Definition of Assigned Obligation Sample Clauses
Definition of Assigned Obligation. The professional obligation of academic support professionals as described in their official job descriptions includes a diversity of duties and responsibilities. The assigned duties of an academic support professional shall be reflected in an annual work plan. Each academic support professional will receive a final work plan for the next year by June 1, effective on July 1. Each assigned duty in the work plan will receive a full-time effort (FTE) percentage value.
(1) For academic support professionals, full-time effort shall be defined as a flexible work week averaging 37.5 hours per week over the academic support professional's period of appointment, as approved by the supervisor.
(2) The assigned obligation of a part-time academic support professional shall be proportionate to her/his appointment.
Definition of Assigned Obligation a. The assigned obligation of teaching faculty shall be 18-24 credit units for the academic year. For each additional month of appointment beyond nine months, the assigned obligation of teaching faculty shall be three credit units outside the academic year. Any additional credit units generated by this specific appointment (such as class size or laboratory component) will be compensated as overload. Any additional credit units not directly related to this specific appointment (such as a departmental summer school appointment) will be compensated in accordance with Article 29.7.
b. Teaching assignments for probationary faculty shall be capped at 21 credit units per academic year during the probationary period. This maximum teaching assignment may be exceeded only if there is demonstrable program need or if requested by the faculty member. When program need is asserted, the reason(s) for such an assertion must be communicated to the affected employee in a timely fashion. If requested by the employee, the reason(s) must be in writing.
c. Probationary faculty shall be provided one semester of six or more credit units of reassigned time for non-instructional activity during a teaching faculty member’s probationary period, assigned by the Department Chair during probationary year three, four or five, in consultation with the faculty member.
d. The assigned obligation of a resource professional shall be as follows:
Definition of Assigned Obligation a. The assigned obligation of teaching faculty shall be 18-24 credit units for the academic year. For each additional month of appointment beyond nine months, the assigned obligation of teaching faculty shall be three credit units outside the academic year. Any additional credit units generated by this specific appointment (such as class size or laboratory component) will be compensated as overload. Any additional credit units not directly related to this specific appointment (such as a departmental summer school appointment) will be compensated in accordance with Article 29.7.
b. Teaching assignments for probationary faculty shall be capped at 21 credit units per academic year during the probationary period. This maximum teaching assignment may be exceeded only if there is demonstrable program need or if requested by the faculty member.
c. Probationary faculty shall be provided one semester of six or more credit units of reassigned time for non-instructional activity during a teaching faculty member’s probationary period, assigned by the Department Chair during probationary year three, four or five, in consultation with the faculty member.
d. The assigned obligation of a resource professional shall be as follows:
a. Unit A Faculty
(1) Teaching Faculty:
(a) Assignment loads are 21 credit hours for Unit A Teaching Faculty. Teaching load may include supervision of special learning activities when such activities and/or projects are a significant part of the workload. For example, curriculum development, composition or writing intensive courses, intensive participation in lower division cohorts, supervision of independent studies and/or thesis/final projects, super- vision and maintenance of laboratories and/or studios, and consistent supervision of field activities such as practice teaching, clinical affiliation, and internships will be considered in the assignment of workload (see Credit Hour Guidelines).
Definition of Assigned Obligation. (a) The assigned obligation of a Teaching Professional shall be two semesters with a range of 21 to 27 Credit Units including three Credit Units assigned for non-instructional professional development activities. The instructional Credit Unit expectation shall be 17 - 20 Credit Units for two semesters. Instructional Credit Units are specified in the Credit Unit Equivalencies under Category A.
(b) The assigned obligation of a Resource Professional shall be 12 months
Definition of Assigned Obligation. The professional obligation of Academic Support Professionals (ASPs) as specified in their job descriptions includes a diversity of duties and responsibilities. At the inception of the employment relationship, each ASP shall be given a general job description which was the basis upon which the position was filled. Within 30 days of the appointment, each ASP will develop with her/his immediate supervisor a job description which more specifically reflects the job assignment for that individual. For ASPs, full-time effort shall be defined as a flexible work week averaging 37.5 hours per week over the ASP's period of appointment, as approved by the supervisor. When the work week exceeds 37.5 hours, “equal time” off shall be granted within a reasonable period of time and shall reflect the real time expended by the employee in preparation and performance of her/his duties. In positions where a traditional 37.5 work week is not reasonably consistent with program need, the supervisor, in consultation with employees of the unit, shall develop a Unit Workload Document (UWD) wherein the workload obligations of each position, throughout the year, are clearly stated, and provisions for the awarding of “equal time” off are made clear. Unit supervisors will forward the UWD with employee comments to the appropriate vice president who, after consultation with the Union Chapter President, will render a decision. Any change in the UWD will be handled in the same way as “modification of a job description” (see Article 32.2.e.). In advising loads, any job description where advising/counseling or extensive student contact is established as a duty, the expected range of advisees / contact people for that work percentage shall be stated in the UWD. The assigned obligation of a part-time ASP shall be proportionate to her/ his appointment. In the case of permanent job reassignment, the ASP must be notified in writing at least two weeks in advance of the permanent reassignment.
Definition of Assigned Obligation. The professional obligation of academic support professionals as described in their official job descriptions includes a diversity of duties and responsibilities. The assigned duties of an academic support professional shall be reflected in an annual work plan. Each academic support professional will receive a final work plan for the next year by June 1, effective on July 1. Each assigned duty in the work plan will receive a full-time effort (FTE) percentage value that accurately reflects the expected amount of effort for each duty.
(1) For academic support professionals, full-time effort shall be defined as a flexible work week averaging 37.5 hours per week over the academic support professional's period of appointment, as approved by the supervisor.
(2) The assigned obligation of a part-time academic support professional shall be proportionate to their appointment.
(3) If an ASP is explicitly and permanently assigned to work from a home office, EIU will follow state law requirements regarding work-related expense reimbursement. Annually, EIU must provide clear guidelines and guidance for reimbursement to affected ASP members within the first 5 business days of each fiscal year.