from time to time. The City will provide the Contractor with a list of Customers who met the City’s qualifications for utility discounts. The payment of charges for services listed in Exhibit B by Customers shall comprise the entire compensation due to the Contractor. In the event that a Customer places Excluded Materials or Unacceptable Materials in a Container, and the Contractor collects those materials inadvertently and incurs extraordinary expenses dealing with those materials, the Contractor may charge the Customer the actual costs of managing those materials, as approved by the City. Actual costs shall include additional transportation, handling, and disposal costs incurred by the Contractor for handling only those specific materials traceable to that Customer. The City is not required under this Contract to make any payments to the Contractor for the Services performed, or for any other reason, except as specifically described in this Contract, or for services the City obtains as a Customer. In the event that Contractor or a Customer desires services not specifically addressed in this Contract, the Contractor shall propose service parameters and a rate to the City in writing, based on an adjacent Contractor WUTC tariff if the Contractor operates in such an area or an average of surrounding WUTC tariffs if the Contractor does not operate in an adjacent WUTC tariff area. Upon the City’s written approval, the Contractor may provide the requested services. In no case shall the Contractor provide unauthorized services or charge unauthorized rates.
Customer Rates. Year One (1) 8/1/17 - 7/31/18 Year Two (2) 8/1/2018 - 7/31/2019 Year Three (3) 8/1/2019 - 7/31/2020 Year Four (4) 8/1/2020- 7/31/2021 Year Five (5) 8/1/2021 - 7/31/2022 Plan C: 95 Gallon Refuse cart (unlimited) and 95 Gallon Recycling cart (unlimited) With yard waste, three bags per week Per month billed to resident $17.50 $17.94 $18.39 $18.84 $19.32 Additional 95 gallon refuse cart Monthly charge Billed to resident $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 Additional 95 gallon recycling cart Monthly charge Billed to resident $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 Landscape Cart Monthly charge Billed to resident $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 Special Collection (per cubic yard) Pre-paid by resident $25.00 Per cubic yard $25.00 Per cubic yard $25.00 Per cubic yard $25.00 Per cubic yard $25.00 Per cubic yard Additional Bulk Items (per item) Pre-paid by resident $35.00 Peritem $35.00 Per item $35.00 Per item $35.00 Per item $35.00 Peritem Yard Waste Stickers $3.35 p/sticker All paying households will receive one (1) garbage toter and one (1) recycle toter as part of their monthly service charge. Additional toters are a separate charge. All paying households will receive a 95 gal recycling toter. Residential collection billed as a flat fee to residents shall include: a) Garbage and Recyclables - Unlimited weekly curbside collection of items placed in approved containers. b) Bulk Materials One (1) item per residence per week included in flat fee. Additional Bulk Materials and all White Goods shall be collected as special collection arranged by resident and Contractor. c) Household Construction & Demolition Debris shall be collected as a special collection arranged by resident and Contractor. d) Landscape/Yard Waste -Yard Waste collection service shall be offered from April 1st through November 30th, in accordance with the customer rates referenced above. Three (3) bags per week per household. May rent a toter from Prairieland for a fee, billed to resident. e) Christmas tree Pick-up -HOA-wide curbside Christmas tree pickup collection shall be provided by the Contractor the first two full weeks of January, as part of the flat fee. f) E scrap can be dropped off, for no additional charge, at our Lake Barrington Recycling Center. One (1) TV per household per year.
Customer Rates. Except for Connection Fees established pursuant to this Agreement, the Town shall establish rates, charges and fees for water customers within the Project in the same manner as they are established for other Town customers generally. While it is anticipated that rates, charges and fees within the Project will be the same as those established in the Town generally, nothing herein shall preclude Town from establishing different rates, charges and fees for the Project if cost justified, after considering any subsidy payments made hereunder by the Van Tuyl Entities. However, the rates, charges and fees for the Project shall be no more than 100% higher than the same rates, charges, and fees for other Town customers without the consent of Vanwick, LLC.
Customer Rates. (i) Upon the Implementation Date and effective with the date of the first meter reading for the first billing cycle of November 2013, Tampa Electric shall be authorized to increase its base rates and service charges by $57.5 million of annual revenues, based on the projected 2014 test year billing determinants reflected in the Minimum Filing Requirements (“MFRs”) filed with the company’s April 5, 2013 Petition in this proceeding, adjusted to reflect actual Residential Service (“RS”) tier proportion billing determinant data on a 12 month basis ending July 31, 2013 in the amounts and manner shown in the rate design materials attached hereto as Exhibit A. (ii) Effective with the date of the meter reading for the first billing cycle of November 2014, Tampa Electric shall be authorized to increase its base rates by an additional $7.5 million of annual revenues (for a total increase of $65.0 million over the company’s currently authorized base rates), based on the projected test year billing determinants reflected in the Minimum Filing Requirements (“MFRs”) filed with the company’s April 5, 2013 Petition in this proceeding, adjusted to reflect actual RS tier proportion billing determinant data on a 12 month basis ending July 31, 2014. (iii) Effective with the date of the meter reading for the first billing cycle of November 2015, Tampa Electric shall be authorized to increase its base rates by an additional $5.0 million of annual revenues (for a total increase of $70.0 million over the company’s currently authorized base rates), based on the projected test year billing determinants reflected in the Minimum Filing Requirements (“MFRs”) filed with the company’s April 5, 2013 Petition in this proceeding, adjusted to reflect actual RS tier proportion billing determinant data on a 12 month basis ending July 31, 2015. (iv) In addition, the company shall be authorized to increase its base rates as set forth in paragraph 6, below, for the Polk 2-5 Generation Base Rate Adjustment. (v) Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, the cost of service support used to calculate the rate increases authorized in this paragraph has been and will be produced, and rates have been and will be designed, based on the FPSC’s practice that no class receive a base rate decrease in an overall base rate increase proceeding and that no class be increased more than 1.5 times the system average percent revenue increase (including clauses). (b) Attached hereto as Exhibit B ar...
Customer Rates. All Customers shall pay for Collection Service in accordance with those rates specified in Attachment C.
Customer Rates. The available interstate rates depend upon Dealer's monthly billing commitment as specified in Exhibit 1. All other rates are specified in Exhibit 2. All rates, terms and conditions of service are set forth in, and are subject to, the applicable MIDCOM tariffs. Both MIDCOM and Dealer understand and agree that all rates are subject to prospective change.
Customer Rates. Each of the Parties covenant and agree to fix, charge, and collect from the users of its Water System charges sufficient to make the payments required of it under this Agreement.
Customer Rates. Customer shall establish and maintain end-user customer rates designed to generate revenues sufficient to satisfy the overall revenue requirement for Customer, including timely payment of all Customer’s obligations under this Agreement, all Energy Contracts and the Security Documents.
Customer Rates. (a) Except as specified in this 2017 Agreement, the company’s general base rates, charges, credits, and rate design methodologies, for retail electric service in effect on December 31, 2017, shall remain in effect for service rendered and charges imposed through and including December 31, 2021, and thereafter until revised by a future unanimous agreement of the Parties approved by a Final Order of the Commission or a Final Order of the Commission issued as the result of a future general base rate proceeding. (b) Except as specified in this 2017 Agreement, the company may not petition to change any of its general base rates, charges, credits, or rate design methodologies for retail electric service with an effective date for the new rates, charges, credits, or rate design methodologies earlier than January 1, 2022. (c) Notwithstanding Subparagraphs 3(a) and 3(b), the company shall be authorized to change its base rates as set forth in Paragraphs 6 and 9, below, in accordance with procedures identified for the SoBRA mechanism and to reduce rates in accordance with Federal Income Tax Reform that may occur during the Term of this 2017 Agreement. (d) The current lock period for the Contracted Credit Value (“CCV”) shall remain 72 months (6 years). (e) The company’s standby generator credit shall be increased from $4.75/kW/month to $5.35/kW/month, concurrent with meter reads for the first billing cycle of January 2018. The CCV credit shall be increased from $9.98/kW/month to $10.23/kW/month for secondary, $9.88/kW/month to $10.13/kW/month for primary, and $9.78/kW/month to $10.03/kW/month for sub-transmission voltage customers, concurrently with meter readings for the first billing cycle of January 2018. To the extent that implementation of these revised credits results in an under-recovery or over-recovery of revenues that are subject to the Energy Conservation Cost Recovery (“ECCR”) clause, the company shall be authorized to make an adjustment to remedy any such under-recovery or over-recovery in its ECCR charges for 2019 and thereafter. The level of these credits will not change during the Term and will remain in effect after the expiration of the Term until changed, if at all, by a future unanimous agreement of the Parties approved by a Final Order of the Commission or a Final Order of the Commission issued as a result of a future general base rate proceeding. The credit modifications addressed in this Subparagraph 3(e) are reflected in the revised tariff she...